U.S. Issues Warning of Imminent Moscow Attack by ‘Extremists.’ Attack on Synagogue Foiled.

An early evening photograph of Moscow taken from the Four Seasons Hotel in Manezhnaya Square
The U.S. government issued a warning saying that an attack in Moscow by “extremists” was imminent and it urged people to avoid crowds.
“The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours,” the U.S. Embassy said in a statement posted on its website.
In its statement, however, the embassy did not elaborate on who or what organization poses the apparent threat to the city, or what type of attack may be planned.
The Федеральная служба безопасности Российской Федерации, or Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, known as the FSB, said on Thursday that it had foiled plans for an attack by an Afghan offshoot of the Islamic terrorist state that was to take place on a synagogue in the Kaluga region.
“While being arrested, the terrorists put up armed resistance to the Russian FSB officers, and as a result were neutralized by return fire,” the state-owned TASS news agency quoted the security service as having said in a statement.
“Firearms, ammunition, as well as components for the manufacture of an improvised explosive device were found and seized,” it added.
Two terrorists were apparently killed in the raid, which the FSB said was carried out by Wilayat Khorasan.
“On the territory of the Kaluga Region, a stop was put to the activity of Wilayat Khorasan, a cell of the Afghan branch of the international terrorist organization Islamic State, which is banned in Russia, whose members were planning to commit a terrorist act against one of the Jewish religious institutions in Moscow,” the FSB said in a statement given to Tass.
(Photo: Accura Media Group)