Complete a Travel Memory Book by the End of Your Trip? Yes, Please!

On my first trip to Japan at 14, I got permission to take the family digital camera, and went truly overboard with photos. No-one could believe I returned home with ... wait for it ... 200 photos. Fastforward 20 years and we now take that many on our smartphones in less than an hour!
I got home from that trip, printed my favorites, and pulled out my scrapbook kit (glue, glitter, scissors - the whole thing!), to put together an amazing book of memories. And I've not completed a single scrapbook since.
Scrapbooking to preserve our travel memories is one of those things we'd all love to have time for, but unlike our 14 year old selves, as adults it's a project we don't have time to even begin. So our photos sit on harddrives, get buried in Facebook feeds, and we never have time to look at them again.
But what if you could finish a digital travel memory book BEFORE you even return from your trip? Something which was already designed for you, with very little time input, but produces an awesome product at the end? My friend Laura has you covered with her "On-the-Go Digital Travel Memory Book TOOLKIT".
The post Complete a Travel Memory Book by the End of Your Trip? Yes, Please! appeared first on Mapping Megan .

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