Franklyn D. Resort and Spa… The One with the Vacation Nannies!

“Bubedict Arnold” with Nanny Loraine

Once upon a time I finally (finally!) visited the famed Franklyn D Resort & Spa . Surely you’ve heard of it… it’s the resort in Jamaica with vacation nannies in Runaway Bay.

It’s Jamaican-owned (by Franklyn D. Rance, not Franklin Delano Roosevelt!) and offers the unique vacation nanny program where each family is assigned their own nanny for the duration of their stay.

Two Nannies = Double the Fun

I had Bub with me, plus my daughter, plus my mother-in-law, so they assigned us a second nanny as well. This now costs an extra $50 US per day. That, my friends, is still an incredible bargain.

As a guests of the Jamaica Tourist Board , my daughter and I were kept very busy with lots of fun excursions (more on those later). My mother-in-law and Bub hung out and enjoyed everything Franklyn D. had to offer.

Believe the Hype

There’s certainly a lot of hype around this resort. Now I can say first-hand that it’s absolutely well-deserved. I wasn’t sure I would like the nanny program. The idea of hanging out with a stranger during precious family time seemed odd to me. And I was sure my kids would not be comfortable being left in the care of a stranger in a strange place… Nor would I feel comfortable leaving them.

Let’s just say my mind was changed within two minutes.

I put down the Red Stripe to take this picture…

Resort Nannies Make the Vacation

You see, in the two minutes that we were in our (huge) room, my son’s diaper was changed (he does have incredible timing), and both kids were swimsuited, sunscreened, and out at the beach.

I stood there, somewhat stunned, with a cold beer in my hand and suitcases to unpack without my “helpful” children underfoot. Our room literally opened up to the beach, so I could keep my eye on things, but from that moment on, I was hooked.

An Actual Vacation Thanks to Vacation Nannies

Our nannies were Carmelina and Loraine. They were lovely. Carmelina took my daughter to do tie dye, paint souvenir plates, and made her a beautiful necklace. She kept asking when we could move to Jamaica so Carmelina could be her nanny. (Um… I wish!)

Loraine cared for Bub as though he was her own. I wasn’t terribly thrilled when he’d reach for her instead of me. And it felt good to know he was in such good hands while I was out and about. Because of their help, my mother-in-law had company while we were away, but also had a nice break too.

I did a whopper of a review of FDR Resort and if you have been to FDR , I would love to hear all about it!

Find the best deal, compare prices, and read what other travelers have to say about visiting Franklyn D. Resort at Tripadvisor

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See Also:

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Tips for Flying with an Infant or Toddler at Every Age & Stage

Sun Safety Tips for Babies & Toddlers + What to Bring to the Beach

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