Packing Cubes and the Plus Size Traveller: To Cube or Not to Cube?

Packing cubes – those magical little organisation squares that promise stress-free packing bliss and space-saving sorcery. But are they all sunshine and rainbows for the plus size traveler?

Let’s unpack the truth about cubes and when they’re your packing BFF or a bulky bust.

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What are Packing Cubes?

For the uninitiated, packing cubes are like tiny Tetris blocks for your suitcase. Imagine lightweight fabric pouches in various sizes, designed to neatly compartmentalize your clothes and other travel essentials. They typically zip shut, and some even have compression features to squeeze out extra air and maximize space. Think of them as personal organizers that keep your belongings tidy, protected, and easy to find, even in the depths of your luggage.

These organisational wonders come in a variety of materials, from breathable mesh to water-resistant options, and can be used for anything from socks and underwear to bulky sweaters and dresses. You can also get ones designed to compress your clothes , giving you even more space.

When Packing Cubes Work for You:

Organisation Queen:  You love compartmentalizing and keeping things tidy. Cubes let you group by outfit, activity, or even dirty/clean, making unpacking and refolding a breeze. This is great for shorter trips, but for longer trips where you’re moving location often, it may night be a wise-option.

Space Saver:  Cubes compress your clothes, maximising room. This is key for plus size travellers often dealing with limited garment sizes. When increasing how much space you have, don’t forget to consider the weight of your luggage too.

Quick-Change Artist:  Need to grab a specific outfit mid-trip? Cubes let you extract without unpacking the whole suitcase, saving precious time and stress.

Laundry Logistics:  Dirty clothes in one cube, clean in another – done! Cubes make separating laundry a snap, especially helpful for longer trips.

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But Hold On, Cubes May Not Be Ideal When:

Limited Cubic Footage:  Some plus size clothes simply might not fit into standard cubes, especially dresses or bulky items. You may also find you sacrifice valuable space in your suitcase due to over-packed cubes.

Fabric Fragility:  Delicate fabrics could wrinkle or snag in tight cubes. Consider pouches or garment bags for these special pieces.

Overpacking Enthusiast:  Don’t rely on cubes to magically shrink a bulging suitcase. They work best with a well-edited travel wardrobe.

Tight Budget:  Quality cubes can be pricey. If budget is a concern, prioritise comfort and essentials, and maybe try DIY cube alternatives (shoe bags, reusable grocery bags etc).

Minimalist Mindset:  Do you travel light and breezy? You might not need the extra organisation cubes offer as it could end up restricting your packing-flow.

Pro Tips for Plus Size Cube Crusaders:

Size Matters:  Use different sized cubes for different needs. While it may seem like taking XL cubes only is the best use of space, mixing and matching for different things is a much better solution. This is the set I use when packing.

Shape Up:  Look for cubes with the option to compress, as this will give you even more space.

Fabric Freedom:  Opt for breathable mesh panels to prevent moisture build-up and keep your clothes fresh. Bonus tip: put a couple of dryer sheets in one to improve the freshness of your suitcase.

Label Love:  Don’t play guessing games! Label your cubes with contents to identify outfits or categories easily.

Mix and Match:  Don’t be afraid to ditch standard cubes for pouches, garment bags, or even zip-lock bags for specific items.

Ultimately, packing cubes are a personal preference. They can be incredibly helpful for organisation and space-saving for plus size travellers, but remember, size, type, and packing style play a crucial role. Embrace what works best for you, cube or no cube, and conquer your packing game with confidence!
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