Should You Wear Activewear Traveling? (Hell Yes!)

It's something people have strong opinions on - should you wear activewear casually, in public. Should you wear lycra onto a plane? Personally, I'm a fan.
Activewear is the best travel wardrobe ever created, and I'm not ashamed to say it; leggings and a sports bra are the perfect clothes to travel in. It's called athleisure, and while Paris your gym clothes might spark reactions from certain cliques, I probably think the same of women wearing stilettos to explore as they do of me (though kudos to their pain threshold - seriously!!).
Active wear is built to be comfy, easy to wash, odor resistant, and means you can pack less. Fabrics can take a beating while still looking fresh, and wearing it is practical, versatile and effortless. So when I'm asked 'should you wear active wear while traveling?' my response is a resouding 'Hell Yes!'.
The post Should You Wear Activewear Traveling? (Hell Yes!) appeared first on Mapping Megan .

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