How to Do Canada Like the Royals: The Best Things to Do in Quebec

A million years ago, I arrived on a ship in Quebec City, and who should be on the boat next to me but the British monarchy, Prince William and Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge? And while they have may have had a more royal time in French Canada than I did, there are still plenty of things to do in Quebec for us common folk, whether you’re traveling with an escort, flying solo or vacationing with your family.

This post was last updated in October 2023.
Here are a few of my personal Quebec favorites—as well as a couple on my own bucket list.

Take a road trip from Montreal to Mont Tremblant
I’ve had the good pleasure of visiting the province on a number of occasions, including Canada Day a few years back, but Mont Tremblant is at the top of my Canadian bucket list—I’ve wanted to explore this mountainous region just two hours northeast of Ottawa. When there, be sure and take a lake cruise of Mont Tremblant .
©TQ/M. Dupuis
Get your groove on at Festival d’été de Québec
I may be a Bonnaroo veteran, but there are startlingly few other outdoor music festivals that I’ve attended in my life—and definitely not one in Canada (yet). Quebec in summer is one big party, and you can get your groove on at Festival d’été de Québec or go a bit more mellow at Festival International de Jazz de Montreal instead.
©TQ/J.-F. Hamelin
Be a spectator at the world’s third-oldest tennis tournament
As a college tennis player, one of my big travel goals is to eventually check off all the Grand Slam events and tennis masters tournaments, and I’ve yet to attend one in Canada. The women’s National Bank Open tournament is held in August each year, and it brings all the biggest names in pro tennis to Montreal.

Go birdwatching in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Gaspesie
You can’t visit Canada without surrendering to its natural beauty. The rugged coastline flanking the gulf is some of the most spectacular countryside and boasts nearly 300 different species of birds, to boot, including PUFFINS. If marine life is more your thing, Quebec has plenty of whale-watching tours on offer.
©TQ/L. Gagnon
Dive into the creative scene at the Fashion & Design Festival in downtown Montreal
On my three visits to the stylish city of Quebec, I was wowed by the ensembles I saw—let’s just say it leaves the United States in its well-coiffed dust where fashion is concerned—and there’s no better time to get a sense for that avant-garde scene than the 50 shows comprising this week-long festival (essentially Montreal’s version of New York Fashion Week) that sees more than half a million in attendance annually.

Eat all the poutine
The Duchess may not give into such gluttony, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least mention Québec’s signature dish: French fries and cheese curds drowning in gravy. And when better to try it then at the annual Festival de la Poutine at the end of each summer with so many varieties available to sample? Even if you’re visiting at another time of year, this food tour of Montreal will give you a taste of what the city’s cuisine is all about.
Now that I’ve shared a few of my travels wants, I’d love to know: What’s the top item on your own Quebec bucket list?