DOT trains Virgin Island Service Providers on Filipino Brand of Service Excellence

Out of Town Blog
DOT trains Virgin Island Service Providers on Filipino Brand of Service Excellence
VIRGIN ISLAND, Panglao, Bohol — The Department of Tourism through the Region 7 (Central Visayas) Office, in coordination with the Bohol Tourism Office and the Municipality of Panglao, on Wednesday (August 10), conducted training on The Filipino Brand of Service Excellence (FBSE) to service providers operating in Virgin Island in Panglao, Bohol.
Initiated by the DOT upon receiving information on the alleged overpricing of food served to tourists on the island, the training was attended by a total of thirty-four (34) participants comprised of food stall owners and their staff, as well as representatives of the Panglao Island Protected Seascape Protected Area Management Board.
DOT trains Virgin Island Service Providers
It can be recalled that Tourism Secretary Maria Christina Garcia-Frasco announced plans to facilitate an inter-agency technical working group that aims to strengthen the capacity of micro-entrepreneurs to provide quality tourism services. According to the tourism chief, the FBSE, a banner program of the DOT, has been conducted for individuals, small and medium enterprises, and world-recognized establishments serving the tourist market.
“We are grateful to our participants for showing the willingness to learn and partake in a tourism industry that is sustainable, inclusive, and socially responsible. We also thank our partners from the public sector, particularly the Bohol Tourism Office and the Municipality of Panglao, for partnering with the DOT to uplift the service delivery of tourism workers on Virgin Island. Through this program, we hope to develop a service excellence culture among tourism stakeholders on the island,” said Secretary Frasco.
“Grounded on the principle of making tourism activities sustainable for the long haul, we wish to equip our graduates with a deliberate inclination towards creating an “outstanding visitor experience,” added Secretary Frasco.
The modular course focused on the foundations of Filipino values – Makamay-likha, Makatao, Makakalikasan, Makabansa, Masayahin, May Bayanihan and May Pag-asa.
“These are basic values that we, Filipinos, live in our daily lives. By bringing it into our encounters with clients, we help enable respect for the Creator, environment-awareness, cordiality, helpfulness and politeness, love of country, and hopefulness,” Secretary Frasco added.
DOT trains Virgin Island Service Providers on Filipino Brand of Service Excellence
Ms. Alice Queblatin, President of the Cebu Alliance of Tour Operations Specialists (CATOS) and Certified FBSE Trainer, discussed the main topics of the seminar, namely Service Excellence, 7Ms of Filipino Values, and Understanding Guest Needs and Service Recovery.
Meanwhile, the participants acknowledged the need to improve service delivery and expressed appreciation for the effort expended by program facilitators. The seminar was capped off by the participants’ recitation of a pledge signifying their commitment to upholding FBSE as they carry out their duties.
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Original article: DOT trains Virgin Island Service Providers on Filipino Brand of Service Excellence ©2022 Out of Town Blog . All Rights Reserved. DOT trains Virgin Island Service Providers on Filipino Brand of Service Excellence
Melo Villareal
Out of Town Blog