Is It Safe to Visit Mexico with a Baby?

Azul Beach Resort, Puerto Morelos, Mexico

A lot of people are nervous to bring their babies and toddlers to tropical destinations for a lot of reasons… Strong sun , possible bug bites , different water … At one point the illness that scared people away (especially from Mexico) was H1N1 or Swine Flu.

It was scary. And it was most of our first experience with a global pandemic (ed note: hardly compares in hindsight). It was widely believed that H1N1 originated in Mexico. Way back when, Bonnie wrote to me wondering if it’s safe to visit Mexico with a baby…

I love your web site and I especially love people’s reviews on their holidays at specific hotels and destinations. I wanted to ask if you have any info on your site about travelling with swine flu. My cousin is getting married in Dec in the Mayan Riviera. My husband and I have been debating on whether it would be safe to travel there with our baby who will be 10 months-old in Dec. I’d love to hear/read your views on it. I’ve tried doing some google searches on the saftey of travelling with a baby there but I can’t really find anything.

Winter Travel to Mexico

I was also thinking about our upcoming winter travel. And I’ve always looked to the R iviera Maya as a great option. But was the risk of traveling there any greater with H1N1 or Covid or any of the other mosquito-borne illnesses we know more about?

Back when the initial hysteria was swirling surrounding H1N1, I admit that I probably would have changed my travel plans if we were headed to Mexico. However once the CDC lifted their travel advisory and the panic subsided, I figured Mexico was just as safe as any other destination. And back then, even Peter Greenberg (travel editor for CBS News) agreed with me .

Travel During Cold & Flu Season

Whenever cold and flu season is upon us, there appears to be a resurgence in fear about all viruses. With good reason! But you’re essentially just as much as risk at home as you would be on vacation. Infants and children under 5 are most likely to have complications from respiratory viruses and I shudder to think about my children as infants or toddlers coming down with such a serious illnesses.

That said, would I travel to the R iviera Maya to attend a family wedding? Absolutely. I’d be extra cautious, of course. Be scrupulous about hand washing and using hand sanitizer. Get extra travel insurance and read the fine print (the knowledgeable Peter Greenberg strikes again re: out clauses because of pandemics).

Travel Safe & Smart

Consult with your doctor beforehand regarding any vaccinations you may decide to get. Be sure to pack your usual arsenal of meds “just in case” (I’m talking Tylenol & anti-histamines here: Baby First-Aid Kit for Traveling ).

Have a wonderful trip with your baby, Bonnie. A family wedding is a great excuse to take your first trip together. You might even have a few babysitters on hand! 
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