Tulum Digital Nomad Experience at CasitAlyssa

If you’ve ever said you want to live my life, here’s your chance to have the ultimate Tulum digital nomad experience at CasitAlyssa! My new part-time home in the Mexican riviera!

Right now I am not listing my home on Airbnb or other websites, because I want to offer it to my readers and followers, and those who really want to experience what it’s like living this beautiful part of Mexico.

If you’re looking for the ideal place to de-stress, get shit done, be inspired, and at the same time, have fun and go on adventures, definitely try it out!

CasitAlyssa will be available for monthly rentals and will be considered for weekly rentals. It includes everything you need, including my secret local insider guide to Tulum that I don’t post publicly!

Here’s more info about CasitAlyssa!

Location: La Veleta, Tulum

La Veleta is the “up and coming” area of Tulum, where CasitAlyssa is located, as well as the famous spiritual center, Holistika. It is still very much being developed, so expect some bumpy dirt roads and a lot of construction for now!

Despite some negative people on the internet, the homes being built in La Veleta are not in fact “pushing locals out”, as this area is brand new, and the land is not taking over any existing homes.

Anyway, you can get around Tulum by bicycle if you’re up for it, but I recommend motorbike (scooter) if you know how to drive one! Both are available to rent through CasitAlyssa for low pricing.

CasitAlyssa is located just 11 minutes from the famous beach area of Tulum, and just 6 minutes to the main highway/downtown area.

CasitAlyssa Features and Inclusions

Small, 3 story building in the jungle

dining/working, living area

Kitchen with all the essentials

Cozy living room

Projector mini theater

Plunge pool with warm or cold water

Side terrace

Amazing reading material 
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