How to Experience the Magic of Trekking in Peru

Wander With Wonder - Discovering Wow Moments Around the World or Across the Street
Trekking in Peru is more than just a hike. It is a magical experience that will enrich your mind, body, and soul. Read on for our guide to choosing the best trek for you. 
Trekking in Peru is more than just a physical challenge; it is a journey of discovery, immersion, and transformation. Whether you are following the Incas’ footsteps, exploring the Andes’ hidden gems, or witnessing the splendor of the Amazon, Peru trekking is magical .
But how do you choose the suitable trek for you? How do you embrace the cultural experience and capture the moments? This article will guide you through the steps to make the most of your Peru trekking adventure.
The Santa Cruz Trek, Huascaran National Park in the Andes of Peru. Photo by saiko3p via DepositPhotos
Choose the Right Trek
Peru offers a wide range of trekking options, from the classic Inca Trail to the more adventurous Salkantay Trekking experience that many purists love since it offers a better experience. Each trek has its characteristics, advantages, and challenges, so you must consider several factors before deciding.
Here’s what to consider when choosing the best option for trekking in Peru:
Difficulty Level
Trekking in Peru can be physically demanding, especially at high altitudes. You need to assess your fitness level, experience, and tolerance to altitude sickness.
Find a trek that is suitable for your skill level. Photo courtesy DepositPhotos
Some treks, such as the Inca Trail and the Salkantay Trek, require moderate to high fitness and acclimatization. In contrast, others, such as the Lares Trek and the Choquequirao Trek, are more suitable for beginners or those who prefer a slower pace.
Trekking in Peru is a feast for the eyes, as you will encounter diverse landscapes, wildlife, and cultural sites. You need to consider what scenery you prefer, what flora and fauna you want to see, and what kind of historical and archaeological sites you want to visit.
Trekking in Peru gives you a chance to experience breathtaking scenery. Photo courtesy DepositPhotos
Some treks, such as the Inca Trail and the Choquequirao Trek, offer a mix of mountain, jungle, and Inca ruins, while others, such as the Santa Cruz Trek and the Ausangate Trek, focus more on the alpine scenery and the glacial lakes.
Embrace the Cultural Experience
Trekking in Peru is not only about nature but also about the culture. Peru is home to a rich and diverse cultural heritage, with influences from the Inca, the Spanish, and the indigenous peoples. It allows you to experience exciting adventure opportunities , especially for older adults who love to learn about their traditions and customs.
Embrace the cultural differences you discover while trekking in Peru. Photo by makasanaphoto via DepositPhoto
However, to embrace the cultural experience, you must be respectful, responsible, and curious.
For example, you may learn some basic Spanish and Quechua phrases. Although many tour guides and locals speak English, learning some essential words and expressions in Spanish and Quechua (the native language of the Andes) will help you communicate better and show respect and interest in their culture.
Moreover, you can follow cultural etiquette. Peru has its norms and values that may differ from yours. For example, you should always greet people with a handshake or a kiss on the cheek, avoid pointing or gesturing with your fingers, and ask for permission before taking photos of people or places.
Capture the Memories
Trekking in Peru is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you will want to remember and share with others. Capturing the moments along the way is a great way to preserve your memories and showcase your adventure. However, you must also balance your photography with your presence in the experience.
Balance being in the moment and capturing the moments while trekking in Peru. Photo by GaudiLab via DepositPhoto
Here are some tips to help you do that:
Plan your shots . Trekking in Peru offers countless opportunities for stunning photos, but you must plan and be prepared. You must consider the best time of the day, how to capture the best iPhone photos , and the best composition for your shots. You also need to check the weather, the battery, and the storage of your camera or phone.
Be creative . Trekking in Peru can also be challenging for photography, as you may encounter harsh light, fog, rain, or crowds. You must be innovative and flexible, and you must use different techniques and tools to enhance your photos. For example, you can use filters, tripods, drones, or editing apps to improve the quality, stability, or perspective of your photos.
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When Trekking in Peru
Traveling in Peru is magical when you choose the suitable trek, embrace the culture, and capture the moments. So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, lace up your boots, and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime! We invite you to explore  Wander With Wonder  for more things to experience when you visit South America. We also have suggestions for more great adventure travel .
How to Experience the Magic of Trekking in Peru
The post How to Experience the Magic of Trekking in Peru appeared first on Wander With Wonder .

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