Monday is the Fourth of July Holiday in the U.S.: Here’s What’s Open and What’s Closed for This Year’s Observance

Monday is the Fourth of July, Independence Day in the United States. This year, many observances of the holiday will return to what resembles pre-pandemic era celebrations, although the pandemic continues to rage on.
Nonetheless, there will be a marked return to some degree of normalcy when compared to how the Fourth was celebrated in 2020.
Although only two-thirds of the country is fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, many of the annual festivities celebrated in past years will take place.  In contrast to last year, where President Joseph Biden prematurely proclaimed that July 4 would be an “independence day” from the pandemic, no one is making such prognostications this year.
As has been the case over the past two centuries, there will be numerous politicians and dignitaries in attendance at festivals, parades, and cookouts across the country.
Independence Day, a federal holiday that celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence after the Continental Congress declared the thirteen American colonies to be a new and independent nation, no longer part of the British Empire.
The holiday is associated with family picnics, barbecues, fireworks, parades, and baseball games among other festivities. John Adams, the country’s first vice president and second president, predicted that the day would be celebrated as a “great anniversary Festival” and he wanted it to be commemorated with “Pomp and Parade, with Shews [shows], Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more,” he wrote in a letter to his wife, Abigail Adams, on July 3, 1776.
As a footnote, both Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the nation’s third president, died on the same day, July 4, 1826.
Adams did not write this during a pandemic, however.
Macy’s, which sponsors what many consider to be the unofficial national fireworks display, will once again light up the East River with a pyrotechnic salute to the United States.
Meanwhile, here’s what you need to know about what’s open for business and operating in the United States – and what isn’t – this holiday weekend.
GOVERNMENT OFFICES   All Federal government offices are closed on Sunday and Monday, as will be almost all city and state offices.  For most Federal employees, the Fourth of July will be treated as a holiday.  State government office closures will vary by location. The same goes for local municipal offices.
POST OFFICE   Open on Saturday, closed Sunday and Monday. No regular mail delivery on Monday except for Priority Mail Express, formerly known as Express Mail. Regular service resumes on Tuesday.
BANKS   Financial institutions will be open on Saturday and closed on Sunday and Monday.
SHOPS AND MARKETS   Varies by store. Some may be open but have shorter hours. Some stores will offer holiday sales.
SCHOOLS Any that are holding classes currently will likely be closed Monday.
FINANCIAL MARKETS The nation’s stock and bond markets will be closed on Sunday and Monday.
TRANSPORTATION Most local transportation systems, such as buses, subways, and commuter rail systems, will operate on Sunday or holiday schedules Monday with weekend service on Saturday. Airports are open although most flyers will make it to their destinations in advance of the holiday. Expect traffic on highways leading to beaches.
(Photo: Accura Media Group)