Things to do in an Airport Lounge (Stay Entertained!)

We've written a lot of different articles on ways to stay entertained while traveling; from staying entertained on road trips, long bus journey's, and when you're stuck at the airport because of a killer flight cancellations and delays.
But one of the best places to spend time in an airport is the lounge; beyond the great food, free champagne, and comfy seating, there are often showers, magazines, and free WiFi.
Some lounges come with great inbuilt entertainment - cool games rooms, libraries, a la carte dining, and even spa centers. But some can be downright boring! A restful, quiet space to kick back in a comfy chair with some great food.
If that's not enough to keep you entertained, here are some ideas for things to do, while still maintaining a respectful, quiet atmosphere for the other travelers who do just want their chair and their food.
The post Things to do in an Airport Lounge (Stay Entertained!) appeared first on Mapping Megan .

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