Plan a Camping Vacation With Your Kids

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Who said vacations have to be expensive? Plan a staycation by going on a camping trip or heading to an RV park for a weekend. Here’s how to plan a fun, inexpensive camping vacation with your kids. 
With rising economic pressures and everything costing more than expected, we often feel guilty for not giving our children a fun vacation. However, did you know there are ways to take your children on vacation without spending too much money and still have a fantastic family time?
When people think of vacations, many think about going on a plane and spending time on a beach or in a town away from home. However, something that has become very popular recently is a staycation .
A staycation is where you stay close to home but enjoy a holiday for less. You do not need to go on holiday somewhere expensive to enjoy time together, especially when you have children. And a staycation doesn’t have to be at a fancy resort. Here’s how to plan a cost-effective camping vacation with your kids.
Plan a Camping Vacation With the Kids
Camping can be a fantastic, cheap holiday for children. The benefits of camping with the kids include exploring nature and having time away from screens and things that cost more money.
Camping even close to home is a great vacation for kids. Photo by monkeybusinessimages via iStock by Getty Images
There is no need to pay for events every day or spend extra money for unnecessary toys when you can take some simple toys, bubbles, a ball, and a baseball mitt and enjoy days outside playing games and spending quality time together.
Another benefit of camping with kids is that you do not have to go far; you can find a campsite just outside your hometown. Your children will not care; they will still see it as a holiday because they are not home. Save yourself the stress of planes or trains, pack up the car, and go somewhere nearby.
A camping holiday can have its stresses as you have to have planned correctly to ensure you have everything you need. Nothing will be provided for you, so you must take everything with you. Don’t forget to pack everything to eat in a good cooler and take a small grill for cooking outdoors .
Of course, there will likely be shops nearby, and if you are driving, you could make a trip by going into town for the things you have forgotten during your holiday. You can make this as budget or expensive as you would like.
Spend Time Camping with Kids in an RV Park
You can often get a good deal for a stay at an RV park. This is a cheap option if you own an RV , but renting one and staying at the park can be much more cost-effective than flying to a distant location. And yes, staying in an RV park can cost more than camping, especially if the park has activities planned. Then you might have to shell out a few bucks for those ever-present light-up toys. But there are often so many fun kids’ activities at RV parks—and pools—that you’ll likely have plenty of time for relaxing while they’re off entertaining themselves.
Organized kids’ activities at RV parks are fun for them and give mom and dad a chance to relax. Photo by Lacheev via iStock by Getty Images
If you do not enjoy communal showers and toilets or sleeping in a tent, an RV park could be for you. With different deals available, you can find this almost as cheap as a camping holiday, with the added benefit of heating/cooling, a bed, a bathroom, and more organized activities for the kids.
Heading to an RV park gives you more options for a fun family vacation. Photo by Irina Velichkina via iStock by Getty Images
Again, you can pick a park close to home or further away if you want to travel a little with the kids. Going a bit of a distance from home is a great way to explore somewhere new and take a fun road trip .
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Planning Your Camping Vacation
Both types of holidays suggested are self-catering , which means you can make the vacation as cheap or expensive as you like when planning meals. Staycations or vacations close to home are just as fun and exciting to children as going across the country or hopping on a plane to head overseas. The most important thing is to enjoy spending time together in a way you can afford. We encourage you to explore Wander With Wonder for more about camping , vacationing in an RV , and exploring other family travel destinations .
Plan a Camping Vacation With Your Kids
The post Plan a Camping Vacation With Your Kids appeared first on Wander With Wonder .

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