Surviving Early Morning Flights with a Baby, Toddler, or Young Child

Surviving Early Morning Flights with a Baby or Toddler

I was definitely dreading it, our first flight with baby. It was taking the shine off of our first family vacation . Not only had I read horror story after horror story about how she was going to scream the entire time and everyone would be shooting daggers at us, but I also had to drag my sweetly sleeping baby out of her crib a solid FIVE hours earlier than I usually would! I used to love early morning flights, too!

Why Book an Early Flight?

Booking a flight for 7:30 A.M. made sense at the time. We were always up then anyway. It was only after I had paid for everything that it occurred to me we had to be at the airport THREE hours before that. So we’d be leaving the house 45 minutes before that! We had to get up at what time? Was there any point in even going to bed?

Turns out, with that flight and our subsequent early morning flights at the crack of dawn, those were our easiest travel days. Now we have a system down pat and, if given the choice between an early flight or mid-afternoon, I’ll take early every time…

Tips for Early Morning Flights with Babies & Toddlers:

#1) Pyjamas vs. Clothes

Put them to bed in their travel clothes. Some just bring their kids on board in their pyjamas, but I’ll leave that to Paris Hilton (is she even around anymore?). I choose travel clothes for my kids that are comfortable, but still look like actual clothes.

#2) Rise and Shine

Get up earlier than everyone else, get dressed, and finish the packing. Load up the car and warm it up if necessary.

#3) Make the Transfer

About five minutes before you have to leave, lift child out of bed and straight into their coat and into the car. Make sure they have their stuffie, woobie, or blanket in hand. If they have a pacifier in bed, let them keep it.

The Morning After the Flight Before…

The Airport and Beyond…

Some kids might actually go back to sleep for the ride to the airport (mine didn’t). But, I’ve found they’re so stunned at being up and out that they just kind of sit there in shock. Once at the airport, pack them into your stroller or carrier and have a drink (for them) handy. Yours can come later!

Don’t I need to change their diaper?

Usually you don’t have to worry about a diaper change or breakfast until you’re at the gate since they’d normally still be sleeping at that time anyway.

By the time you’re in the air, your baby may or may not doze off. But, depending on your destination, you’re pretty much guaranteed a healthy nap after lunch AND an early bedtime. By day two of your trip you should all be raring to go.

One of my fondest memories of our first trip is from the morning we first arrived. We’d landed and were all set up in our resort in Cuba by lunchtime, so we went to the poolside grill for a bite. Megan was sitting on my husband’s lap, eating toast soldiers. She fell asleep in his arms, mid-bite. I was able to change her out of her swimsuit and swimming diaper and into a regular diaper and onesie, wrap her in a blanket, and put her down on a lounger, all without waking her. She slept there for two hours, while we enjoyed café con leche by the pool.

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See Also:

Tips for Flying with an Infant or Toddler at Every Age & Stage

Tips for Airport Security with Babies & Toddlers

Planning Your First Trip with Baby

A Complete Guide to Buying & Using Travel Car Seats

Printable Baby Packing Lists

What to Wear When Flying with Babies & Toddlers

*Photo by Margaret Whiston  on  Unsplash

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