Using Google MyMaps for Travel: An Ultimate Guide

Google is king when it comes to planning trips. Between Google Flights, Google Maps, the search engine itself, and now- Google MyMaps . I personally create a map for every trip I plan. I love placing pins and getting a visual on where everything is located. It has been a total game changer in the way I plan trips, and I never leave home without one. Here’s how you can be using Google MyMaps for travel!

What is Google MyMaps?

MyMaps has been around for a while, but only in the last few years have I been really taking advantage of all it has to offer. I can’t even remember how I used to keep everything organized before! You can create a different “Map” for each trip and pin any location onto it. The best part is that it they are all saved in your Google account and you can access them on your phone while out and about. I create maps for upcoming trips, trips I hope to book soon, and even just “bucket list” things that I come across and don’t want to forget. Storage is virtually unlimited, so the sky is the limit with your map-making!

How to access and use MyMaps

To access the site, simply go to and the homepage will pop up with all of your created maps. You can edit, create new, or browse though right from this screen. Google MyMaps gives you the ability to pin attractions, restaurants, hotels, shops, theaters- you name it! To add a pin to your map, simply use the search bar in the top to access any place known to Google Maps (which is basically everywhere). Click +Add to map , and it is immediately added to your map with a generic blue pin. To customize, click the paint can to add an icon and color. You can also use the pencil icon to add any comments or change the name of the pin. This would be useful if you wanted to name it something simple like “Hotel”. I will often use the comments box to put in the hours they are open, cost for admission, if there were specific details about where to find it, or anything else I’d like to remember.

Before you know it, you’ll have a brightly colored, organized map for your trip! The part I find most helpful, is how I use it to plan my day. I’ll typically start out by pinning all my “must-do’s” for my destination and then planning accordingly to maximize time. I’ll bunch attractions based on their proximity, and open up MyMaps to see if anything is close by when I find myself with spare time.

Utilizing layers

Making multiple stops on your trip? “Layers” are a great way to separate aspects of your trip, while also keeping them on the same map. For example, on a recent trip to England I visited both London and Liverpool. Rather than creating two separate maps, I was able to keep them on the same one. By utilizing layers, I was able to focus my attention to each city as I needed.

Another helpful feature is the ability to add directions in between two pins. I find this incredibly important when I am in a rental car abroad with limited or no cell service. Clicking on the arrow icon at the top will open “Directions”. From there, simply click on any two points on your map and it will automatically add a Layer of driving directions for you. You can also change the option to walking or biking.

Sharing your Map

As with most Google features, there is also the option to share your map with friends. The map will basically work as a collaborative Google Doc and each member can add their own pins to the map. This is a great way to make sure everyone has the opportunity to speak up and post activities that they want to do!

Traveling soon? Check out my  Travel Tips  page to help you score good deals on flights, packing tips, tools to help you plan, and more!
The post Using Google MyMaps for Travel: An Ultimate Guide appeared first on meganywhere .

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