The First Trip Is the Toughest… Surviving Baby’s First Trip

Practice Makes Perfect. Surviving Baby’s First Trip

Have Baby Will Travel has always been a total cheerleader for family travel. My goal with this site is to inspire and motivate new parents to travel with their babies and toddlers. I think a big part of the motivation comes from hearing stories from other traveling parents.

I came to a realization about 15 years ago. The trip was my (then) four-year-old daughter’s 8th and my (then) nine-month-old son’s 3rd. Other than the usual hassles of a giant pile of luggage and figuring how to make sure both kids are fed and occupied on the travel days, it went off without a hitch. Come to think of it, the very first trip we took with our daughter also went off without a hitch. But, I was still a very stressed out new mom. I wanted to make sure we got to our destination in one piece physically AND mentally. Oh, and enjoy ourselves once we were there.

Baby’s First Trip | Varadero Beach, Cuba

But when I think of that first family vacation , that’s not what I remember. I remember how my daughter kept dozing off in odd places during the first couple of days. And I remember her squeals of absolute joy as she hit the beach and crawled in the sand for the first time. I remember her pointing at a cat and saying “cat.” (We thought she was such a genius!) And then, pointing at a dog and saying “cat.” 
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