Maine Windjammer Cruises: Sailing the Schooner J & E Riggin

There's no better way to take in the breathtaking beauty of coastal Maine than on windjammer cruises.

A trip aboard a historic Maine windjammer is to cast aside set itineraries and travel where the wind takes you. You'll cruise by uninhabited islands, lighthouses, and small towns only accessible by boat.

Recently, I embarked on a thrilling Maine sailing vacation aboard the Schooner J & E Riggin out of Rockland.

Schooner J & E Riggin

From the moment I stepped aboard the J & E Riggin, with its two tall masts and crisp sails, I was in another world. The language and customs of sailing ruled, and I had much to learn.

My windjammer cruise in Penobscot Bay, Maine, was more than just a pleasure ride—it was a chance to connect with nature, history, wildlife, and a community of like-minded travelers.

From the thrill of hoisting the sails to the serenity of anchoring in secluded coves, I'll take you through life's daily joys on a nearly 100-year-old sailboat.

You'll discover the unique charm of a schooner like the J & E Riggin (a National Historic Landmark), the crew's camaraderie, and the culinary delights prepared in the ship's galley.

So grab your sea legs and come aboard as we sail on a Maine windjammer cruise that's sure to inspire your next adventure!

Intro to Windjamming

Windjammers in Rockland

But wait, what's windjamming? I was wondering the same thing when I received the generous invitation from the Maine Windjammer Association .

Windjammers are commercial sailboats with multiple masts that are used to transport cargo.

For example, the J & E Riggin is a two-masted schooner built in 1927 to function as an oyster dredger. It was named after its first Captain, Charles Riggin, and his two sons, Jacob and Edward.

As sailing gave way to more efficient means of powering cargo vessels, some traditional schooners were rebuilt to accommodate overnight guests.

However, the 120-foot-long, 61-ton J & E Riggin still has no inboard engine. It continues to rely on wind power, as originally intended.

When there's no wind, a 16-foot yawl boat with a diesel-powered engine pushes and navigates the schooner in and out of harbors.

This small but mighty motorboat also transports guests to and from land as needed.

Maine Windjammer Association

Windjammer Wharf

The Maine Windjammer Association represents “the largest fleet of traditional tall ships in the Americas.”

While each of the ships is “independently owned and operated,” all owners work together to promote windjamming in Maine.

The fleet features nine windjammers operating out of two home ports (Rockland Harbor and Camden Harbor) in Midcoast Maine:

Schooner American Eagle (Rockland)

Schooner Grace Bailey (Rockland)

Schooner Heritage (Rockland)

Schooner J & E Riggin (Rockland)

Schooner Ladona (Rockland)

Schooner Stephen Taber (Rockland)

Windjammer Angelique (Camden)

Schooner Lewis R. French (Camden)

Schooner Mary Day (Camden)

A 10th, the three-masted Victory Chimes, was decommissioned in 2022 and sold at auction in 2023.

It was acquired by two brothers in New York City who've built a business on turning old boats into floating restaurants.

Arriving in Rockland

LimeRock Inn

Thanks to the Maine Office of Tourism, I was afforded a comfortable night at the LimeRock Inn, a lovely B&B within walking distance from the town center.

Cruise passengers are asked to arrive at the J & E Riggin, docked at Windjammer Wharf, between 5 and 6 p.m. on the first day.

I used my free time beforehand to explore Rockland's museums and harbor. I also picked up last-minute items at Maine Sport Outfitters , including binoculars and rain gear.

Downtown Rockland is walkable, which is helpful because rideshare services don't operate there. However, two local taxi companies are available if you need help.

Maine Sip & Sail Cruise

Most Maine windjammer cruises offer themed tours . I'd be joining the J & E Riggin for their first Sip & Sail Cruise featuring craft beers of Maine.

Throughout the cruise, we'd be sampling craft beers and ciders made in the state and stopping at two local breweries.

Day 1: Boarding the J & E Riggin

J & E Riggin

A few minutes before 5 p.m., I rolled my luggage from the B&B to Windjammer Wharf. Given the small cabins, a duffel bag or backpack is the preferred choice for sailing.

But I had to pack for a wedding in Boston , so they weren't an option. Having a carry-on size piece of luggage was manageable, but I'd avoid it.

Soon after I arrived, Captain Justin Schaefer pulled into the parking lot. We'd met a few months earlier in Portland at AdventureELEVATE, a travel conference I attended.

Captain Justin (left) with guests

He introduced me to his wife, and co-owner of the J & E Riggin, Captain Jocelyn Schmidt. They each have a 100-ton captain's license. However, Jocelyn's primary role now is that of chef.

Captain Justin carried my luggage down the dock, and I boarded my first windjammer cruise in Maine.

My Cabin

I was shown to cabin #3 in the front third of the boat. Getting down to all the cabins requires stepping backward down a near-vertical ladder. Luggage is best passed down from one person to another.

Inside my cabin were two single beds with mattresses, clean sheets, blankets, quilts, and towels. There was one ceiling light and a small window that could be opened a few inches.

Cabin #3

Every cabin has its own sink with fresh water. The cabins in the front of the boat have plumbing that requires guests to tap on a plastic pedal on the floor to drain water.

It's a bit laborious, though it encouraged me to use the clean water efficiently to brush my teeth and wash my face. A shelf provides space for toiletries, and there's a little mirror on the wall.

Each bunk has a reading light and shelf for storage. Since Kel couldn't join me for the cruise, I used the extra bed to lay out my clothes.

Two USB ports are available to charge electronic devices like cell phones, and a 12V outlet is helpful for CPAP machines (for guests with sleep apnea).

View from my bed.

If you're a CPAP user like me, you must buy a 12V adapter to work with the outlet. I paid $40 for one on, and it worked fine.

Additional items provided in each cabin include a small LED flashlight and a padded, stadium-style seat for use on the main deck.

The tight quarters are a part of the windjamming experience. The schooner is anchored in the evenings, so you're not trying to sleep while on the move.

Now that you've seen where I slept for four nights, you might be wondering about the bathroom situation.


A typical toilet on Maine windjammer cruises

The J & E Riggin has two toilets. They're called “heads” in sailing speak. Both heads are on the main deck, adjacent to each other. These small bathrooms feature toilets that require a little manual labor.

First, you do your business. Then close the lid and pump the lever 10-12 times until it hisses. Lift the top, and if everything is gone, your work is done. If not, you have to repeat the process.

If, after multiple tries, it's still not clear, you're encouraged to notify a crew member, who, much to their credit, will take care of it. Additionally, the heads are cleaned three times a day.

The toilet paper is thin since these sailboat toilets are a bit sensitive. And you're asked only to use 6-8 squares to reduce the odds of them clogging.

One of the heads also features a handheld shower. Showers can only be taken while the boat is anchored, which is to say after breakfast but before setting sail or after it's anchored (up until 10 p.m.).

Crew members made hot water available for those wanting a shower. I didn't bother, choosing to wash my face regularly and double up on deodorant instead. Chalk it up to this unique travel experience.

You won't be alone, and nobody on windjammer cruises in Maine will judge you for it.

Dinette and Galley

The dinette

Weather permitting, most meals are served on the main deck. But there's also a galley and dining area below deck.

Thankfully, we only had one meal in this room (lunch on the first day as it was drizzling). It was a tight squeeze, and you immediately missed the views and breeze.

Old photos of the J & E Riggin, and more recent plaques from friendly races with the other Maine windjammers, decorate the space. Some books about sailing and Maine are available as well.

Wood stove

Anchoring the kitchen is a large, black wood-burning stove named Lucy. It looks formidable, and I was surprised to learn there's always a fire burning, even while sailing and sometimes overnight.

For safety reasons, a crew member is always awake on the boat, including in the wee hours of the morning. As you'll soon see, the galley crew can create some epic meals here.

Captain's Call

At 6 p.m., there was a Captain's Call after all the guests loaded their luggage on the schooner.

He introduced himself, Jocelyn, and their experienced crew, which included:

Alex, the First Mate (a supervisory role)

Elias, the Deckhand (who does what Alex asks)

Keegan, the Galley Hand (who assists Jocelyn with the cooking)

Nancy, an Apprentice (who was a passenger the previous year)

Jenny, the Social Media Manager (and who helps with other tasks as needed)

We learned how to use the heads and when we could shower. And guests were asked to keep noise levels down from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Then, Justin set us free to grab dinner in Rockland. We'd return afterward and spend our first night aboard the J & E Riggin at Windjammer Wharf.

Day 2: Sailing to New Haven


Pancake breakfast

The next day, I was up at 6:30 a.m. The coffee and hot water for tea and hot chocolate were set out for guests on the main deck. It was 63 F and chilly, with light rain and heavy fog blanketing the harbor.

At 8:15 a.m., a bell on the main deck rang, indicating that breakfast was ready.

Buttermilk pancakes with Maine maple syrup, blueberry syrup, whipped cream, lemon curd, and fruit toppings were available. Plus, bacon, homemade granola, Greek yogurt, and fresh fruits.

As this first breakfast would attest, we wouldn't go hungry on this cruise. There would always be delicious meals, and usually, enough for guests to get seconds.

After breakfast, guests made last-minute purchases in town. Then, those with cars paid $20 each for parking passes.

The First Mate, Alex, gave a safety presentation at 10:45 a.m. where she pointed out where to find life preservers, life rings for anyone who falls overboard, and fire extinguishers.

Leaving Rockland Harbor

A yawl boat pushes Grace Bailey

The schooners depart the harbor as they're ready. Captains communicate when they're heading out, but there are no specific times for each ship to leave.

One by one, they slipped away from the dock. First, the Stephen Taber. Then Grace Bailey. She was followed by the white-hulled Ladona, which has a motor.

Around 11 a.m., the J & E Riggin departed, too. Our yawl boat was used like a mini-tugboat to pull the traditional schooner away from the dock, turn it around, and then push it out of Rockland Harbor.

Given the low visibility, I was amazed at our Captain's ability to steer the 61-ton schooner out of the harbor. Dozens of anchored sailboats were barely visible amid the thick haze.

When we passed the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse, we could barely see it. The mile-long breakwater built to connect it with land disappeared in the mist.

Raising the Sails

Preparing to raise the mainsail

It was 11:30 a.m. when we passed the lighthouse, and the call was given for volunteers to help raise the mainsail. Guests of all ages lined up on the schooner's port (left side) and starboard (right side).

The crew members called commands as each side pulled the rope to raise the 1.5-ton (3,000-pound) mainsail and top beam.

The number of people helping and the built-in mechanical advantages make it doable. Helping out is voluntary, but often guests enjoy this aspect of their Maine windjammer cruises. I did.

J & E Riggin's mainsail

Once the mainsail was raised, the crew and guests raised the three other sails, each requiring less effort and people than the one before it.

Despite playing a small part in raising those sails, I felt proud every time I looked at them.

As we began sailing, I asked the Captain about the gear he used to navigate. He walked me through it all, pointing out the radar and radios.

One device I found interesting notifies him of the closest vessel and how long it would take for the J & E Riggin to intersect with it if both boats remained at the same speed and heading.

Radios, radar, and map


Not long after the sails were raised, we went below deck to the dinette for our first lunch together.

Jocelyn and her Galley Hand, Keegan, had prepared New England clam chowder and strawberry and goat cheese salads.

Fresh-baked biscuits were served with salted butter and honey from Jocelyn's apiary (bee hives). And delicious candied ginger shortbread was served for dessert.

Given the theme of our windjammer cruise was Maine craft beers, everyone could try two beers with every lunch and dinner for the entire trip. On a few occasions, a cider was offered instead of a beer.

For our first tasting, we tried Salad Days, a pale, dry lager by Bunker Brewing Company , and a darker Bar Harbor Real Ale by Atlantic Brewing Company. Between the two, I preferred the latter.

Windjammer Angelique

Once lunch wrapped up, I returned to the main deck, where I caught a glimpse of the dark red sails of the Windjammer Angelique off the port side.

By 2:30 p.m., we were passing along the north coast of Vinalhaven Island, where we could see Browns Head Light Station and lobster boats at work.

Fifteen minutes later, the crew dropped the iron anchor off the port side. The one on the starboard side, we were told, was a “storm anchor” and is not routinely used.

North Haven Brewing Co.

Guests arrive at North Haven.

Captain Justin began ferrying us to North Haven Island using the yawl boat. It was only a minute's walk from the dock to Calderwood Hall, a community center home to North Haven Brewing Co .

The Maine microbrewery opened in 2017 after friends Ben Lovell and Jesse Davisson took their homebrewing hobby to the next level. Ben's sister, Elizabeth, is a co-owner.

Ben and Jesse are fishermen, and their interest in beermaking came about when they had downtime every winter during the off-season.

Beer flight

As part of our Sips and Sails-themed cruise, each guest on the J & E Riggin was entitled to a beer flight.

The brewers invited us each to pick three of the four beers we wanted to sample, with the fourth being their signature Keeper IPA.

I liked the Keeper and Swell beers. The Spark Plug had strong coffee and chocolate flavors. And the Barrel Stove was my least favorite.

North Haven Brewing Co.'s beers are only available at the brewery, which they said provides enough demand to keep them busy. A ferry from Rockland offers regular service to the island.


Iced oysters with assorted toppings

Back on the J & E Riggin, we were welcomed with iced oysters from John's River.

Four salt options were provided, a mignonette, a sliced French baguette from Atlantic Baking Company (Rockland), and three kinds of compound butter.

Dinner followed an hour later, at 6:30 p.m. Lemon and white wine poached Atlantic salmon was served with lemon risotto, butternut squash, tomatoes, and roasted garlic scapes. The fish was excellent.

But wait, there's more! Homemade strawberry rhubarb pie with hand-whipped cream was provided for dessert. What's a little rain and fog when you're fed like royalty?

Day 3: Sailing to Waterman Point

I awoke several times on my second night aboard the J & E Riggin. However, I was always able to drift off quickly again. At 7:30 a.m., it was time to rise and shine. I got dressed and climbed up to the main deck.

I made hot chocolate and indulged in a second helping of strawberry rhubarb pie.

Jocelyn told me guests are likelier to eat the leftover dessert when placed out the following day. And she was right!

A North African tomato-based dish called shakshuka was served with avocados, olives, capers, and Greek yogurt for breakfast. A tasty rosemary focaccia and lemon poppy seed muffins were also available.

Raising the Anchor

Raising the anchor

At 9 a.m., the crew began removing the tarp over the main deck. A guest pointed out a harbor seal swimming through the calm waters. Soon, the fog would clear, and visibility would increase.

We raised the mainsail and second one as well. Then, the crew, with the help of some volunteers, worked together to pull up the 500-pound iron anchor, a strenuous task.

For example, one person's job was to lay the heavy iron chain back in the storage box in an organized fashion.

Once the anchor was up, the J & E Riggin glided forward as the crew secured the anchor to the boat's port side and raised the smaller sails.


Dave on his sailing trip

We saw blue skies for the first time since boarding the J & E Riggin, and everyone was appreciative. My priorities changed from staying warm and dry to wearing enough sunblock.

Since we sailed out of the channel separating North Haven and Vinalhaven islands the same way we'd entered the day before, we got a better look at the scenery.

This included Browns Head Light Station, many beautiful vacation homes, and Fiddlers Ledge, a pillar that marks the end of an underwater ledge that juts out from North Haven island.

Here, sailing at a leisurely 3 knots, we could hear the ringing of a red buoy that marks the entrance to New Haven harbor.

When I asked Captain Justin about top speeds, he said the Riggin hit 10 knots (11.5 miles per hour) during The Great Schooner Race the week before.

He said they begin to take the sails down at 12 knots (13.8 miles per hour).

Owls Head Lighthouse

As we cruised west across West Penobscot Bay toward a brewery on the mainland, the wind died, and we began using the yawl boat to push the mighty schooner. Without the help, we wouldn't move.

Around noon, we passed Owls Head Lighthouse , at which point we began cruising south down the Eastern Seaboard.

This 30-foot lighthouse was built in 1825 and can be visited on foot via Owls Head State Park.

Pulled pork sandwich

Lunch was pulled pork shoulder cooked overnight with scratch-made brioche buns and a housemade BBQ sauce. Gouda and cheddar cheese were available as toppings.

The sandwiches were served with sides of sweet potato hash and cole slaw. For dessert, carrot cake cupcakes. Yum!

The Tumbledown Red, an Irish Red Ale by Tumbledown Brewing , was one of my favorites from the windjammer cruise. I also enjoyed a taste of Freedom's Edge Cider with lunch.

Waterman's Beach Brewery

Drinking beer with J & E Riggin in the background.

At 2:30 p.m., the crew dropped anchor off Waterman Point, and the Captain began ferrying us to shore for our second brewery visit.

Waterman's Beach Brewery is a true Maine original. Before the building housed brewing equipment, it was a family-owned lobster shack for 30 years.

In 2001, Waterman's Beach Lobster Shack won the America's Classic Award from the James Beard Foundation.

By 2016, the owners were ready to retire. That's when Heath Curtis, a scallop fisherman, came up with the idea to turn his mom's lobster shack into a craft brewery.

Three years later, with the help of Brad Frost, co-owner and head brewer, and Brad's wife Anna, the brewery opened.

Beer flight

Everyone had the chance to try four beers, so I chose:

Crown to Coast Kolsch Style Ale

Loowit Session Ale

Sonic Temple Pale Ale

Polka Party (a smoky beer)

My favorite was the Sonic Temple, followed by Crown to Coast.

Captain Justin announced we could order not one but two pints of our favorite beer. As my fellow passengers and I were sampling the beers and enjoying the beautiful ocean view, the J & E Riggin's crew prepared a lobster bake on the beach.

I'm not a huge beer drinker, but it wasn't hard to keep up, given the weather and scenery.

Lobster Bake

Beach lobster bake

First, they set a fire and began grilling corn on the cob. Potatoes were wrapped in aluminum foil before being placed near the fire.

Then, the live Maine lobsters are added to a metal bucket with one inch of salt water. They're covered with kelp found along the beach and steamed for about 20 minutes.

As if that wasn't enough, they also grilled two steaks! We were in for an authentic surf ‘n turf dinner.

Lobster dinner

I experienced my first lobster bake in Portland the week before. However, this one was much more intimate.

The brewery opened on their day off just for us and gave permission to have the lobster bake in their front yard. It demonstrated a sense of community among Mainers.

To cap off our fantastic sunset dinner at an oceanside brewery, the Captain and crew made ooey-gooey s'mores tacos over the campfire.

J & E Riggin at sunset

Once everything had been packed up, we left the beach and brewery as we'd found it. Justin shuttled us back to the J & E Riggin, its mainsail glowing in the fading sun.

It would b

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