Alburquerque Church: The Santa Monica Parish Church in Bohol

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Alburquerque Church: The Santa Monica Parish Church in Bohol
The Santa Monica Parish Church of Alburquerque, Bohol
If you’re planning a trip to Bohol, Philippines, you won’t want to miss the Alburquerque Church. Built in 1869, this historic church is also known as the Santa Monica Parish Church and is made of coral stones. It is located in the town center and is considered one of the oldest and most beautiful churches in Bohol.
The Alburquerque Church of Bohol
As a Roman Catholic church, the Alburquerque Church falls under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Tagbilaran and holds great importance to the local community. The present coral stone church was started by Fr. Manuel Muro in 1885, continued in 1896 and finished from the 1920s to 1930s. It is one of the first stone churches in the Philippines, initially constructed with light materials in 1842 and was enlarged and improved six years later.
With its rich history and stunning design, it’s easy to see why it’s considered one of the most important landmarks in Bohol.
Main Altar of Alburquerque Bohol Church
Historical Background
The Santa Monica Parish Church of Alburquerque is considered one of the oldest stone churches in the country, with its construction dating back to the 19th century.
Alburquerque Church historical marker
The initial construction of the church was done using light materials in 1842. However, it was later enlarged and improved by Fr. Manuel Muro in 1885. The present coral stone church was completed from the 1920s to the 1930s.
The church has a rich history, having witnessed various significant events throughout the years. During World War II, it served as a refuge for the townspeople, protecting them from the Japanese forces. It also survived the devastating earthquake that hit Bohol in 2013, which destroyed many other Spanish-era churches in the region.
The Alburquerque Church is considered a heritage site by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) and is a popular tourist destination in Bohol. Its second patron is St. Augustine, and it is under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tagbilaran.
Architectural Design
The Santa Monica Parish Church of Alburquerque is a beautiful example of Spanish colonial architecture in the Philippines. The church’s exterior exhibits a blend of architectural styles, combining elements of Baroque, Neoclassical, and Earthquake Baroque design. The interior of the church is equally stunning, featuring intricate details and beautiful artwork.
Interior of Alburquerque Church
The Alburquerque Church’s exterior is a testament to the skill and creativity of the architects and builders who constructed it. The church’s façade combines Baroque and Neoclassical styles, with a large central portal flanked by two smaller portals on either side. The façade is adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures, including images of saints and angels.
Walls of Alburquerque Church
The church’s bell tower is a separate structure to the right of the main entrance. The tower is a simple, rectangular structure with a small dome at the top. The bell tower has intricate carvings and sculptures, including images of saints and angels.
The interior of the Alburquerque Church is equally impressive, with beautiful artwork and intricate details throughout. The church’s nave is lined with columns and arches, and the ceiling is adorned with paintings of saints and angels. The altar is the interior’s centerpiece, featuring a large crucifix and beautiful sculptures of saints.
Main Altar of the Church of Alburquerque Bohol
The church’s side chapels contain beautiful artwork and sculptures worth admiring. One of the most impressive features of the interior is the intricate wooden pulpit, which is decorated with carvings and sculptures of saints and angels.
Retablo on the left side of the Main Altar in Alburquerque
The Alburquerque Church is a stunning example of Spanish colonial architecture in the Philippines. Whether you are an architecture enthusiast or simply appreciate beautiful buildings, the Alburquerque Church is definitely worth a visit.
Art and Iconography
The Alburquerque Church is a significant religious and historical landmark in Bohol, Philippines. The church’s art and iconography are a testament to the rich cultural and religious heritage of the Philippines.
The church’s interior is adorned with intricate carvings, paintings, and sculptures that showcase the skills of local artisans. The ceiling of the nave features a stunning mural of the Last Judgment, while the altar is decorated with a beautiful retablo that depicts the life of St. Monica.
Image of Sto Nino inside Alburquerque Church
The church’s sacristy houses a collection of religious artifacts, including vestments, chalices, and other items used in the celebration of the Mass. The sacristy also contains a number of paintings by Ray Francia, one of the most prolific artists in Bohol and Cebu during the 1920s and 1930s.
The church’s iconography is a blend of European and Filipino styles. The images of the saints and other religious figures are depicted in a style that is uniquely Filipino, with bright colors and bold lines. The church’s retablo is a beautiful example of this style, with intricate carvings and vivid colors that bring the story of St. Monica to life.
Cultural Significance
The Alburquerque Church is a significant cultural landmark in Bohol, Philippines. It serves as a testament to the rich heritage and religious devotion of the Boholano people. The church is a popular tourist destination and a must-visit for anyone interested in history and architecture.
The church is an Important Cultural Property, recognized by the National Museum of the Philippines for its historical, cultural, and artistic significance. It is one of the first stone churches in the Philippines, initially constructed with light materials in 1842 and was enlarged and improved six years later. The church’s grand façade showcases intricate carvings and reliefs, while the interior is a masterpiece of Philippine Baroque design.
The church’s patron saint is St. Monica, known for her devotion to prayer and her role as a mother. The church celebrates its feast day every 27th of August, a significant event for the local community. The church also serves as a venue for other religious events, such as weddings, baptisms, and other ceremonies.
The Alburquerque Church is not only a place of worship but also a historical and architectural treasure that visitors can appreciate. Its cultural significance is recognized not only in the Philippines but also around the world. The church has been featured in various travel guides, documentaries, and other media, highlighting its importance as a cultural landmark.
Restoration and Preservation
The Alburquerque Church has undergone several restoration and preservation efforts over the years to maintain its structural integrity and historical value.
One of the most recent restoration efforts was in 2013 after the Bohol earthquake, which caused minimal damage to the church. Restoration work was already being done on the church three years before the earthquake, which helped to minimize the damage. The restoration work was carried out by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) and the Diocese of Tagbilaran.
However, in 2016, restoration work was temporarily stopped due to non-compliance with the requirements of the National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP). The Office of the Municipal Building Official of Alburquerque issued an order to stop all restoration activities until the requirements were met.
Despite the temporary setback, the restoration work resumed after complying with the NBCP requirements. The restoration work included the repair and reinforcement of the church’s walls, roof, and foundation. The NHCP also carried out preservation efforts, such as the installation of protective covers on the church’s walls to prevent further damage from the weather.
In addition to restoration and preservation efforts, the Alburquerque Church also holds cultural and religious events throughout the year. These events include the annual fiesta celebration, which is held in honor of the town’s patron saint, St. Monica. The church also hosts weddings, baptisms, and other religious ceremonies.
Events and Festivals
If you’re planning to visit Alburquerque Church, you might want to check out the upcoming events and festivals in the area. The church is a popular venue for various religious celebrations and cultural events throughout the year.
One of the most significant events in Alburquerque is the town fiesta, which is held every May 10 to 12 in honor of their patron saint, Santa Monica. The fiesta is a grand celebration that features a colorful parade, street dancing, live music, and a wide array of local delicacies. The highlight of the fiesta is the fluvial procession, where the image of Santa Monica is carried on a beautifully decorated barge and paraded along the Loay River.
Aside from the fiesta, the Alburquerque Church also hosts other religious events such as novena masses, holy week processions, and Christmas caroling. These events are an excellent opportunity to witness the deep religious devotion and cultural heritage of the Alburanons.
If you’re interested in learning more about the history and culture of Alburquerque, you might want to attend the town’s heritage festival, which is held every August. The festival showcases the town’s rich cultural traditions through exhibits, performances, and workshops. You can also sample some of the local delicacies and purchase souvenirs from the various vendors.
Visitor Information
If you’re planning to visit the Alburquerque Church, here’s some useful information to help you prepare for your trip.
The church is open to visitors from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily. However, please note that mass is held on certain days and times, which may affect your visit. It is best to check the church’s schedule beforehand to avoid any inconvenience.
Dress Code
As the Alburquerque Church is a religious site, visitors must dress modestly and respectfully. Shorts, sleeveless tops, and revealing clothing are not allowed. It is recommended to wear comfortable shoes as the church grounds can be uneven.
Other Information

Photography is allowed inside the church, but please be respectful and do not use flash photography during mass or other religious ceremonies.
There is a small museum located inside the church, which showcases various religious artifacts and historical items. Visitors are welcome to explore the museum for a small fee.
The church is under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tagbilaran, and visitors are expected to follow the rules and regulations set by the church authorities.

Interesting Facts about Alburquerque Church
Here are some interesting facts about this historic landmark:

The Alburquerque Church, also known as the Santa Monica Parish Church, is one of the oldest stone churches in the Philippines. It was initially constructed with light materials in 1842 and was enlarged and improved six years later. The present coral stone church began construction by Fr. Manuel Muro in 1885, continued in 1896 and finished from the 1920s to 1930s.
The church is named after St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, and is under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tagbilaran.
The church was declared an Important Cultural Property by the National Museum of the Philippines in 2013 and was also declared a National Historic Landmark by the National Historical Institute in 2014.
The church’s bell tower is separate from the main building and across the street. It was built in 1909 and features a clock that still works today.
The church’s interior is adorned with beautiful paintings, murals, and sculptures. The ceiling is painted with scenes from the Bible, while the walls feature intricate carvings and reliefs.
The church’s altar is made of marble and features a statue of St. Monica. The altar also houses a relic of St. Augustine’s mother.
The church’s museum showcases the rich history and culture of Alburquerque. It features artifacts, photographs, and other items related to the church and the town’s history.

Alburquerque Church Mass Schedule

Mass schedule of Alburquerque Church in Bohol – St. Monica Parish.


6:30 AM – 7:30 AM

6:00 AM – 7:00 AM

6:00 AM – 7:00 AM

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

6:00 AM – 7:00 AM

6:00 AM – 7:00 AM

6:00 AM – 07:00 AM

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM

4:30 PM – 05:30 PM
Anticipated Mass

4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
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Alburquerque Church in Bohol
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the history of Santa Monica Parish Church?
The Santa Monica Parish Church of Alburquerque, also known as the Alburquerque Church, is a Roman Catholic church located in the municipality of Alburquerque in Bohol, Philippines. The church was initially constructed with light materials in 1842 and was enlarged and improved six years later.
The present coral stone church began by Fr. Manuel Muro in 1885, continued in 1896, and finished from 1920s to 1930s. The church is dedicated to Saint Monica, the mother of Saint Augustine, and is one of the first stone churches in the Philippines.
What is the significance of Baroque churches in the Philippines?

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