Our Favourite New York City Attractions for Families

Our Favourite New York City Attractions for Families

We crammed a lot into our long weekend in New York City . I was surprised just how child- and family-friendly everything and everyone is. I’ve been to New York plenty of times for work and for fun, but I had never really played tourist before. It was awesome visiting these iconic New York City attractions for families for the first time with my kids.

All of these places are pretty centrally located and close to many great New York hotels . Cab rides likely won’t be necessary unless you really want to teach the kids to hail one down.

At the American Museum of Natural History

New York City Attractions for Families: American Museum of Natural History

Ok, first off: this museum is BIG. We knew we would not be spending all day here, so it was key for us to make note of our “must visits” and approach each floor with a plan.

After a few hours here, I’m more convinced than ever that the tableaux come to life at night. The displays tell a story, and their careful arrangement was not lost on my kids. I needed to see the Blue Whale. We spent way too long trying to take the perfect selfie with a Blue Whale photobomb. I’m not quite sure if we succeeded!

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Some of the halls and displays are dark, which didn’t always go over that well with my youngest. But he absolutely loved the dinosaur exhibit. I think if we left him to his own devices, he’d still be there watching the informational video narrated by Meryl Streep.

The American Museum of Natural History is open every day from 10am – 5:45pm except for American Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. It’s included in the New York CityPASS booklet , which is a great deal!

Find the best deal, compare prices, and read what other travelers have to say about the American Museum of Natural History at Tripadvisor

Buddy’s dad’s office/Courtesy Empire State Realty Trust

New York City Attractions for Families: Empire State Building

Although flights to New York are usually pretty reasonable, we opted to drive for this trip. Seeing the Manhattan skyline get closer as we approached the Lincoln Tunnel was almost worth the nine hours in the car. My kids recognized the Empire State Building right away, “It’s Buddy’s dad’s office!” Elf is a big movie in this house.

Although a tourist visit to the observation deck is a very different process than an elf’s visit to his estranged dad’s publishing office, it was very cool to see my kids see just how big New York really is. I’m a sucker for Art Deco design, so I busied myself admiring the architecture while trying to temper my newly-acquired fear of heights.

The Empire State Building is open 365 days a year, rain or shine, from 8am – 2am. The last elevator goes up at 1:15am. Kids under six are free, and strollers must be folded before entering the elevator. There are various admission packages.

The Empire State Building is also an option in the New York CityPASS booklet , which is a great deal!

Find the best deal, compare prices, and read what other travelers have to say about the Empire State Building at Tripadvisor

With Toy Soldier Roy at FAO Schwarz

New York City Attractions for Families: FAO Schwarz

**ED. NOTE: FAO Schwarz reopened in a new location after our visit**

One of the highlights of our trip to New York, was the FAO Schwarz VIP Tour . On our tour, before the store opened for the day, we had a guided tour of the flagship toy store led by a toy soldier.

Enjoy a grab bag of goodies from the FAO Schweetz section, then wander and learn and road-test a few select toys. Work up an appetite for bagels and juice with a twirl on the big piano. Yes, that BIG piano. It really works and your kids don’t have to know the movie to love every second of it.

Tours start at $500 for a group of six, and as many as 30 people can attend.

There plenty of things to do in New York, and no matter how long you stay you’ll never be able to complete them all! Try to maximize your stay by choosing the top New York City attractions for families that you want to experience before your trip, and hopefully the options above will be a good start!

Find the best deal, compare prices, and read what other travelers have to say about visiting New York City for Families at Tripadvisor

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See Also:

Baby Travel Destinations: New York

Best New York City Hotels for Families with Babies & Toddlers

Best Hotels for Big Families in New York City

5 Tips for Visiting New York City with Babies & Toddlers

5 More Tips for Visiting New York City with Babies & Toddlers

Getting Around NYC with Babies & Toddlers

Have Toddler Will Travel in New York City

Planning a Trip to New York City with Kids


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