Staying at Ecocamp Patagonia: A Sustainable Resort in Chile

Staying at Ecocamp Patagonia was the biggest highlight of my monthlong honeymoon in Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay. I completely adored this place, and it made my time in Chilean Patagonia incredibly memorable.

Ecocamp Patagonia is home to the world’s first geodesic hotel room. That’s right, they were first — and we can thank their influence for the hundreds of dome hotels that have sprung up all over the world!

But more than anything, Ecocamp is a sustainable resort that actually walks the walk. Carbon neutral, using smart green technology, and dedicated to serving the local community.

One of my readers recommended Ecocamp Patagonia to me after loving her stay, and when I got in touch with Ecocamp’s staff, we decided to work together. Altogether, Ecocamp offered me and Charlie three comped nights in exchange for some coverage; we paid for a fourth night out of pocket.

Let’s take a look at this truly wonderful place.

This post was published in February 2024, based on a December 2023 stay.

Table of Contents
Toggle Ecocamp Patagonia Domes at Ecocamp Patagonia A Typical Day at Ecocamp Patagonia Excursions at Ecocamp Patagonia Lake Grey and Grey Glacier Boat Trip Hike to the Base of the Towers Fauna Trail Other Excursions How many days at Ecocamp Patagonia is best? How to get to Ecocamp Patagonia Kate’s Tips for Ecocamp Is Ecocamp Patagonia worth it?

Ecocamp Patagonia from above, the Torres del Paine in the distance!

Ecocamp Patagonia

Ecocamp Patagonia is located close to the heart of Torres del Paine National Park in Chile. It’s so close, you can hike directly from Ecocamp to the base of the towers, which I did one day! (More on that below.)

And the entire place is composed of geodesic domes: private domes for sleeping, community domes that house the dining and bar areas, a yoga dome, a massage dome, and all the domes where the staff live!

Ecocamp walks the walk when it comes to sustainability, much more than most sustainable accommodation I’ve visited, and they are committed to minimizing their environmental impact.

What does that mean? Ecocamp has been carbon neutral since 2007 and runs on renewable energy generated by solar panels and micro-hydro turbines from a nearby river.

Other sustainable practices include using composting toilets and a biofiltration system to help replenish the soil; offering only biodegradable soap and shampoo; and heating the domes through sun-exposed ceiling windows.

And then there’s Ecocamp’s social commitment: they’re dedicated to sourcing local produce, buying from their neighbors whenever possible, and financially contributing to the preservation of Torres del Paine National Park.

If you are vegetarian or vegan, YOU WILL LOVE THIS PLACE. Every night, there are three-course meals, and each course has three options, including at least one vegetarian and at least one vegan. And the lunch buffet is entirely vegetarian. I met lots of vegetarians who chose Ecocamp for this reason.

Additionally, Ecocamp is a digital detox. There is no wifi and no phone signal, though there is a computer with wired-in internet if you need it.

(However, I should point out that wired-in internet isn’t practical nowadays — you can’t sign into most email providers anymore without two-factor authentication, and if there’s no wifi, you can’t confirm on your phone that you signed into an unfamiliar laptop.)

Ecocamp can only be booked through Cascada Travel, and you can book here . It’s a bit confusing, but the package I did and recommend is Patagonia Wildlife Safari — a customizable itinerary of 4-7 days with daily excursions.

Welcome to your dome. You’ll never want to leave.

Domes at Ecocamp Patagonia

In the resort that pioneered dome accommodation, of course you’ll be staying in a dome! There are three kinds of domes to choose from: standard dome, superior dome, or suite dome.

Standard domes are the basic option, with beds but no bathroom (there is a shared bathroom), no electrical outlets, and no heat, but lots of blankets that will keep you warm all night.

Superior domes have an ensuite bathroom with a shower, sink, and a composting toilet, as well as electrical outlets and a propane heater to stay toasty at night.

Suite domes are top tier, including an ensuite bathroom and modern low-emission wood stove, local decorations, and even more space. Some suite domes are loft domes, which can sleep four people and are ideal for families.

Charlie and I stayed in a suite dome. Here’s a look at it:

How cozy is this dome?

What a lovely surprise — they brought us sweets to celebrate our honeymoon!

One angle of our private bathroom, with a shower and sink.

Our compostable toilet, operated by a lever on the ground.

Another angle of our superior dome, with the wood stove, tiny closet, and safe.

I was impressed by the abundant hot water and good water pressure in the shower, and the composting toilet was easy to use (though you do need to keep reminding yourself not to throw toilet paper in it!).

Every night when we came back from dinner, there was a fire burning in the wood stove. So cozy — but at times a little too warm! By the third night, we finally timed it right, keeping the windows open until we went to sleep.

One drawback: There was a LOT of light in the morning from the side windows, which had no curtains. We visited in early December, when the sun rises at 5:30 AM (thank you, southern hemisphere). I used a sleep mask and recommend you bring one of your own.

Fuel up for your day of hiking!

A Typical Day at Ecocamp Patagonia

Your day begins with a hearty breakfast, and you’ll receive your breakfast time the night before based on the excursion you’ve chosen. Most people eat around 8:00 AM. And if you’d like, there’s an early yoga class you can join.

After breakfast, you pack your lunch for the day. You’re given a reusable container to fill from the entirely vegetarian lunch buffet — pastas, rice, quinoa patties, chickpeas and all kinds of beans, eggs, cheeses (including vegan cheeses), breads, and vegetables.

Also during breakfast, you make your selections from the three-course dinner menu for that evening.

Lunch buffet at Ecocamp

And then it’s time to head off on your excursion! You might be hiking, tracking wildlife, or on a boat trip. More on the three excursions I did below.

After you return from your excursion, you might have time for a massage (which I recommend booking in advance — slots go quickly!). There is also a daily eco-tour where you can learn about how the resort operates behind the scenes and see their green technology.

Just before dinner, it’s time for your daily briefing! Your excursion leaders will tell you what time to meet in the community dome, and they’ll go over the three excursions available for the following day. You’ll choose tomorrow’s excursion at this time.

This also doubles as happy hour! You’ll get to enjoy a cocktail (Pisco sour or calafate sour!) and some nibbles.

Dinnertime at Ecocamp

Then it’s time for dinner. The nice thing is that you’ll be sitting with your companions from the excursion that day — so you’ve already gotten to know each other a bit (and definitely have stuff to talk about).

The dinner is three courses with three options for each course (including at least one vegetarian option and at least one vegan option for each course), and wine is served.

And then it’s time to head back to your dome for the night. If you’re staying in a suite dome like we did, you’ll come home to a fire in the wood stove. And the it’s off to bed, because your body needs rest after a day in the great outdoors!

You can see the fierce Patagonian wind in my hair!

Excursions at Ecocamp Patagonia

I was at Ecocamp Patagonia for four nights and three full days, which was the perfect amount of time to try out a few different excursions.

Each day has three excursion options, and there is always one easy excursion available.

My three excursions were: Lake Grey and Grey Glacier boat trip, hiking to the Base of the Towers, and the Fauna Trail.

Lake Grey and Grey Glacier Boat Trip

This was classified as an “easy” excursion at Ecocamp. We began our day with a two-hour drive to Lake Grey, stopping for photos at a few scenic viewpoints along the western lakes, then stopping at a hotel for a coffee while the guides got our tickets. (And…the hotel gives you 30 minutes of free wifi. FYI!)

We then set off for the boat on a long walk across a gravelly gray beach. We were lucky to see an enormous blue and white iceberg in the water, which had broken off the glacier earlier.

From there, we hopped on the boat to begin the Lake Grey navigation, ate our box lunches, and enjoyed a complimentary cocktail.

Along the way we picked up hikers doing the W Trek — this boat trip doubles as local transportation — and we sailed right up to the glacier. I’ve never been so close to calving ice before! We even got to see some pretty waterfalls.

How lucky were we to see such a cool iceberg that day!

You board the boat directly from the beach.

The waterfall on Lake Grey was so beautiful.

That’s some serious ice!

This excursion was a really nice introduction to Patagonia, and though it was an easy excursion, there was a surprisingly long walk across that huge gray beach!

Is the Lake Grey excursion worth it? I think it is, for most people. However, I should point out that this glacier doesn’t compare to Perito Moreno Glacier in nearby El Calafate, Argentina. That enormous glacier is far more impressive.

That, and earlier this year I visited Eqi Glacier in Greenland by boat, which was far more striking — though I’m going to guess than 99.9% of visitors to Patagonia don’t visit Greenland earlier in the year!

Base of the Towers, Torres del Paine — everyone wants to see this view!

Hike to the Base of the Towers

Hiking to the base of Las Torres is the most difficult excursion that Ecocamp offers. The hike takes 8-10 hours, it’s a 22 km hike out and back (13.6 miles), and has 1200 meters elevation gain (4000 feet). Additionally, there’s no easy way out — you need to hike out the exact way you hiked in.

Even so, Charlie and I knew we wanted to do it. That photo of the tower base, the blue lake in front of the three jagged rock formations, is the ultimate Patagonia souvenir.

And man, this hike was TOUGH. There are so many different stages.

You leave Ecocamp and start on some “Patagonia flat” terrain (gentle hills rolling up and down), before it becomes more of an uphill slog.

Next up is the “Windy Pass” (Paso de los Vientos), an up-and-down unsheltered path that lives up to its name!

Refugio Chileno is about halfway to the base of the towers. W trek hikers camp here overnight, and this is the only spot on the trail with a real toilet. You can refill your water bottle here, too.

Next up is a long hike through the forest — probably the easiest stage of the hike, with gentle up-and-down terrain and protection from the wind and sun.

That’s when the first moraine section begins: surrounded by more forest. This is where the tough climbing began and hiking poles were essential. Here you can refill your water in the streams.

The final stretch: hiking up the moraine with no shelter, just you and the elements. Look at how tiny those people are!!

FINALLY — you get to the very top and see the sweet, sweet sight you have hiked so long and so hard to see.

Proof that we made it!!

After lunch and spending about 40 minutes at the base, it was time to hike down again! And if you hike, you know that hiking down is often worse because of the stress it puts on your knees!

There were two Ecocamp guides with us, and we stayed together as a group for almost the entire hike (even though Charlie and I, while not ridiculously slow, were at the back of the pack).

By the time we hit the refugio on the way back, aka the 75% marker, we split up into two groups and Charlie and I did a slower-paced hike back with our guide Anaïs. This was the point where my feet and knees really started to hurt.

Still, despite being the slow ones, the hike altogether took us about nine hours.

Overall, am I happy I did the Torres hike? Yes. I’m grateful for the experience, and proud of myself and Charlie for surviving it. But only in retrospect. It was really tough at the time, and if I had been in worse shape, it could have been miserable.

If you’re on the fence about the Torres hike, talk to your guides about whether or not you should do it. They are expert guides and they won’t force you to do something beyond your ability.

Torres del Paine is spectacular from every angle.

Fauna Trail

This was another “easy” excursion from Ecocamp, and this low-key hike was the perfect recovery day after the intense Torres hike. Altogether we hiked for just a few hours across “Patagonian flat” landscapes (gentle up and down).

Throughout the hike we stopped frequently to learn about the native flora and fauna in the region from our guides. We even visited a rocky overhang with cave paintings dating back more than 6,000 years!

Talk about the perfect Patagonian postcard!

Ancient cave paintings

The hiking here was so gorgeous.

We learned so much from our enthusiastic guides!

Cascada Rio Paine

Picnic time! We inhaled those beers and cookies.

Some of the views on this hike were absolutely stupendous. We saw condors flying overhead, lots of cool ducks, and the guanacos posed for us like they were in a postcard!

After the hike, we drove to Cascada Rio Paine, an enormous waterfall with the towers cheekily peeking out behind it, and enjoyed an impromptu picnic, with tasty snacks and local beers in addition to our packed lunches.

Is the flora hike worth it? I might have been a bit underwhelmed if this was the only hike I did, but it was the PERFECT activity to do the day after an intense hike.

Other Excursions

There are plenty of other excursion options at Ecocamp. You can go horse riding at an estancia (ranch) nearby; you can hike the challenging French Valley or the easy Sarmiento and Sarmiento Chico Lakes. You can track wild horses or even pumas.

And can you choose to not do any excursions? Sure. One girl I met was nursing a mild injury and didn’t want to risk the Towers Base hike. Instead, she had a private yoga session, got a massage, and did a sound bath.

How many days at Ecocamp Patagonia is best?

I stayed at Ecocamp for four nights, which allowed three days of excursions. Honestly, I would recommend that as a minimum.