Guide to Getting Last Supper Tickets in Milan

The Last Supper, or " Il Cenacolo" in Italian, resides in the refectory of the Santa Maria delle Grazie Church. This internationally renowned mural showcases the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, whose innovative painting techniques and compelling narrative have captivated audiences for centuries.
The Last Supper is not just a painting; it is an experience. The visual narrative, the architectural brilliance of the refectory, and the historical significance of the site all weave together a captivating tale that leaves visitors profoundly moved. Owing to its historical and artistic significance, obtaining tickets to see "The Last Supper" can be a bit challenging.
The number of visitors allowed is limited to less than a thousand per day, with tickets corresponding to a 15-minute slot, allowing a maximum of 18 people per slot. This guide aims to clarify the reservation process, ensuring you secure your desired timeslot to appreciate this masterpiece in 2023.
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