Puerto Rico Moments – Travel Photos from San Juan

Travel blog by Travels of Adam (Hipster Blog)  – Travels of Adam (Hipster Blog) - Travel & Lifestyle Hipster Blog
A few weekends ago I visited  Puerto Rico for the first time since 2007. On my first visit to the American territory, I was captivated with the culture—even if the trip was brief. During this trip, I had the time and opportunity to explore even more of Puerto Rican culture and I spent a lot of time just wandering.
Like any Caribbean island, the culture of Puerto Rico is rich. There’s a color and vibrancy not just in the place, but in the people. In the past few years, Puerto Rico has been hit with a number of different crises, but what I found on my weekend trip from NYC was an island full of life and energy. And plenty of rich, bold colors.
I’ve shared a few of my special Puerto Rico moments & highlights already on Instagram, but I want to provide you with a taste of the island—what it looks like today.
My visit to Puerto Rico was sponsored in part by the Coqui del Mar Guest House . Look out for a full review, story, and photos from the gay-owned guest house in upcoming posts.
Puerto Rico Photo Moments
A glimpse of San Juan—what it looks like today

The post Puerto Rico Moments – Travel Photos from San Juan appeared first on Travels of Adam (Hipster Blog) .

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