Preparing for Your First Vacation with Baby…

Varadero, Cuba

Is it even really a vacation?

Is everyone saying you’re nuts? And is it even worth it? Planning for my first vacation with baby is why I started this website way back when. It all seemed so daunting!

After all, travel can be stressful in itself. Throwing diapers and spit up into the mix doesn’t necessarily sound like much fun. Just leaving the house is often a major accomplishment in the early days of motherhood. But, once you’re out and about, you can’t imagine ever staying home. And once you’ve gone away with your baby, you can’t imagine ever experiencing somewhere new without them.

Your first vacation with baby will be very different from your last vacation without…

Backpacking and hostels or exotic locales and boutique hotels might be postponed for the time being.  In choosing a destination , your first concerns should be safety and health. If you feel the need for a little sun, there are many places in Mexico and the Caribbean that are peaceful and clean – at many price points. The Southern U.S. is also a great option. Europe can be pricier and trickier, but it can be done. Deciding where to go is part of the fun!  Pick a place you’ve always wanted to visit, and tailor your itinerary to baby’s routine and your needs.

Does the room matter?

You’ll be spending more time in your room now, so it’s worth spending a little more to make sure it’s nice. A kitchenette comes in handy, but it’s not necessary. You will need a fridge – not only for baby’s food, but for your drinks as well! Unless you’re arranging for babysitting , your evenings will be spent in once baby’s in bed. Try to book a room with a balcony or terrace.  And check if your hotel offers cribs, but if you’re concerned, toss a travel crib onto your already giant pile of luggage.

What do we pack for our first vacation with baby?

Right, luggage… You’re going to have a lot of it and it will be heavy.  If baby’s traveling on your lap, you likely won’t get extra luggage allowance. Some airlines will nail you with overweight charges, but you might get lucky with a sympathetic check-in person. Either way, you shouldn’t be charged for checking a car seat or gate-checking a stroller , and your bags will be considerably lighter on the way back.  Make a detailed packing list or print one from here . How detailed depends on how easily you can buy what you need. Florida ? No problem. Cuba ? A little more work.

The travel days are tough, so be armed with extra everything – diapers, wipes, distractions, clothes (for you too!), and nourishment for baby. Delays are common, and airports aren’t the best places to buy baby things. Once you get where you’re going, the journey becomes a distant memory, and your new vacation memories can start! Your holiday routine will fall into place if you go with the flow.

A vacation with baby provides the opportunity for you all to connect away from the busy-ness of day-to-day life.  Take the plunge, and book it! It doesn’t matter if baby won’t remember it, because you will never forget.

Have Baby Will Travel  is a participant in the  Amazon Services LLC Associates/Influencer Program . If you make a purchase through this site, we may receive a small commission.  Click here to check out our Amazon Store .

See Also:

Planning Your First Trip with Baby

Traveling with a Baby? It Gets Easier

The First Trip is the Toughest… Surviving Baby’s First Trip

Information & Tips for Traveling with a Baby or Toddler

Tips for Flying with an Infant or Toddler at Every Age & Stage

What to Do if Baby Gets Sick on Vacation

A Complete Guide to Baby Travel Gear

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