The Ultimate Guide to Biking in Madison Wisconsin

What does Madison, Wisconsin, have in common with Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and Montreal? They are amongst the “Best Places on Earth to Bike,” according to Yahoo Travel. With temperate summer weather, over 200 miles of bike paths, five lakes, and the most parks per capita in the US, it’s easy to see why Madison received a Platinum designation by the League of American Bicyclists and ranks as one of the five best US cities for biking.
We worked with local officials and bike activists to build our guide to biking in Madison, Wisconsin, and have personally ridden the majority of the paths and routes highlighted in this article. Whether you’re a local looking to find new places to ride or a vacation cyclist looking for a destination with world-class food and exceptional experiences, this guide is for you!

Madison Bike Map
This interactive Madison Bike Map includes all the bike routes, trails, and points of interest called out in this guide. It’s built using native Google pins, so click to take a virtual Madison bike tour, including crowd-sourced photos and reviews. The Select Bike Benefits and BCycle Station layers are defaulted off, but feel free to click on and off different layers and zoom in and out to make this map work for you.
Google technology allows you to click in and load this map on your cell phone with live GPS position updates, but use your best judgment between what you see with your eyes and a map from the internet. If the map doesn’t load, refresh the page. We think it’s worth it
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