How to Sleep Better While Traveling: 10 Tips and Tricks

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Traveling is fun but can leave you feeling exhausted. Read on for tips and tricks to sleep better when you’re traveling.
Getting a good night’s sleep during travel, especially when you’re flying solo , can be quite challenging. The unfamiliar environment, jet lag, and disruptions to your regular routine often leave you tossing and turning when all you need is some restful slumber.
But with the right strategies, catching those precious Z’s on the road can become easier than you think. Let’s dive into these effective methods for achieving quality rest while traveling.
10 Tips and Tricks to Sleep Better While Traveling
In this article, we’ve gathered 10 practical tips and tricks to help you sleep better while traveling so that your trips are just as enjoyable and rejuvenating as staying at home.
1. Create a Sleep-Conducive Environment
You’ll be away from your own bed for a while, so it’s extra important that you create a sleep-conductive environment. For example, invest in a comfortable travel pillow and an eye mask. Bring some noise-canceling headphones to eliminate distracting sounds.
Invest in a good sleep mask for your travels. Photo by Yana Tikhonova via iStock by Getty Images
2. Stick to a Routine
Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is very important, so try going to bed around the same time each night during your travels. This will help your body know when it’s time for rest. If you’ll be in a different time zone, train your body to sleep at an appropriate time for that time zone.
Make sure you get plenty of sleep while you’re on vacation. Photo by fizkes via iStock by Getty Images
3. Be Mindful of Your Diet
Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol too close to bedtime, which may cause discomfort or sleep disruptions. Alcohol before bed can increase the suppression of REM during the first two cycles . For this reason, choose lighter fare and relaxing beverages instead.
4. Limit Screen Time Before Bed
The blue light produced by screens can mess with melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep. Blue light can suppress melatonin for approximately 3 hours . Set aside some quiet downtime before bed by turning off electronic devices an hour before bedtime.
Establish a good bedtime ritual by reading a book rather than using electronics. Photo by jacoblund via iStock by Getty Images
5. Try Relaxation Techniques
Practice deep breathing exercises or listen to soothing music as you prepare for sleep each night while traveling. These methods can help clear your mind and relax your body. If you want to sleep better and calm a busy mind, try meditating 10 minutes before bed.
6. Exercise During the Day
Incorporate physical activity into your travel itinerary so you feel tired at night, making it easier to drift off once in bed. However, don’t exercise vigorously before bed, which can make you less tired. Instead, go for a walk or do five minutes of weight training.
Find spaces to do workouts wherever you travel. Photo by inewsistock via iStock by Getty Images
7. Use Natural Sleep Aids
Consider supplements like melatonin or other natural alternatives such as valerian root extract or chamomile tea, known for their calming effects on the body. You could also try sleep gummies containing THC or CBD, but check if you can legally fly with them.
CBD or THC gummies can help you sleep. Photo by Adrienne Saldivar via iStock by Getty Images
8. Adjust Sleeping Positions During Flights
On long-haul flights, try different seating positions that promote better comfort and restfulness by using supportive props like neck pillows or leg rests where possible. If you can, adjust the seat back to lay comfortably.
Inside an airline cabin. Image by Ty Yang via Pixabay
9. Minimize Jet Lag Symptoms
While gradually adjusting your sleeping schedule ahead of your trip can help minimize jet lag symptoms, other things can help. For example, you could arrive at your destination early, properly time bright light exposure, and get plenty of rest before your trip.
10. Stay Hydrated Throughout the Journey
Drinking water regularly during travel can help prevent dehydration and exhaustion when you’re not hydrated. This simple practice will make staying alert during daytime activities easier and promotes sleeping better at night. Plus, it can help your overall health.
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Now That You Can Sleep Better While Traveling
With these simple tips and tricks, you’ll sleep better while traveling, so now you can choose where to travel. Let Wander With Wonder be your guide when selecting the destinations of your dreams . We can also offer more travel tips to help you prepare for your journey.
How to Sleep Better While Traveling: 10 Tips and Tricks
The post How to Sleep Better While Traveling: 10 Tips and Tricks appeared first on Wander With Wonder .