How To Securely Store Valuables When Leaving Your Home For A Trip

If you are going away for a vacation or a trip, then you need to secure any belongings that you have stored at home. Unfortunately, property crimes are on the rise. Burglaries are becoming a lot more common in the United States. Because of this, you need to safeguard anything you hold near and dear against theft, especially when you are going to be away from your home and won’t be able to keep an eye on it yourself.

This post will tell you how you can securely store your valuables when you are leaving home for a trip.

Storage Unit

If you want to securely store valuables when you are going away for a trip, then most experts recommend hiring out a storage unit and storing everything there. While it might be a lot of work to move your home’s most precious items to a storage unit, an affordable storage unit will give you the peace of mind of knowing that your things are safe. Most storage lockers are located on large industrial sites which are monitored around the clock by security guards, giving a high level of protection to your belongings.

House Sitter

A house sitter is a person who watches your house in your absence. More often than not, housesitters are loved ones or friends. With that said, if you have neither of those things, then you can still pay for a professional house sitter to come and look after your house. A professional house sitter is a person who watches strangers’ houses for them when they go away, looks after pets, and takes care of things for them. A professional house sitter won’t be cheap but will ensure that your house is properly cared for.

Attack Dog

If you plan on buying an attack dog to guard your house when you aren’t there, you are also going to have to pay somebody to look after the dog in your absence. If you have family or friends, then this is a good idea, because it’s likely an attack dog will be frosty and suspicious of any house sitters you employ to take care of the place. You can introduce your attack dog to your family or friends as a puppy, which will then give the dog time to familiarise itself with them so that he doesn’t perceive them as a threat.

Install Cameras

The installation of cameras is an extremely effective way of safeguarding against theft. Not only do cameras serve as a deterrent to would-be thieves, but they also give you a method of finding criminals after thefts have taken place because they will have been captured on camera. Make sure to put up signs around your property notifying people that they are being recorded. Another deterrent to theft is leaving some lights on in the house, so it looks as though you are still home. This is a common, effective tactic.

Alarm System

A home alarm system, along with cameras, will deter criminals from breaking into your house. If one did manage to get into your house and your home alarm system was activated, then it’s very probable that they would immediately flee. With that said, you can also buy silent home alarms that notify the authorities. A police officer will probably be dispatched immediately to your house , meaning it’s very likely that the authorities will catch the criminal while they are robbing your house. Silent alarms are not good deterrents, since criminals don’t even know they are there and won’t hear them if they are going off.

Using Safe

In terms of actual storage, if you don’t want to invest in a storage locker, then invest in an actual safe. A safe, which you can hide in your house, is a good place to hide any small but valuable objects. Try to buy a safe that’s very heavy, so that the criminal can’t try to take it with them. In addition to buying a heavy safe, you also need to make sure that you hide it somewhere where it won’t be found, like under the floorboards in a room that’s hardly used. Hiding your safe will prevent criminals from being able to find it.

Locking Up

Once you have securely stored your belongings or arranged for somebody to take care of your house, make sure that you properly lock up. A lot of people make the mistake of leaving windows open in their house when they go away. If you leave a window open, then you are inviting theft. Closing up your windows and doors will ensure that there’s no easy way for a criminal to get into your house. If you leave windows or doors open, then again, it is essentially an invitation.

Property theft can be very distressing. If you are concerned about the safety of your house, then take this post’s steps before you go away on a trip. It is also worth investing in a smart doorbell, so you can watch if anybody comes to your front door.

We hope this article on Wyld Family Travel gives you some ideas on how to secure your property and belongings during your travels.

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