Melbourne Vs Sydney: Choosing which city to live in

With living costs across the US rising, it’s no surprise that many American citizens are choosing to pack their bags and move to Australia. If you’re one of them, before you pack your belongings up ready to ship them from the USA to Australia, you’ll want to consider which city to live in. To help you decide, we’ve rounded up some key considerations when it comes to living in each city. Weather If you’re trying to decide which city is right for you, one of the first things to be aware of is the weather. Unlike Sydney where it’s normally T-shirt weather all year round, Melbourne is significantly cooler during June and August (their winter). As such, you’ll need to pack a few layers and jumpers if a move to Melbourne is on the cards. However, Sydney can also be wet and is often more humid than Melbourne, which should also be taken into consideration. What is there to do? If you’re moving to Australia, you’ll also want to make sure there’s plenty to do. Luckily, you won’t be short of options in either city. If you’re an outdoorsy type, Sydney is likely to be the best fit. Outdoor activities […]
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The post Melbourne Vs Sydney: Choosing which city to live in appeared first on Dame Traveler .