Columbia Icefields – Hiking on the Athabasca Glacier with IceWalks

Photographing in the Columbia Icefields of Canada At first glistening crunch, I knew I was back in my happy place. Hearing the sound of ice crunching beneath my crampons, watching as the ice sparkled before my eyes, and marveling as my mind attempted to soak in the immense beauty as it piled in icy chunks toward the head (the top). Glacial landscapes are an environment like no other, and I’m about to share how you can walk upon one! Athabasca Glacier in Alberta, Canada, is one of the most accessible glaciers in the world. Located within the Columbia Icefields on the Icefields Parkway, it’s roughly a one-hour drive from Jasper and two hours to Banff. While you can cruise on by and catch views from the car, it’s beyond worth stopping and staring a little longer. Or, spending a few days gazing upon the magnificent mountainside formations if you’re like me and can’t bear to look away. What makes this glacier so special is that you’re able to get up close to something that’s normally the result of a multi-day hike, hidden in a distant alpine valley. Glaciers are formed when snow accumulates over time, turning to ice over many...
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