Whitewater Rafting: 3 Travel Insurance Myths Debunked

It’s almost summer ; and it’s finally time to make t hat outdoor adventure travel getaway you’ve been dreaming about , a reality ! Have you considered any water sports activities? And if so, a re you up to ‘ testing the waters’ with whitewater rafting? Before tak ing your travels to the next level , be sure to purchas e travel insurance coverage before you go! Whether you’re travelling abroad or out-of-province, t o help you know what to look and plan for, we’ve identified and debunked 3 myths related to whitewater rafting travel insurance. Read on!  

Myth 1: It’s hard to find whitewater rafting travel insurance 
Finding travel insurance including whitewater rafting might be hard—if you didn’t already know of TuGo and our offering. But the good news is, you’re here, so we’ll tell you how simple it can be!   
TuGo’s Emergency Medical Insurance automatically covers all levels of whitewater rafting, except for Class VI; if you’re travelling to experience that level of extreme adventures, then you’ll need to add Sports & Activities Coverage to your Emergency Medical Insurance.  
If you’re a frequent paddler, adrenaline junky and/or adventure traveller, you might want to think about the convenience of an annual travel insurance policy !  
Myth 2: I signed the company’s waiver, so I’m covered with insurance
All rafters are required to know how to swim, maneuver the raft over and around rocks, and paddle through drops into turbulent waters ― no easy feat! Even if the rafting company’s website says, “it’s safe”, you’re taking on a number of risks: sprained wrists, concussions, or worse….   
Don’t confuse the rafting company’s waiver with insurance! If you’ve signed a form, it’s likely not about insurance coverage. Signing a liability waiver will release the company of any responsibility, but won’t protect you. Some rafting companies might offer travel insurance, but make sure you know the maximum limits and exactly what it covers, especially if you’re abroad.  
More than ever, our need to feel safe and protected is paramount. Make sure you understand your travel insurance policy , before leaving on your travels.  

Myth 3 : I’m Canadian, so I don’t need travel insurance in other provinces  
If you’re a Canadian travelling to another province to sample one of our country’s many iconic whitewater rapids, emergency medical travel insurance is a must! What a lot of Canadians don’t know is that within Canada travel insurance provides coverage for the expenses above and beyond provincial healthcare coverage like ambulance rides, dental accidents, prescriptions, crutches, wheelchairs, and more.  
Travellers who get in accidents are often surprised by additional bills that add up fast. Save yourself hundreds of dollars in case you’re in a rafting accident or if something happens before you even get in the boat!
Happy travels, and enjoy the rapids!  
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in August 2014 and has been updated for freshness and/or accuracy.  
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