A Chubby Girl’s Guide to Visiting the Cliffs of Moher

Visiting the Cliffs of Moher is a bucket list item for many- and for a good reason! These 14 km-long cliffs on the west coast of Ireland are iconic and are usually one of the first things that come to mind when you think of the Emerald Isle. No trip to the island is complete without a visit to them! Here’s a chubby girl’s guide to visiting the Cliffs of Moher!

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Getting There & Parking

Aside from the mental gymnastics experienced from driving on the left side of the road, getting out to the Cliffs of Moher is a relatively easy drive. The city of Galway is only about an hour and a half drive away , and Dublin is only about 3.5 hours and mainly on highways. Of course once you get closer to the cliffs and it gets more rural, it gets much trickier on the tight roads. Take it from me and don’t be afraid to pull over and let others pass, or take it as slow as you need. Some of the country roads have speed limits of 60 or 80 km/h, but there was no way in hell you’d find me going that fast! Take it slow and stay as far to the left as you can.

Once you get close, you’ll find many street signs directing you to the Cliffs of Moher. If you’re following a GPS that is telling you to go another direction, I’d recommend following the signs instead. They will take you directly to the  Cliffs of Moher Experience , which is the main hub for viewing the cliffs. The €12 entry fee per person included parking and also gave you access to amenities such as restrooms, shops, and information booths. Parking is in a large gravel lot and we had no problem finding a spot far away from other cars.

Unethical pro tip:  The entry fee of €12 per person is taken when parking the car, so if you wanted to save some money, let your passengers out first and then just have one person pay for parking. There were no ticket checks to get into the viewing areas, but take this unethical tip at your own risk!

What to Wear & Bring

When visiting the Cliffs of Moher it is best to be prepared for any weather and dress in layers! This is Ireland, so you should plan for rain at any given moment. Plus, being literally on the coast, you’ll experience sea breezes which bring cool air. I’d recommend a rain jacket and a few layers underneath no matter when you are visiting. You can always shed layers if you get warm! I would advise against bringing an umbrella due to the winds, but a rain jacket that is waterproof (not just water-resistant) would be perfect. If you opt for a plastic poncho, definitely get one with vents as you will get warm walking around the cliffs to the different viewpoints. Compression shorts or leggings are also important to prevent chafing! On your feet, some sturdy sneakers or boots would be perfect. And bonus points if they are waterproof! Even if it’s not raining, chances are it has recently so expect mud anytime you stray from the pavement. As tempting as it may be to want to bring your full camera equipment for epic pictures and selfies, I’d recommend leaving the tripod behind. Expect many sudden gusts of wind here that would topple over a tripod without skipping a beat. It’s not worth risking your equipment! Since this is such a popular tourist spot, it’s not uncommon to ask fellow visitors for a photo-swap.

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The Walk to the Cliffs

Getting to the cliffs from the parking lot is a short walk and is as easy as pie. You’ll exit the lot and cross the road (look right!) to get to the main visitor area. This area is home to the visitors center, restrooms, a small cafe, and a few shops. I’ll admit, it felt a bit commercialized and touristy, but I had to remind myself that I am a tourist and it’s okay. For a first time visitor, it actually was nice to have so much information available. To get to the cliffs, there were large, paved, well-marked walking paths that had access to great views. From the main visitors center you can choose to go right toward the castle, or left out onto the cliffs. I’d highly recommend carving out time to walk both! They’re not far walks, and even though they are uphill in both directions (and some stairs), there are plenty of landings and places to rest if needed.

Beyond the Trail

At the end of the paved trails in either direction, you’ll have the option to continue out onto the cliffs. These trails turn into a dirt path immediately and you’ll have to pass signs that warn you to exercise “Extreme Caution” (their words, not mine). There were plenty of people who went out onto these paths, but we chose not to. Honestly, I’m sure anyone would be more than fine if they stayed on the path, it wasn’t worth the risk to us. It had just recently rained and there was a lot of mud and I didn’t want to risk slipping. Whatever you do, don’t be one of those people who strays from the path for a photo op. Many people die at the cliffs every year from this. They even have a memorial erected at the cliffs to memorialize those that do. If you are searching for a safe, plus-size friendly adventure – go meet the cows! Along the paths are large pastures with hundreds of cows. It’s so picturesque and classic Ireland! The friendly ones will come up to the fence where you can feed them grass and straw. We actually met a few at the pasture right next to the parking lot. This friendly guy pictured above came right up to the fence, ate grass out of my hand, and even let me give him some pets on the nose. He was so soft and sweet!

Plus-Size Accommodations

The best part about visiting the Cliffs of Moher is that they are entirely self-paced. Meaning you can take as much time as you need to do anything. As mentioned, the paths getting around the cliffs are large and paved. While there are a few sets of stairs, they are wide and have plenty of spacious landings to rest if needed. For those with limited mobility, there are accessibility options available- just check in at the visitor’s center! There were golf carts available to shuttle those who need the extra help. Once you leave the visitor’s center, you won’t find many formal benches or other rest areas. However, I found that resting on the low walls or other rocks worked perfectly fine when I needed a break. If you continue on past the paved trails, the terrain definitely gets more rugged and isn’t maintained. If you’re weary about proceeding, I’d advise on skipping and staying on the main paths. The views from the safe side are just as impressive!

Bonus Stop: The Burren

If you’re visiting the Cliffs of Moher, not taking the 20-minute detour to tack on  The Burren  would be criminal! While certainly different terrain than the cliffs, the undeveloped terrain is exactly what I was craving in Ireland! These cliffs are rugged, rocky, and make you feel like you’re in another world. If you’ve ever seen Frozen, I got major “Kristoff’s family” vibes here (if you know, you know). Along R477, there are many small areas to pull the car over and get out to enjoy the scenery. We pulled our car over right around  here . It was really fun to walk out onto the moon-like rocks and catch the Atlantic Ocean crashing beneath. It’s a great opportunity to take in some pictures and the fresh salty air!

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