What You Need to Know About Planning a Trip to Albania

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Albania is a fascinating country. Enjoy it even more with these few tips for planning a trip to Albania from a writer who has lived there for the past year.
There is no doubt that a visit to Albania would uncover a wealth of beauty and culture that few people even know about. I have been fortunate enough to live in Albania for more than a year, and I want to offer a few travel tips to help you visit this beautiful land easily. From the basics of working with the local currency, tipping, and choosing what to eat to interacting with the locals, and navigating the culture, here are some of the most important tips to remember when planning a trip to Albania.
Top Tips for Enjoying Your Stay in Albania
The good news is that you will not find a lengthy list of do’s and don’ts when you visit the laid-back and amiable Albanian people. You can spend less time worrying about what to do and what not to do and have more fun.
There is just so much to see and do here that it is no wonder that Albania made our top list of places to visit in Europe.
Saranda's city port on the Ionian Sea in Albania. Photo by master2 via iStock by Getty Images
Go with the Flow
This is perhaps the most important advice for your trip to Albania. This is a destination like none you have seen before, so going with the flow and relaxing along the way is important to get the most from your trip. International health insurance is important for both families and individuals while you are planning to travel.
Don’t expect the bus to be on time or anyone else to be too upset about that. Don’t expect that things will always go your way. Keep your expectations flexible and indefinite. This way, you will be happy to find that no matter what happens, you are in a place where things will work themselves out.
Albanians run at a relaxed pace, and everything takes some time and effort. Appointments are suggestions, and meetings are always calm and laid back.
Life is a bit laid back in Albania. Photo by ioanna_alexa via iStock by Getty Images
If someone tells you they will have your important project done by tomorrow, they probably meant one of the many tomorrows on the calendar.
Get Used to Staring
The culture in Albania might be different from what you're used to at home. Staring will take time to get used to, especially if that is not a part of your culture. I have lived in Albania for over a year, and being the center of attention all the time can be overwhelming. So long as you are sporting a happy smile and cordial attitude, it’s just an aspect of Albanian culture that you will get used to.
People love to watch people, and why not? We, humans, are the funniest things on the planet. People-watching is an Albanian pastime, so don’t pay it any mind; it's normal.
Say Yes!
One of the things I have loved the most about my stay here in Albania is the hospitality and how friendly everyone is. No matter who you are and where you are from, friendly people will welcome you with open arms.
Saying ‘yes’ would be another important point to mention. During your stay in Albania, you will have many invitations to eat, drink, and see things. I recommend that you go and see everything.
Be adventurous and yes to exploring Albania! Photo by Milena Pigdanowicz-Fidera via iStock by Getty Images
Albanians love to be hospitable; I have learned that saying no, really means nothing to them. For example, I have learned that if my boyfriend’s mother has invited me to chocolate, there is no way around it. I will have to eat that chocolate no matter what. While it can sometimes feel overwhelming, there is nothing wrong with just saying yes and going along with it. After all, you get to be looked after for a little.
Go to the Albanian Riviera
It would be a crime to go all the way to Albania and only visit Tirana — you would be missing out on so much of what makes this place a beautiful place to live. The Albanian Riviera is one of the most picturesque spots on the globe. When planning a trip to Albania, you must include it in your travel itinerary.
Enjoy beautiful Ksamil Beach in Albania. Photo by master2 via iStock by Getty Images
This beautiful region is filled with many quaint villages, beautiful beaches, and hidden coves. One of my favorite spots to visit is Qeparo, a half-abandoned village that sits next to the sea.
The best way to experience all the Albanian Riviera has to offer is by starting your trip in Saranda and making your way to Vlora (sometimes written as Vlorë). But it would be equally rewarding to work in the other direction. If you don’t have too much time for an in-depth journey around Albania, you can spend a week hopping around the coast and still see all this wonderful land offers.
Budget to Eat the Local Food When Planning a Trip to Albania
This is another very important point to bring up for you adventurers. If you come here expecting to be treated to the finest caviar, salmon, and sushi, you will be sadly disappointed. Don’t expect many options for western food — take this chance to try out the local Albanian cuisine . It is fresh and nutritious, and you will find that it is delicious as well.
Enjoy the local food, such as this plate of mussels for lunch in Vlora, Albania. Photo by Alla Simacheva via iStock by Getty Images
If you love to eat from the wealth of the sea, you will find seafood readily available—direct from the sea to your plate. So you can be sure it is always fresh. You will probably find some western-style restaurants if you take the time to look around, but they won’t be as good as the food you will find if you keep your options open and try the local food. Once you try out some local dishes, you will develop a taste and a better understanding of all your favorite dishes.
Learn a Few Local Words When Planning a Trip to Albania
Even if you get the pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar wrong, Albanians will appreciate the gesture if you try and speak their language. The Albanian language is like none other on the planet, and this is a fact.
Did you know that the North and South have different ways of speaking the language, so they can’t always understand each other? Here are some of the most important things to learn to say before you arrive in Albania.

Pershentdejte – Hello
Gazuar – Cheers or Salut!
Falemenderit – Thank you

Practice these as often as you can and with as many of the locals as you can. Soon you will find your Albanian vocabulary growing along with your communication capacity.
Know the Prices When Planning a Trip to Albania
Finally, just like any other place, people will try to rip you off because you are a tourist. The best thing you can do is to learn the prices and choose to work with people who will trade fairly with you.
Taxi drivers are notorious for taking advantage of unassuming tourists, but that is part of the adventure. Almost any destination on earth will be filled with those looking to make more for less. If you are unsure how much you should be charged for something, ask a local; they will be more than happy to help you with information.
Know the prices you should pay before you take a taxi or purchase in the market. Photo by Olga355 via iStock by Getty Images
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Tips for Planning a Trip to Albania
You can easily explore the country with simple tips to help you when planning a trip to Albania. This allows you to wander and see what makes Albania so unique. Check out our favorite international travel tips on Wander and even more of our favorite destinations in Europe .
What You Need to Know About Planning a Trip to Albania
The post What You Need to Know About Planning a Trip to Albania appeared first on Wander With Wonder .

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