Hisma Desert: An Ancient Landscape with a Rich History

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Hisma Desert: An Ancient Landscape with a Rich History
A Guide to the Stunning Hisma Desert of Saudi Arabia
Hisma Desert, located in the Tabuk region of Saudi Arabia, is a stunning natural wonder that boasts a diverse landscape and rich cultural history. The desert is believed to be over 500 million years old, and its red sands and sandstone rock formations offer a tangible link to the beginnings of humanity. The rocks tell stories in the form of ancient artworks left by our ancestors millennia ago.
Amongst spectacular sandstone rock formations, Hisma Desert by NEOM via Unsplash
Jibal Hisma, the sandstone massifs located within the Hisma Desert, is an outstanding, exciting, and delightful experience. Roaming through the maze of these sandstones offers a unique viewpoint on this marvel given to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Each location, each time of the day, each luminosity offers a different perspective on the stunning beauty of this desert. The region is also home to several prominent mountains, including Bajdah, Al-Zeitah, Alqan, and Al-Lowz, which add to the area’s breathtaking scenery.
The Hisma Desert is a popular destination for tourists and travelers who are looking to explore the natural beauty of Saudi Arabia. With its stunning sandstone rock formations, ancient artworks, and diverse landscape, the desert offers visitors a unique and unforgettable experience. Whether you are interested in history or culture or simply want to soak in the beauty of the natural world, the Hisma Desert is a must-see destination.
Geographical Features of Hisma Desert
The Hisma Desert spans from Qaa’ Disi in the northeast to Jabal Al Fara’a in the southeast and to Wadi Sweibit in the southwest. Here are some of the notable geographical features of the Hisma Desert:
The Hisma Desert has several prominent mountains, including Bajdah, Al-Zeitah, Alqan, and Al-Lowz. These mountains offer stunning views and are popular with hikers and climbers. From the top of these mountains, visitors can see the nearby Wadi Rum in Jordan, which adds to the region’s scenic beauty.
Sand Dunes
The Hisma Desert is known for its vast sand dunes, a popular tourist attraction. The red sands of the desert create a striking contrast against the blue skies, making for some stunning photo opportunities. Visitors can participate in sandboarding and dune bashing activities to experience the thrill of riding over the sand dunes.
Sandstone plateau, Hisma Desert – NEOM, Saudi Arabia via Unsplash
The Hisma Desert is also home to several plateaus, including the unique archeological plateau. This plateau offers a wide variety of scenery and enjoys a rich traditional heritage. Visitors can explore the plateau and learn about the history and culture of the region.
Natural rock bridge in the Hisma Desert – NEOM via Unsplash
Rock Formations
The Hisma Desert is also a geological wonder, with rock formations that date back millions of years. The desert is home to an open museum of rock formations, with sandstone massifs that create an outstanding, exciting, and delightful experience for visitors. Each location, each time of the day, and each luminosity offers a unique viewpoint on this marvel that was given to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Climate and Weather Patterns
The Hisma Desert has a harsh and arid climate, characterized by very high temperatures during the day and low temperatures at night. The climate is classified as a hot desert climate, which means that it is very hot and dry throughout the year.
The average temperature in the Hisma Desert during the day is around 38°C, but temperatures can reach up to 50°C during summer. The temperatures can drop significantly at night to around 5°C, making it a very cold and harsh environment. The desert receives very little rainfall, with an average annual rainfall of less than 50mm.
Due to the extreme climate, the Hisma Desert is home to a variety of unique plant and animal species that have adapted to the harsh conditions. Some of the plant species found in the Hisma Desert include acacia trees, date palms, and thorny shrubs. These plants have adapted to the arid conditions by developing long roots that can reach deep into the ground to find water.
The animal species found in the Hisma Desert include reptiles, insects, birds, and mammals. Some of the most common animals found in the desert include the Arabian oryx, sand gazelle, and Nubian ibex. These animals have developed unique adaptations that allow them to survive in the harsh desert environment. For example, the Arabian oryx has long, pointed hooves that help it to navigate through the sand dunes, while the sand gazelle has large ears that help it to dissipate heat and stay cool.
Amongst expansive red sands and spectacular sandstone rock formations, Hisma Desert – NEOM, Saudi Arabia via Unsplash
Flora and Fauna
The Hisma Desert is home to a variety of flora and fauna that have adapted to survive in the harsh desert environment. The region has a diverse landscape and a rich cultural history. Some of the prominent mountains in the region include Bajdah, Al-Zeitah, Alqan, and Al-Lowz.
Cocculus pendulus plant growing on a rock face, Hisma Desert – NEOM, Saudi Arabia via Unsplash
The flora of the Hisma Desert is characterized by drought-resistant plants that can survive in the arid environment. Some of the most common plants found in the region include:

Acacia tortilis: A tree species that is commonly found in the desert regions of Africa and the Middle East. It has a deep root system that allows it to access water from deep underground.
Ziziphus spina-christi: Also known as the Christ’s Thorn Jujube, this tree species is native to the Middle East and Africa. It has thorny branches and can grow up to 10 meters tall.
Tamarix aphylla: A shrub or small tree that is native to the Middle East. It has small, needle-like leaves and can grow up to 12 meters tall.

The fauna of the Hisma Desert is also adapted to the harsh desert environment. Some of the most common animals found in the region include:

Arabian Oryx: A species of antelope native to the Arabian Peninsula. It has long, straight horns and a distinctive white coat.
Sand Cat: A small wild cat found in the deserts of Africa and the Middle East. It has a thick, sandy-colored coat that helps it blend in with its surroundings.
Spiny-tailed Lizard: Also known as the Dhub or Uromastyx, this lizard species is found in the deserts of Africa and the Middle East. It has a spiny tail that it uses to defend itself against predators.

Overall, the flora and fauna of the Hisma Desert have adapted to survive in the extreme desert environment. While the region may seem barren at first glance, it is home to a variety of unique and fascinating plant and animal species.
Amongst expansive red sands and spectacular sandstone rock formations, Hisma Desert – NEOM via Unsplash
Historical Significance
The Hisma Desert, also known as Jibal Hisma, has a rich historical significance. The region is home to diverse inscriptions that reveal a historical heritage and shed light on an ancient past 1 . The desert contains a variety of geological formations that date back to 500 million years, making it an open museum of rock formations 2 .
The Hisma Desert was inhabited by many civilizations, including the Nabataeans, who were known for their advanced water management systems 3 . The Nabataeans built dams, cisterns, and water channels to collect and distribute water in the desert 3 . The region was also used as a trade route between the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant 4 .
In addition to the Nabataeans, the Hisma Desert was also home to other civilizations, including the Thamud and the Lihyanites 1 . The Thamud were known for their rock-cut tombs and inscriptions, while the Lihyanites were known for their extensive inscriptions in the region 1 .
The inscriptions in the Hisma Desert provide valuable insights into the lives of ancient peoples in the region. The inscriptions include rock art, petroglyphs, and inscriptions in various languages, including Arabic, Aramaic, and Thamudic 1 . The inscriptions depict hunting scenes, religious rituals, and daily activities 1 .
The Hisma Desert continues to be an important site for archaeologists and historians to study and understand the ancient civilizations that once thrived in the region. The desert’s rich historical significance and geological formations make it a unique and valuable site for research and exploration 5 .


https://www.arabnews.com/node/1862116/saudi-arabia ? ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5
https://www.spa.gov.sa/2355028 ?
https://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/201105/the.nabataeans.and.water.htm ? ? 2
https://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/201105/a.road.across.the.desert.htm ?
https://whc.unesco.org/document/167432 ?

Exploration and Expeditions
The Hisma Desert has been a subject of exploration and expeditions for centuries. The vastness and remoteness of the desert have attracted explorers, archaeologists, geologists, and adventurers from all over the world. The desert’s rugged terrain, harsh climate, and extreme temperatures have made it a challenging destination for exploration.
Natural rock bridge in the Hisma Desert – NEOM, Saudi Arabia via Unsplash