Our Hot Air Balloon Flight Over Hunter Valley Experience

If you’re looking for a great experience to have in Hunter Valley, then look no further than a hot air balloon flight.

Hot air balloon flights over Hunter Valley are a great way to get spectacular views of the region, as well as have a memorable way to remember your trip.

As the sun rises, you’ll soar above the picturesque vineyards and farmland, marveling at the stunning scenery below.

What’s more is that The Hunter Valley is renowned for its premiere wines, and what better place to sip on a cool glass of champagne than with a champagne breakfast from the vantage point of a hot air balloon?

The tranquility and serenity of floating above the oldest wine-growing region in Australia is an opportunity like no other, but if you’re not sure whether it’s the right experience for you, here is a run down of our experience…

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Note: We flew with a tour company called Cloud 9 Flights, who are no longer in operation. However, another reputable tour operator offering the same package we did is Balloon Aloft.

You can check prices and reviews for Hot Air Balloon flights over Hunter Valley with Balloon Aloft via Viator, here .

Table Of Contents

Our Experience Flying in a Hot Air Balloon Hunter Valley FAQs About Hot Air Ballooning in Hunter Valley What is the best time of year to do a hot air balloon ride in Hunter Valley? What is the minimum age to fly in a hot air balloon in Hunter Valley? What should you bring with you on your balloon ride in Hunter Valley? How many passengers are in the hot air balloon rides over Hunter Valley? How long is the flight time of a hot air balloon ride over Hunter Valley? Is A Hunter Valley Hot Air Balloon Ride Worth It?

Our Experience Flying in a Hot Air Balloon Hunter Valley

To the skies

The only sound that could be heard was the cooling down of metal, really hot metal.

It croaked and stuttered as it took a break from the fiery furnace bursting out gaseous energy into the enormous rainbow-coloured balloon that floated above us and kept us floating above the ground.

The breaks from the hot air bursts allowed the calm of the mid-morning air 2000 feet over the earth absorb into my skin.

The gentle breeze, refreshing on my skin after the heat enveloping me from the gas burners beside me and the scalding burn of the rising sun.

The silence took hold of me as I breathed and watched the beauty of the world go by as we floated over the valley.

The Valley

I would like to say we glided, but the air was so still we really did not move very far. 1.8 miles in an hour to be exact, a little faster than what I could walk.

But, we almost didn’t even make it up from the launch site.

This was our second attempt at hot air ballooning over the Hunter Valley. We tried 3 weeks ago, but it was cancelled due to unforeseen weather conditions. You won’t have me arguing about that decision.

This time the 4:30am recorded message told us that we were ready to go and so with sweaters on we stepped out into the pre-dawn chilly darkness to start inflating the balloon to take to the skies.

Ready for the Hot Air

The cast of twenty eagerly stood around with cameras clicking as we watched the three-man crew get to work on inflating the balloon.

Industrial fans were set up to blow cold air directly into the balloon to inflate it before blasts of hot air were sent in to get it rising.

Firing her up

Just as the first bursts of hot air began to fire into the half inflated balloon, the wind changed direction slightly and turned the balloon back into itself and we watched as, not just our balloon, but the three around us began to crumble.

“There’s a storm at Barrington Tops, that has sent an unforeseen wind change our way. Wind does that. Usually we can work around it but not from this spot. We’ll end up in the town centre. It looks like we won’t be flying from here today.”

Oh man, not again.

“But don’t worry, we will pack up the balloon and move to another location where we can take off from, with better flying conditions.”

We received our instructions on how to pack up a balloon and we all got to work pushing out the air and rolling the balloon back up.

It was pretty heavy work, and we all looked on with a sinking feeling as the sun rose and peeked its smiling face out from behind the clouds, casting a soft glow over the Hunter Valley.

It beat us to it.

We missed what would have been the highlight of a hot air balloon ride.


John, our dapper Geroge Clooney-look-alike, pilot said it was one of the worst pre-flight preparations he had ever experienced in his 25 years of flying.

The wind nearly got us again, at our second attempt at inflation at our new location.

The second attempt fails

Thankfully, John is an expert at what he does, and quickly read the changing wind conditions and swung the balloon around to catch the wind in the right place.

She’s ready

Our false start was just another lesson for us on how we cannot rely on or control Mother Nature.

If you have ever been on a hot air balloon ride before, you’ll know that this happens a lot, no matter where you are in the world.

You need to have the perfect weather conditions and circumstances to fly, which means it’s not always possible to fly. Luckily most tour operators offer a flexi ticket which means you can get a refund if you’re unable to fly in the event of a weather cancellation.

Mother nature sets the rules.

She constantly reminds us of how we need to let go of control; we can never totally control anything.

Things will happen that will get in the way and take what our pre-conceived ideas or rules had already defined what the experience would be.

We could have let these rules that weren’t followed by Mother Nature destroy our day, as we did miss the sunrise from the balloon, or we could let it go and appreciate the experience for what it really was.

And We are ready

We let it go.

I wasn’t at all bothered that we just floated, and I didn’t feel as if we missed out on anything at all.

As we slowly rotated around in the balloon and took in the perfect backdrop of the Brokenback mountains guarding the vineyards that stretched for miles across the valley floor, I felt extremely lucky and at peace.

Brokenback Mountains Hunter Valley

Craig enjoying himself

There is something so calming about watching the world from a balloon. There is no noise of life, but you can see it moving slowly beneath you in muted form.

Across the valley, another balloon hovered majestically above the treetops, echoing ourselves in its form.

I knew exactly what we looked like as we moved up and down and eventually plopped back onto Earth.

You don’t feel this high up

I was a little nervous before reaching for the skies, but once we left ground the thing that amazed me was that I felt absolutely no fear.

It felt as if hot air ballooning was the most natural thing in the world to do; that being suspended in an open air basket so high above the ground was something that I did every day. If only I felt that same absence of fear in a plane.

Ahh the serenity

I am sure John’s track record of being the safest pilot in Sydney and the Hunter Valley, with a 100% safety record, helps to make you feel a little more comfortable.

He has three times as many flying hours as any other pilot and was selected to fly with the Flying Pictures- the F1team of ballooning.

Not only was John an experienced and in-control pilot, he was vibrant and fun.

His energy was contagious and was never short of a ballooning story or a joke to entertain us with. John is a clear example of someone who totally loves what he does. You can’t hide that enthusiasm.

As we made our descent down over the steel-poled vineyards and cows loping to a nearby waterhole, I tried to will the balloon to keep on going for a little longer.

Mostly because, I couldn’t really see a big open patch of grass for us to land on.

On the way down- nowhere to land

Not here either

The power lines seemed to surround us as we approached closer to the earth. John had us get in our landing positions and before I knew it he had circumnavigated us artfully on to a small paddock behind to a farmhouse.

Sheep and alpacas gathered to watch, as with the soft plop that would come if you jumped down from a five foot wall, we were back on land.

FAQs About Hot Air Ballooning in Hunter Valley

What is the best time of year to do a hot air balloon ride in Hunter Valley?

Flights happen all year round, but the most optimal time of year to fly in a hot air balloon in Hunter Valley is the summer as the weather conditions are most optimal this time of year.

What is the minimum age to fly in a hot air balloon in Hunter Valley?

The minimum age to fly in a hot air balloon in Hunter Valley is usually 7 years or older. Children must be accompanied by an adult to fly.

What should you bring with you on your balloon ride in Hunter Valley?

You need to bring with you photo ID and warm clothes! Even in the summer, it can get cold up in the skies. We also recommend you bring sunglasses to protect your eyes from the suns warm glow.

How many passengers are in the hot air balloon rides over Hunter Valley?

Due to limitations on passenger weight, the hot air balloon flights tend to have a maximum of 16 people per flight. This can vary depending on the size of the balloon, but it’s rare to have more than this many people per balloon.

How long is the flight time of a hot air balloon ride over Hunter Valley?

Most tour companies offer an hour flight. You should note that you do have to stand in the basket for the entire hours of your flight time, so those with back problems or medical conditions that require them to sit may not be able to enjoy this experience. You should let the tour company know of any recent surgeries, broken bones or if you have a medical condition they should be aware of.

Is A Hunter Valley Hot Air Balloon Ride Worth It?

Ballooning is not a major adrenaline rush. From beginning to end, it is soft and gentle.

A hot air balloon ride in Hunter Valley was high on my bucket list, and now checked off, and I would have to say it is one of the most spectacular and peaceful ways to move above the world.

To a successful flight

If you have the right weather conditions, a Hunter Valley hot air balloon ride is worth it, especially to see these famous wine regions of Australia. There is more to Hunter Valley than just wine tasting, it seems.

And of course, there is no more perfect way to end a hot air ballooning adventure over the Hunter Valley than with a glass of bubbly champagne (or Orange juice if you prefer).

The whole experience was a memorable one, and one I would undoubtedly recommend.

Don’t miss this guide to Hunter Valley wine tasting and tours and these fun things to do in Newcastle.

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