How to Visit Galapagos IsIands: Travel Guide 2024

Last Updated on March 7, 2024

The Galapagos Islands are some of the best wildlife destinations in the world. Here’s a detailed guide on how to visit Galapagos Islands.
The Galapagos Islands are one of the most beautiful and unique places I’ve ever been. Having been isolated from the world for thousands of years, they are home to unique animal species found nowhere else on Earth. Blue-footed boobies, sea lions, and marine lizards roam freely on this archipelago.
A Galapagos Islands trip might come with a hefty price tag, thanks to the $100 entry tariff and pricey island cruises. But don’t let that stop you. It’s one of the best wildlife destinations in the world for good reason. We have been twice and it  remains our favorite place on Earth! For those are planning to visit Galapagos Islands, here’s my Galapagos Islands travel blog and comprehensive guide.

Galapagos Islands Travel Guide

How to Visit ​Galapagos Islands
The ​Galapagos Island​ archipelago is a collection of 13 major islands, seven smaller islands and about 125 islets and rocks. They lie about 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) off the coast of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean and are some of the world’s most secluded islands .
Historically the Galapagos Islands were uninhabited and only served as bases for everything from scientific research to English pirates raiding Spanish treasure ships. They remained relatively undeveloped until Ecuador claimed them not long after gaining independence from Spain.​

What Make the Galapagos Islands Special
The plants and animals that live on the Galapagos Islands today are descended from animals that arrived by sea or air. Because the islands are so remote and far from one another, the animals evolved and adapted to conditions unique to their new homes. That’s why wildlife here are so special and cannot be found elsewhere on Earth.
Because of a lack of predators, most Galapagos animals never developed a fear of humans. Don’t be surprised to find sea lions lying by the streets and giant lizards swimming around your boat in the Galapagos. They are not the least bit afraid of us. The Galapagos is such a great destination for kids as they can get up close to wildlife and learn all about the planet here. Read my guide to traveling the Galapagos with kids.
Today, over 97 % of the land is national park , and Ecuador limits who may live there and how many tourists may visit. The Galapagos Islands are some of the most unspoiled places on Earth thanks to protection laws and conservations efforts.

A Brief History of the ​Galapagos Islands
During Charles Darwin’s nearly five-year circumnavigation of the globe aboard HMS Beagle, he spent only five weeks on the Galapagos Islands. His discoveries on the islands were paramount to the development of his Theory of Evolution. His book “The Origin of the Species: also put the Galapagos Islands on the world map.

Santa Cruz Island is now home to the Charles Darwin Research Station, which serves as the front line for long-term preservation programs protecting the unique Galapagos animals and plants for future generations.

When to Visit ​Galapagos Islands
One of the perks of the islands’ location along the equator is that the weather is going to warm and sunny all year round. Regardless of when you visit the Galapagos Islands, prepare for high temperatures.
There are two main seasons in the Galapagos: January to May is the hot season, giving calmer seas and warmer ocean temperatures. July to December is the dry season which sees cooler temperatures, making it great for hiking inland.
In general, the best time to visit the Galapagos Islands is from January to May for the best conditions to go snorkeling or scuba diving and cruising around the islands. The Galapagos Islands offer some of the best scuba diving in the world .

How to Visit the Galapagos Islands
It’s easy to add the Galapagos into any Ecuador itinerary . You just need to plan (and save!) in advance to make the most of your time in the Galapagos.
Most foreign tourists over the age of 12 pay $100 , while children pay $50. Visitors from the Andean Community and Mercosur nations over the age of 12 pay $50, and children pay $25.
This entry tax may seem a bit high, but it is important to keep in mind that these fees are helping to protect the fragile environment here. Funds from the entry tax are said to finance the conservation of biodiversity of flora and fauna, and benefit the local community.
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How to Get to the ​Galapagos Islands
The only way to get to the Galapagos Islands is to fly from Ecuador. Flights to the Galapagos Islands depart from only two cities in Ecuador: Quito and Guayaquil.  Guayaquil is the main gateway city to the Galapagos, check out this list of things to do in Guayaquil .
You can fly direct to Quito from Miami, and return flights cost around US$400. Check for flights from USA to Ecuador . From Europe, most flights go from Amsterdam or Madrid to Quito for around US$700 return.
Flights from Quito/Guayaquil to Galapagos Islands cost around US$300 to $400 return. All flights are with either LATAM or Avianca , which are both reliable South American airlines. Foreigners are only allowed to book flights on premium class (and sadly they are very strict about it).
The 2 airports on the Galapagos Islands are:

Baltra Airport (GPS): Baltra is the airport closest to Santa Cruz Island. To get to Santa Cruz island, take a ferry for $5 and another $5 bus to Puerto Ayora, the main town on Santa Cruz. Or book a fuss-free airport transfer here .

San Cristobal Airport (SCY): This airport is less than 5 minutes drive from the center of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. It costs only $2-$4 per taxi (not per person). Most flights to San Cristobal will make a stopover on Baltra.

*TIP: I recommend flying into Baltra and out of San Cristobal like we did on our recent trip. It’s the same price as flying return to either island. 
Book Your Flights to Galapagos Islands

Getting Around the ​Galapagos Islands
Traveling to the Galapagos Islands requires some planning (and saving!) as it isn’t the cheapest or easiest place to get around. It’s easy enough to do it yourself so you don’t have to book a Galapagos tour. There are three possible ways to explore the Galapagos Islands and hop from one island to the next:
1. Go on a Galapagos Cruise
The most popular way is going on a luxury Galapagos cruise, which brings you to several islands within a short time. You sail at night and arrive to a different island every morning. Cruise packages typically include all accommodation and meals, visits to the islands with a certified naturalist, and access to snorkeling gear and kayaks.
A 1-week Galapagos cruise can set you back around US$2,500 for budget standards or $3500 for luxury cruises. This includes all expenses, food and snorkeling equipment. You can save some money by showing up on the Galapagos Islands and shopping around for last-minute deals.
Those traveling the Galapagos Islands with kids might find that cruises aren’t particularly suitable for kids due to the intense schedule and limited space. Also, it can get choppy on the waters of the Pacific Ocean; many people get seasick while cruising the Galapagos. My friend was seasick the entire time he was on a Galapagos cruise. If your kids aren’t comfortable at sea yet, I wouldn’t recommend going on a cruise.

2. Do Day Tours on the Galapagos Islands

Budget travelers can opt to go island-hopping round Galapagos Islands independently, which was what we did on our first Galapagos Islands trip. We based ourselves on Santa Cruz and did day tours to other islands from there. There are plenty of local operators offering Galapagos tours online or at certain locations on the islands. Most Galapagos Islands day tours cost around $200-300 depending on where you’re visiting.
There are four islands that you can stay on without being on any tour:

Santa Cruz: This island has the biggest tourist town and has most sights
San Cristobal: It has a quieter town with iconic attractions
Isla Isabela: Smallest town with few options but great for wildlife
Isla Floreana: Only 1 hotel and no scheduled speedboats to other islands

Here are the most popular Galapagos Islands tours:

Kicker Rock day tour from San Cristobal island (pictured)
North Seymour day trip from Santa Cruz island
Bartolome day trip from Santa Cruz island
Floreana day tour from Santa Cruz island
Snorkeling in lava tunnels on Isabela island

3. Take the Inter-Island Shuttles

Besides day tours, there are also several speedboat companies that offer an inter-island shuttling service. You need to plan really well as there are limited departures each day and journeys can be long! For instance, the shuttle from Santa Cruz to Isabela takes around three hours.

The public ferries cost between  $25-35US per person each way . It’s best to check with a couple of ticket sellers in town before buying your tickets.  Or book these ferry transfers that include hotel pickups!
Public ferries only run these routes (back and forth):

Santa Cruz (Puerto Ayora) – Isabela (Puerto Villamil)
Santa Cruz (Puerto Ayora) – San Cristobal (Puerto Baquerizo Moreno)

Where to Stay on the Galapagos Islands
I’ve listed my hotel recommendations for the three most popular towns to stay at. If you’re wondering where to stay on the Galapagos Islands, these are the biggest towns.
Puerto Ayora , the main town on Santa Cruz island, is a lively town with a good range of midrange hotels and affordable guesthouses. Puerto Baquerizo Moreno , the town on San Cristobal island, is smaller but its accommodation options are more affordable. Puerto Villamil on Isabela island is the smallest but accommodations are cheapest.
Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz
Luxury: Finch Bay Galapagos Hotel — Undoubtedly the best hotel on Santa Cruz, this stylish hotel is slick and unpretentious. It’s got a beautiful swimming pool and beachfront location, with even its own pier and private yacht. Excellent place if money isn’t an issue! Check the rates.
Midrange: Hotel La Isla — A beautiful boutique hotel with stylish designs that blend naturally with the surroundings, and its small scale provides an intimate atmosphere. It’s within walking distance from Tortuga Bay and the town centre of Puerto Ayora. Check the rates. 
Midrange: El Descanso del Guia — This new midrange hotel offers panoramic views over the coast from its rooftop. It also has a nice swimming pool, and clean and spacious rooms. Check the rates.
Budget: Hostal Gardner Galapagos — We stayed at this place located in the heart of town and minutes from the pier. Rooms are cheap and spacious, and relatively well maintained. Great value! Check the rates.

Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, San Cristobal
Midrange: Eco Hotel Katarma — The best hotel on the island is an eclectic and colorful eco lodge with an indoor swimming pool. Katarma is inspired entirely by art; it mixes different architectural, design, painting and sculptural influences to create a space where peace and life take the upmost importance. Check the rates.
Midrange: La Zayapa — Located right on the dock, La Zayapa is the heart of the town, offering room with views of the pier. We absolutely loved staying here. Good prices for such excellent location. Check the rates.
Budget: Hotel Cactus & Cactus — With a minimalistic design, this artistic hostel features clean lines and very simple but beautiful decor. Rooms are well-priced for what it is, highly recommend it! Check the rates.

Puerto Villamil, Isabela
Luxury: Flip Flop House — With capacity for four people, this beautiful, modern house has 2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and a hot tub. The property was built in 2016, and makes a comfortable home away from home. I highly recommend this if you are traveling with family or friends. Check the rates.
Midrange: Drake Inn — Located right on the beach, this simple but comfortable guesthouse offers well-priced rooms just three minutes from town. Its rooftop has excellent ocean views and makes a great spot to chill in the evenings. Check the rates.
Budget: Hotel La Jungla — This budget place offers great value for money, and a rustic jungle setting despite being just a few feet from the sea. All of its rooms have wide windows that look out to the ocean. Check the rates.

What to Eat on the ​Galapagos Islands
Food, especially seafood, is a huge part of island culture here and the restaurants to ​not disappoint. There are full spreads fit for kings as well as authentic, local eateries that boast fresh and cheap grub.
Here are four places I highly recommend checking out:
Los Kioskos — Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz
This row of street food was our favorite spot to eat at night! Los Kioskos is basically a street lined with small, local stalls selling freshly caught seafood. You’ll hear sizzling from the charcoal parillas  and smell smoky, grilled fish long before you stumble across this little alley. Food here is reasonably priced and oh so bueno!
Galapagos Deli — ​Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz
This deli is famous for its brick-oven pizza ranging in price from $6.50 to $9.75 USD and high-quality deli sandwiches from $4.70 to $8.75. Of course, it wouldn’t be a seaport deli without fish and chips, as well as piping hot espresso and delicious frozen gelato. Read reviews here.
Booby Trap —​ Puerto Villamil, Isabela Island
Booby Trap is the best place to grab a slice of pizza, but it’s their fish tacos that I loved. The lobster also comes highly recommended at a very reasonable rate. The restaurant is owned by a greagarious retired American man and his Ecuadorian wife.  Read reviews here.
Muyu Galapagos — Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, San Cristobal
If you’re looking to splurge, definitely book a table at Muyu Galapagos, one of the best restaurants in the whole archipelago. They serve up modern fusion food, focusing on fresh seafood with a contemporary twist. Read reviews here.

Things to Do on the Galapagos Islands
With over 21 islands spread out over a large area, the Galapagos Islands really do have a lot to offer for active travelers who like to get out and about. Here’s a round-up of the BEST things to do on the Galapagos Islands and the best Galapagos tours to book. I will indicate below how to visit each site below.
1. Santa Cruz Island
See Lizards and Sea Lions at Tortuga Bay
A 45 minute hike leads you to Santa Cruz’s most beautiful beach and bay. There are plenty of marine iguanas and sea lions lounging on the beach when we were there. It’s also a great spot for snorkeling with white tip reef sharks, and occasionally tiger sharks. It was the first spot we visited and we were blown away!
How to : Visit independently by walking or taking a taxi from Puerto Ayora.

Snorkel in Las Grietas
Las Grietas is a beautiful naturally formed freshwater pool formed in a crack between two volcanic cliff faces. During midday when the sun is high, the pool is a bright, clear blue. There isn’t a lot of wildlife here, but the crystal clear waters make it just a fun swimming spot. Plus it’s free to visit the site! No guide or tour needed. We absolutely loved it here and could have spent a day here if not for our fomo!
How to : Visit independently by walking or taking a taxi from Puerto Ayora.

Visit the Charles Darwin Research Center

The Charles Darwin Research Center is a breeding centre and rehabilitation facility for animals from local islands. First stop by the Ruta de las Tortugas for a guided tour ($10) — they run tours in both English and Spanish every hour. The guide brings you on a short walk and talks about the endemic wildlife and plant life on the Galapagos, before showing you the tortoise breeding area (which is fenced up). At the end of the tour, you’ll be led into a room where the famous Lonesome George (the last tortoise of its kind who passed away in 2012) stands immortalized.
After the tour, walk to the end of the centre to visit the museum and learn more about the wildlife of the Galapagos. There’s also a station beach where you can swim and see black-tip reef sharks. All in all, the research center is a great spot to visit for those traveling the Galapagos with kids .  
How to : Visit independently by walking or taking a taxi from Puerto Ayora.

See Giant Tortoises at Reserva El Chato
Just a short drive from Puerto Ayora, Reserva El Chato is the best place in the Galapagos to see the rare Galapagos Giant Tortoises. You’ll see their ancient animals roaming around in their natural habitat, with no cages, fences, or walls to obstruct the view – and all for just $3. Book your entrance tickets here.
How to : Visit independently by walking or taking a taxi from Puerto Ayora.

2. San Cristobal Island
Swim with Sea Lions at La Loberia
San Cristobal is the best island to go for sea lions. Here at La Loberia, not only can you snorkel with tons of sea lions, but you will also see marine iguanas, lava lizards, frigate birds, and more. We had SO much fun swimming with the sea lions! Those animals can be really cheeky. It’s free to enter, just rent snorkeling equipment beforehand.
How to : Visit independently by walking 30 minutes or taking a taxi ($3 ride) from Puerto Baquerizo.

Snorkel or Scuba Dive at Kicker Rock
Around 3 miles north of San Cristobal island is this volcanic cone that rises from the sea. Kicker Rock, known locally as León Dormmido, is home to a smattering of blue-footed boobies and fregate birds, but it is really its below-water inhabitants that has visitors in awe.
The natural erosion of the cone has created a channel between the rocks that serves as the ideal place to view sharks and rays. If you come at the right time, you can see hundreds of Galapagos sharks (and come into touching distance of them if you choose to snorkel through the canyon). You might have the chance to see schools of spotted eagle rays, turtles, jellyfish, and sea lions.
How to : Only by cruise or on a day tour to Kicker Rock from Puerto Baquerizo.

Hike around Punta Pitt

Punta Pitt is one of the best places to see a huge variety of wildlife on the Galapagos. Both the blue-footed and red-footed boobies, and various species of frigates live in the area. They have chosen this site because its rugged geography prevents species that would be a threat to these birds from accessing here. Another species commonly found here are the iguanas, also due to its complex geography.
How to: Visit independently or a day tour from Puerto Baquerizo .
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See the Views at Mirador Cerro Tijeretas
The Cerro Tijeretas lookout point offers a panoramic view of Shipwreck Bay and Kicker Rock. It’s definitely a spectacular spot and well worth the two-mile hike there from the visitor center. You’ll be hiking through a dry forest area full of cacti, acacia trees and lava lizards. The trail also leads to a calm, protected inlet along the shore which is a great spot for snorkeling.
How to: Visit independently by taking a taxi to the visitor center and walking from Puerto Baquerizo.
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3. Isabela Island
Hike and Snorkel around Los Tuneles
Los Tuneles or lava tunnels is a hugely popular site to visit. We hired a guide and came here on a day tour. A boat first takes you along the coast to a landscape characterized by bizarre lava formations and tunnels that provide shelter for an abundance of sea life.  You’ll then need to hike for a bit before getting the chance to snorkel with sea lions, turtles, sharks, rays, sea horses among innumerable fish species.
How to: The only way to get here is on a cruise or day tour from Puerto Villamil .

Snorkel at Las Tintoreras

Las Tintoreras is an islet just off the main dock of Isabela Island. It’s often called mini Galapagos since almost a ll the Galapagos marine wildlife are found here. There is actually more wildlife here than on the main island.
It’s one of the few places to see the Galapagos penguins, the second smallest penguins in the world. It was incredibly getting to swim with them and see them in the water! You can snorkel in the area without a guide.
How to: Take a half-day tour from Puerto Villamill.

See Flamingos at the Wall of Tears
The Wall of Tears, or El Muro de Las Lagrimas,   is one of the most famous hikes on the Galapagos Islands . It’s the only place to see the Galapagos Flamingos and you can do it without a guide. The name comes from the wall at the end of the hike. The Wall of Tears was built in the 1950’s by 300 prisoners, toiling away under the hot sun to cut and haul heavy black volcanic rock in order to build their own prison.
How to: Visit independently by walking from Puerto Villamil.

4. North Seymour Island
Our favorite spot, North Seymour, is a small uninhabited island that is hugely popular with all kinds of birds that live in the Galapagos. It’s a fascinating place with open nesting grounds of blue-footed boobies and the archipelago’s largest colonies of fregate birds. If you’re lucky, you might even see blue-footed boobies perform their courtship dance in the more open areas.
How to: The only way to get there is on a cruise or a day tour from Santa Cruz island .

5. Bartolome Island
Bartolome Island is the most scenic island in terms of landscapes. Be sure to climb up to the top of the viewpoint for a 360 degree panorama. There are black volcanic formations, which contrast sharply with the red, orange and green of the rest of the island. Also don’t miss the Pinnacle Rock, home to a colony of Galapagos penguins.
How to: The only way to visit is on a cruise or a day tour from Santa Cruz island .
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6. Floreana Island
Another island I really enjoyed visiting was Floreana, where Charles Darwin visited and collected the Floreana Mockingbird. On the island, you can find beaches of different color and a fresh water lagoon where flamingos can be observed during the hot season.

Devil’s Crown is an old eroded, semi- submerged, volcanic cone where you can spot penguins, sea lions, sea turtles, dolphins and colorful fish. It’s one of the best snorkeling sites in the Galapagos Islands because of the coral reef in the middle which is a perfect attraction for marine life.
How to: Visit on a cruise, public ferry (no fix schedule) or day tour from Santa Cruz island .

7. Española Island
One of the oldest islands of them all, Española Island is about 4.5 million years old and located on the southern east corner of the archipelago. This island is home of the Española Mockingbird, the only carnivorous one. Here there is also the only Marine Iguana population that remains red and green throughout the year. About 1500 tortoises live there today.
This is the only nesting site for the  Galapagos Waved Albatross, thanks to the cold waters from the Humboldt current. This endemic animal nests on the flat grounds of this island. They breed from the month of April to December.
How to: You can only visit by cruise or on a day tour from San Cristobal island .

8. Genovesa Island
Also known as the “Bird Island“, Genovesa Island most certainly lives up to its name in a spectacular way. It’s common to spot these birdlife on the island: puffball chicks, crowned and lava herons, red footed boobies, Nazca boobies and also the swallow–tailed gulls, the only nocturnal gulls in the world that will be nesting at the cliff’s edge.
Be sure to visit Prince Philip’s Steps, an 81-foot stairway that leads to a narrow stretch of land which opens out onto the plateau surrounding Darwin Bay on the north side of the island.
How to: The only way to visit this island is on a Galapagos cruise.

9. Fernandina Island
Fernandina Island is often referred to as a “land without time” as it is a volcanic island without any introduced species. The island is 300 thousand years old and it is still active.
There are an estimate of around 100,000 black and gray iguanas on Fernandina Island. As you look out the lava rocks they may look like they are moving – they are covered in these reptiles basking in the sunshine. Their dark coloration is an adaptation that allows