Golden Hour – Chasing light with The Wandering Lens Community

Golden hour is such a beautiful time to have your camera with you. Whether you’re photographing from home, exploring landscapes in remote destinations, or out and about when magic strikes and you capture the sky illuminating from wherever you’re standing in that moment, there’s something so special about this time of day. Sunrise or sunset, it’s inspiring to capture the golden glow as details within a scene are sprinkled with light, shadowed, softly lit, or silhouetted. As photographers, we almost can’t bear to be indoors when the sky is on fire with colour, or when you know the sun is about to set at any minute, but you’re stuck in traffic. The thrill we feel when we’re in the right place at the right time, when an entire scene is awash with reds, oranges and deep yellow, it’s what we’re all seeking, for some of us, it’s the reason we pick up our camera. I recently asked the network of photographers via Travel Photography Courses to share their golden hour images. This collection below were stand outs and feature imagery from all corners of the world. Take a browse through their work, click through to see their Instagram accounts and...
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