10 Best Museums in Brooklyn

Welcome to Brooklyn ! It’s more than just a place with cool shops and tasty food. Brooklyn is also where you can find some fantastic museums. If you love seeing beautiful art, learning cool history, or having fun discovering new things, Brooklyn museums are the place to be.
Here’s a list of the 10 best museums in Brooklyn. Whether you like big paintings, old stories, or playing and learning with your kids, these museums are full of surprises just waiting for you.
So, are you ready to see some awesome stuff? Grab your most comfortable shoes and come with us on a fun adventure. We’re going to check out what makes Brooklyn’s museums so unique. Let’s get started!
1. Brooklyn Museum
The Brooklyn Museum is a big deal in Brooklyn, New York. It’s like a giant treasure chest full of art from all over the world and from different times in history.
Imagine seeing unique African art, ancient Egyptian statues, and beautiful paintings by famous artists like Norman Rockwell and Georgia O’Keeffe all in one place. That’s what you get at the Brooklyn Museum.
This museum isn’t just huge because it’s got a lot of art; it’s also one of the biggest museums in New York City! And don’t worry about getting around inside because they’ve ensured everyone can explore easily. There are wheelchairs available for anyone who may need them. 
One of the coolest parts? Their Egyptian collection. It’s like stepping back in time as you stand among statues of gods and goddesses from ancient Egypt. But they also have rotating special exhibitions from influential people like Spike Lee, Alicia Keys, Common, and more.
Whether you love art or history or want to see something extraordinary, the Brooklyn Museum has something special for you. It’s a place where everyone can learn and have fun, making it a must-visit spot in Brooklyn.
2. Bushwick Collective
Okay, so the Bushwick Collective isn’t exactly a museum in the regular sense, but believe me, it’s an adventure you want to experience.
Picture this: an outdoor art gallery in the streets of Brooklyn, where the walls and buildings come to life with colorful art. Bear witness to the most elaborate street art in Brooklyn pops up, with contributions from world-famous artists like Banksy and Blek le Rat.
Getting there is easy – just hop on the L subway line and get off at Jefferson Street. You’ll step out right into the heart of it all.
And if you’re around in June, don’t miss their Block Party. They showcase the art with live music, food, and painting sessions. It’s a full-on celebration of creativity that brings everyone together.
The Bushwick Collective is a must-see for anyone who loves seeing the evolution of graffiti and mural work combined to form timeless masterpieces. It’s a place where art is all around you, and you’re free to explore it at your own pace.
3. Center for Brooklyn History
Get ready to step back in time at the Center for Brooklyn History. This place is like a time machine, housed in a stunning building that looks straight out of a storybook.
In 2020, two big names in Brooklyn’s history – the Brooklyn Historical Society and the Brooklyn Public Library – joined forces to create this center. It’s a special spot where you can dive into Brooklyn’s past, which the Historical Society has kept safe for over 150 years!
Walk through rooms filled with treasures from the last 400 years. We’re talking about maps that show Brooklyn changing over the centuries, old photographs that tell stories without words, and manuscripts that bring the voices of the past into the present.
Visiting the Center for Brooklyn History is like a treasure hunt in Brooklyn Heights. You’ll leave with a more profound love and understanding of Brooklyn’s rich history. It’s not just about looking at old stuff; it’s about discovering the heart and soul of Brooklyn.
So, if you’re curious about how Brooklyn became the fantastic place it is today, this is a must-visit!
4. New York Transit Museum
Here’s a place about the journey, not just the destination. The New York Transit Museum in Brooklyn Heights is not your average museum.
It’s cool, it’s underground, and it’s in an old subway station from 1936! Walk through an actual subway station, but you’re exploring history instead of catching a train.
The museum takes you on a ride back in time with its vintage subway and elevated cars collection, some of which date back to 1907. Step into a time machine and see how New Yorkers have commuted over decades. 
The museum tells the overarching story of New York’s mass transportation system – from the engineering marvels that made it possible to the everyday heroes who keep it running.
Located at 99 Schermerhorn Street, it’s easy to find and a must-visit for anyone curious about the nuts and bolts of how cities work. The New York Transit Museum is a unique spot that shows you the moving parts of New York City’s heartbeat – its transit system.
5. Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts
In Fort Greene, you’ll find MoCADA, a special place that shines a light on African culture and diaspora. It’s the first museum of its kind in New York and brings art, education, and change-making all under one roof.
From the MoCADA Culture Lab to the Ubuntu Community Sculpture Garden and more, it’s a hub for exploring and celebrating the richness of African diaspora cultures.
MoCADA is all about sparking conversations on important issues facing Black communities and using art to inspire change. It’s a place where everyone, from kids to adults, can learn, grow, and see the world from new perspectives.
For just $10 (adults) or $5 (kids 6-17), you can dive into this vibrant cultural experience. Plus, kids under 6 get in free! Whether on a guided tour or just wandering through the exhibits, MoCADA is a must-visit for anyone looking to connect with contemporary art African diasporans.
6. Brooklyn Children’s Museum
Nestled in Crown Heights, the Brooklyn Children’s Museum is a playground of learning and fun for kids from 6 months to 10 years old.
Spread across three floors, it’s packed with interactive exhibits and hands-on programs that make learning about culture and science a blast. It’s the perfect spot for young explorers to get creative and explore new experiences.
Admission is $15, but here’s a tip: visit for free on Thursdays from 2 pm to 5 pm, thanks to Amazon. To skip the lines, grab your tickets online before you go.
This place is designed with kids in mind, offering everything from toddler zones and a giant maze to an outdoor playground where science and technology come to life.
The museum is a safe and welcoming space for families, encouraging kids to learn through play. Don’t miss the rooftop for skating, art explorations, and more creative fun. It’s not just a museum; it’s a community hub where children can grow, learn, and play in a nurturing environment.





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7. Coney Island Museum
Dive into the colorful and quirky world of the Coney Island Museum, a treasure trove of fun located in the heart of Brooklyn’s most famous beachside destination.
This non-profit arts organization captures the spirit and history of Coney Island, offering a peek into its past as a bustling seaside resort and amusement area.
For a small fee—$5 for adults and $3 for kids—you can explore all sorts of fascinating artifacts, from vintage carousel animals to old-school boardwalk signs and even a mid-century photo booth.
These pieces bring the vibrant history of Coney Island to life, celebrating its place in American popular culture.
The museum chronicles is open mainly during the sunny summer months, making it the perfect addition to a day out by the sea. And if you time your visit right, you might catch the annual Coney Island Mermaid Parade, a dazzling display of creativity and community spirit.
Coney Island Museum will surely delight in its nostalgic journey through the iconic amusement pier and beach.





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8. Old Stone House
The Old Stone House, nestled in Brooklyn, is a hidden gem deeply rooted in American history, especially the American Revolution. It’s a place where history comes alive through its walls and the stories it tells.
Open for visitors on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from noon to 4 pm, it’s a journey back to a pivotal time in America’s past.
But the Old Stone House is more than just a historical site. It’s a vibrant community hub with lush gardens, a playground, and spaces for everyone to enjoy.
The house plays host to various contemporary exhibits, community events for families and adults, and educational programs that make history accessible and engaging for schoolchildren.
Dedicated to civic engagement and community support, this museum is a testament to the enduring spirit of Brooklyn’s past and its influence on the present.
For history buffs and curious explorers alike, the Old Stone House offers a captivating glimpse into the American Revolution and a chance to engage with history hands-only.
For other great activities in Park Slope, check out my post here: Things to do in Park Slope.  
9. Pratt Institute Sculpture Park
Discover a world of art at Pratt Institute Sculpture Park in Brooklyn, a sprawling 25-acre oasis filled with over 70 sculptures. This unique outdoor gallery showcases the creativity of well-known artists and rising stars from the Pratt community.
It’s not just a static display; the collection is constantly changing, with sculptures rotating in and out, so every visit offers something new.
Open to everyone and free of charge, the park is a peaceful retreat from city life, inviting visitors to explore, reflect, and find inspiration in the art.
Whether you’re an art lover or just looking for a serene spot in the city, Pratt Institute Sculpture Park is a must-visit destination, offering a constantly evolving art experience in one of New York City’s most extensive sculpture gardens.
10. The City Reliquary
The City Reliquary is a treasure trove of New York City’s past, nestled in the heart of Brooklyn. This unique cultural museum is packed from floor to ceiling with items that tell the story of the city’s rich history and diverse communities.
It’s a non-profit haven for history buffs and curious explorers, featuring everything from Statue of Liberty postcards to subway tokens and even paint chips from the L train platform.
Not just a museum, The City Reliquary also brings the community together with events like workshops, film screenings, and artist talks. Highlights include a special exhibit on Jackie Robinson and the Brooklyn Dodgers, connecting visitors with iconic sports and local history moments.
General admission is $10. The City Reliquary invites you to discover the quirks and charms of New York City’s heritage, making it a must-visit for anyone looking to uncover the stories behind the city’s facade.
Guest Author : Malcolm is a blogger and lifelong New Yorker who currently lives in Brooklyn. His mission is to share his world travels and his love of Brooklyn with you! Check out his blog at: malcolmtravels.com
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The post 10 Best Museums in Brooklyn appeared first on Mommy Travels .

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