The 7 Best Shibuya Crossing Photography Locations

Shibuya Crossing Viewpoints and Photo Spots Shibuya Crossing is an iconic location in Tokyo, Japan, that has captured the imagination of photographers around the world. With its bustling streets, vibrant lights, and mass of pedestrians, this intersection has become a symbol of modern urban life and a visual feast for photographers. A staggering 2.4million people use this crossing daily and if you’re seeking for the best viewpoint to photograph Shibuya Crossing, this guide is for you. I’ll be sharing where you can photograph the crossing from up high and on the ground to ensure you make the most of your time in Shibuya. Covering all four corners of the crossing, the spots listed range in Shibuya Crossing represents the energy and dynamism of Tokyo. As one of the world’s busiest pedestrian crossings, Shibuya Crossing is a hive of activity, with close to 2,500 people crossing the street every time the traffic lights change. This constant motion creates a mesmerising visual display, with streams of people flowing in all directions. Scroll down to find a Google Map listing all of the vantage points noted in this article. I’ve personally photographed this crossing in summer, winter and autumn, when it’s busy, not...
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