A Guide to Photographing Chinese New Year in Hong Kong

Lunar New Year in Hong Kong In this big city with deep cultural ties and traditions, photographer Nicole Claringbold shares how to make the most of celebrating and photographing Chinese Near Year in Hong Kong. From the best places to photograph, to which angles could work best and insights into the cultural traditions. The festive ambience and visual delights of Hong Kong at Lunar New Year make it a very worthwhile destination or stopover if you are travelling in the region. When is Chinese New Year Celebrated? Determined by the date of the second new moon after the winter solstice on December 21, Chinese New Year typically falls sometime between January 21 and February 20 on the Gregorian calendar. In 2024, Chinese New Year is celebrated from February 10th – 13th, and will fall between January 29th-31st in 2025. Lunar New Year is celebrated over 3 or 4 days if it coincides with a Sunday. With family gatherings and temple rituals to usher in good luck, health and wealth for the new year high on the agenda, there are endless activities to do and see at this time of the year. RED symbolises luck – joy & celebration Favourable for...
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