What Do You Do If Your Seatbelt Doesn’t Fit On A Flight?

Flying should be about soaring through the clouds with excitement, not feeling grounded by anxieties about a little metal clasp. Let’s face it, though, most airline seatbelts don’t always embrace every body shape with open arms (pun intended) .

I know, no matter how hard you try, in those moments, panic can take off faster than the plane…

Before those pre-flight jitters turn into turbulence, take a deep breath and know this: you are not alone . And most importantly, you deserve to feel safe and comfortable during your journey. So, let’s talk about navigating the not-so-smooth skies of seatbelt snugness, shall we?

Firstly, let’s banish the shame : Feeling like the regular belt won’t buckle doesn’t define you. It’s simply a matter of different shapes and sizes needing different solutions. Airlines understand this, which is why they’re equipped with magical little lifesavers called seatbelt extenders .

Now, here’s how to grab your seatbelt extender superpower:

Speak up early : No need to wait until you’ve sat in your seat to ask for an extender. As you board, mention to a flight attendant  that you might need an extender. They’ll be happy to provide one, and the earlier you ask, the smoother the process. They’ll either hand it to you there and then, or bring it to you at your seat, which brings me onto the next point…

Remember, discretion is key : Flight attendants are pros at handling these situations in a private and respectful manner. They’ll often bring the seatbelt extender to your seat, so you don’t have to feel self-conscious.

No awkward fumbling : Most extenders work the same, but don’t worry if you’re not sure what to do. Don’t hesitate to ask for help! Flight attendants are happy to guide you through the buckling process so you can relax and enjoy your flight.

Bonus tip : Pack light layers on your trip. This gives you more flexibility for adjusting your clothing under the seatbelt extender and ensures a snug fit without feeling constricted.

Remember, your comfort and safety are paramount and asking for an extender is not a sign of weakness, it’s a responsible choice for both you and your fellow passengers. So, buckle up with confidence, knowing that you’re taking control of your comfort and soaring towards a happy flight!

It’s also important to note that you shouldn’t take your own seatbelt on a flight, as these are not safety approved and may put both you and your fellow passengers in danger.

Now, go forth and conquer the skies, bestie! Your new-found confidence is waiting to take flight.
The post What Do You Do If Your Seatbelt Doesn’t Fit On A Flight? appeared first on Plus Size Travel Too .