8 Carry-On Essentials for your Next Flight

Whether you’re on a flight for 2 or 12 hours, the goal is to always be as comfortable as possible. My carry-on bag looks pretty similar on just about every flight! For ease, it’s best to pack all of these items into your “personal item”, rather than your roller bag that goes in the overhead. This way, you can store it under the seat in front of you for easy access throughout. Make sure you have these 8 carry-on essentials for your next flight!

Tablet for TV and Movies

Before your flight, spend some time downloading some content to watch while offline on the plane. Almost every streaming network offers this as an option nowadays, and it is a great opportunity to catch up on or binge a new show. My favorite apps for downloading shows are Netflix and HBO Max. I find these two to be the most reliable and easy to navigate. Even if the plane has TVs and you plan on using those, you can never rely on them working 100% of the time. It’s always good to have something to watch on backup!

Tip: don’t wait until you’re at the airport waiting for your flight to do this! The wifi can be unreliable or very slow, and isn’t often enough to download videos.


What good is having content available to watch, if you have nothing to listen to it on? I always bring my (fully charged!) AirPods for watching TV or listening to music on my phone, tablet, or laptop. It’s great to have that extra freedom without cords getting in the way in such a tight space. However, don’t forget to also pack a set of old-fashioned headphones with a jack! I’ve been on a few flights recently that have offered Bluetooth connection in seats, but it’s still very new. The majority of planes still require an old-school headphone jack to listen in. If you do forget a pair, the inflight crew usually comes around with items for sale, so you can scoop up a cheap pair then.

Water Bottle

If you’re like me, you’d rather sit in agonizing thirst than bother a flight attendant and ask for a drink. Save yourself the social anxiety by bringing your own reusable bottle on the flight. Of course you’ll want to make sure it’s empty before going through security, but you can fill it up right after. Most airports have the special filtering filling stations, which is always a nice touch.

Tip: unless you’re prepared for a geyser mid-flight, avoid bottles under pressure (those that you use a straw to drink out of). If that is all you have, unscrew the cap to release the pressure first. Speaking from experience here!

Sleep Essentials

If you’re on a red-eye, you won’t want to be caught without the essentials to help you get as much shut eye as possible. I use this neck pillow that is made of memory foam and comes with a compression bag so you can roll it up tight and save space. Some airlines will give you a free eye mask and earplugs, but always a smart idea to bring your own just in case. For an extra level of sleep comfort, pack a few NyQuil Liqui-Gels or other sleep aids. These are perfect because they are small, can pass through security, and put me to sleep quickly. A must have!

Tip: learn from me and don’t take the sleep aids until you’re in the air! There is absolutely nothing worse than taking them too early and fighting sleep while your flight is delayed.

Scarf or Light Blanket

If you’re like me, you need something on top of you to sleep, no matter the temperature. It doesn’t matter if it’s a weighted blanket or a piece of tissue paper, I absolutely cannot fall asleep without one! An easy hack for this is to pack or wear a light scarf. It won’t take up much space in your bag and you can open it up to use as a blanket or cover up on the flight. It won’t do a ton for warmth, but will keep you covered.

Hand Sanitizer

During these crazy Covid times, airlines have really stepped up their sanitation game. Nowadays, planes are sanitized in between each flight and attendants usually hand out PPE kits upon boarding. While those small packets are perfect for short-term needs, it’s always wise to have your own supply of sanitizer. Whether you need a quick refresh after a snack, or when the lavatory sinks inevitably don’t work, you’ll be glad you have it.

Tip: since Covid, TSA now allows up to 12 ounces of hand sanitizer through the checkpoints (rather than the standard 3.4 oz/100 ml restriction) . Source: TSA.gov


This might go without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway. If you’re traveling without something that you can’t afford to lose, it should always go in your carry on. Including any prescription medication! Additionally, it’s always smart to have some basic items on hand during the flight. In my travel toiletry bag, I always make sure to have Tylenol, Excedrin, Tums, and GasX on hand at all times. The inflight crew typically has basic needs in the galley, but it’s best not to rely on that. I once started getting a migraine on a plane and realized I checked my Excedrin by mistake. The best they could give me was 400mg of ibuprofen, which did exactly nothing. Learn from my mistakes!

Compression Socks

A relatively new must-have for me, but I make sure I don’t on a long flight without these! For cross-country or international flights (longer than about 6+ hours), compression socks will help to make your travel much more enjoyable. Not only do they prevent DVT (which is very real), but they prevent swelling in your legs and feet. When you land, you’ll be able to cruise right off the plane without that adjustment of “getting your land legs.” They really are a game changer!

Traveling soon? Check out my  Travel Tips  page to help you score good deals on flights, packing tips, tools to help you plan, and more!
The post 8 Carry-On Essentials for your Next Flight appeared first on meganywhere .

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