Flying While Fat: Top Tips for a Comfortable Flight

We all know that flying while plus size is an incredibly uncomfortable experience, through no fault of our own. Whether it’s fitting into the ever-shrinking seats or the buckling up the super tight seatbelts, travelling while plus size can leave you feeling both sore and frustrated.

While you can’t change the infrastructure of the plane you’re flying on, there are a number of things you can do to ensure you make your flight as comfortable as you possibly can. From short haul flights to long haul getaways, these tips should save you some unnecessary discomfort when flying while fat. 

Flying While Fat: Top Tips for a Comfortable Flight

Wear Something Comfortable

The best tip I can give when it comes to comfort and travelling by plane is to wear something you find comfortable sitting in for long periods of time. This is likely to be different for everyone, although we’re 99% certain no one will be choosing jeans. 

Everywhere wears what they want when travelling so don’t worry about what everyone else thinks and dress for your comfort.

Choose a Seat Towards the Front the Plane

Aisles can be incredibly tight on space so if you don’t want to walk down it with all of your luggage, choosing a seat towards the front of the plane is a good option. The goes for if you do need to use the restroom, as you won’t have to walk past many people to get to it. 

Don’t Book Emergency Exits or Bulkhead Seats

Although they may seem like great seats to choose as they come with added legroom, emergency exits and bulkhead seats are some of the worst seats to book as a plus size traveller. 

Emergency exits are unfortunately off limits to those that require a seatbelt extender due to the fact that in the case of an emergency, the extender could be a tripping hazard. Bulkhead seats you’re allowed to use an extender in, but they can be incredibly uncomfortable as they usually have fixed arm rests that store the tray table. 

@kirstyleannetravels Avoid this mistake #plussizetravel #travellingwhileplussize #plussizetraveltok #travellingwhilefat #plussizetravel #traveltok #plussizetraveltoo #flyingwhileplussize #fattravel #seatbletextender #seatbeltextension #flyingwhilefat ♬ original sound – kirstyleanne•plus size travel

Ask For A Seat In A Quieter Area

To help give yourself a little more space when it comes to flying while fat, asking to move to a quieter area is a great way to get one of two extra seats next to you. There are two ways to do this, but we find that a combination of both is the best way to ensure you won’t end up with a neighbour during your flight. 

The first way is to ask when you check-in for your flight. All you need to do is say ‘is it possible to check if the seat next to me is still empty, please?’ and the agent helping you should be able to let you know whether or not the space next to you has been filled and if there’s anywhere else they can move you to. 

While this is a good indication of whether or not your flight is going to be busy, we find that often that space can still end up being filled as the time before your flight passes. As a result of this, we recommend also asking flight attendants if you can be moved to a quieter area once everyone has boarded.

The best way to do this is board as soon as you’re able to, make your way to your seat and then ask the flight attendant in your section whether it’s possible to move to some empty seats once everyone has boarded. Although people often move without asking, speaking to someone is the best way to ensure you’ll get first pick once doors close. Flight attendants want to make sure everyone is comfortable and so they’re likely to move you if you ask and there’s space available. 

Obviously this doesn’t work on full flights, but it can be a great way to get extra space if it’s available. 

@kirstyleannetravels A few other things to bear in mind are: The sooner you board and ask, the better. FAs work on a first come first serve basis and if you’re last to board, all the free empty seats might be allocated. Don’t ask the first FA you see. Get to the ‘section’ your seat is in and ask the person who is then standing closest to you. If you’re at the back of the plane, it’s unlikely someone at the front will be able to help you. Don’t just move. It’s always better to ask so that FAs are aware you want more space. They also may tell you to wait until after takeoff to move and will save the space for you. I also ask at check-in as often, they can change your ticket to be in an empty row. A lot of the time, however, I’m told it’s a full flight even if it’s not. If you get this answer, don’t be disheartened – people don’t show up or miss their flight, leaving extra seats. #plussizetraveltoo #plussizetraveltips #travellingwhilefat #fattravel #plussize #flyingwhilefat #plussizequeen #flightghack #travelhack #fatandhappy #plussizetraveller ♬ original sound – kirstyleanne•plus size travel

Don’t be Afraid To Request A Seatbelt Extender

A lot of people don’t know that if your seatbelt doesn’t fit, airlines have extenders available. 

All you need to do to get one is ask an attendant either as you’re boarding or once you’re sat in your seat and they will bring it over to you. 

There can be a lot of stigma around asking for a seatbelt extender but here at Plus Size Travel Too we believe that there is no shame in asking for something that ensures your comfort and safety.

Here’s our guide to asking for a seatbelt extender.

Check to see which bathroom is bigger

Although not all planes are the same, often you’ll find that the bathrooms on board are different sizes. It’s always worth checking with a flight attendant to see which one is the biggest, especially if you’re worried about how much space you might have. 

For a guide to using an airplane bathroom when plus size , you can visit our post here. It has a little more detail about ways in which you can make things easier and more comfortable when it comes to doing your business at 30,000ft. 

There are lots of little tips and tricks that you can pick up to ensure you’re a little more comfortable on a flight as a plus size person, with the ones listed above being just a few of them. What tips have you picked up? Is there anything you’d like to include? Let us know in the comments below or over on our Facebook page . 
The post Flying While Fat: Top Tips for a Comfortable Flight appeared first on Plus Size Travel Too .