Luminar NEO by Skylum – Exploring Image Editing Advancements

Image Editing and AI with Luminar NEO Let’s talk image editing, a topic we’re all interested in, yet sometimes fail to explore beyond our comfort zone. For years there have been some key players in the program realm, but lately, the innovation of AI and new technologies, have led to some exciting developments. If you’re like me, you probably have a favourite program and editing workflow in place. You’re comfortable opening an image and knowing what you want to do with it. But what if there are more possibilities? Tools available that will help take our work to the next level, or simply allow our creative mind to wander into a world where anything is possible?   I’ve spent the past two weeks experimenting with Luminar Neo, an advanced image editing software created by Skylum. Just opening the program feels like a breath of fresh air, its clean and minimal interface and appearance makes exploring the features and tools quite fun! When testing a new program, I like to edit both a coastal scene and a mountain scene, as I find they’re great examples of landscape photography and work well with enhancements and adjustments to see what can be achieved....
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