Masjid Dimaukom: The Pink Mosque in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao

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Masjid Dimaukom: The Pink Mosque in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao
Dimaukom Mosque: Exploring the Iconic Pink Mosque of Datu Saudi Ampatuan
Located in the heart of Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao, is Masjid Dimaukom, a stunning architectural masterpiece that catches the eye with its unique pink color. Commonly referred to as the Pink Mosque, this structure is not only a place of worship but also a symbol of peace and unity in a region that has witnessed its fair share of conflicts. The pink shade of the mosque is not just an aesthetic statement but holds a deeper significance, representing the community’s unwavering hope for peace and love.
Masjid Dimaukom Pink Mosque, Salbu-Pagatin Road, Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao Del Norte By Patrickroque01 CC BY-SA 4.0 , cc
Commissioned by the late Mayor Samsudin Dimaukom, the Pink Mosque was a project born from a vision to transform the image of Maguindanao. The chosen color of the mosque was intentional, with pink standing as a beacon of harmony, attracting both worshippers and visitors alike. The mosque boasts of not only spiritual significance but also cultural importance, as it has quickly become one of Maguindanao’s most visited landmarks.
Constructed on land graciously donated by the Dimaukom family, the mosque serves as a generous gift to the local population, further solidifying the mayor’s commitment to fostering a unified community. Throughout its existence, Masjid Dimaukom has continued to welcome visitors from all walks of life, offering a serene haven amidst the hustle of daily life, and exemplifying the rich cultural tapestry of Datu Saudi Ampatuan.
Construction and Founder
The Pink Mosque was constructed on land owned by the family of Mayor Samsudin Dimaukom , who personally financed the development of the mosque. His initiative marked a significant effort to contribute to the cultural and religious landscape of the Philippines, particularly in the realm of Islam. The construction of Masjid Dimaukom began with the dual intention of providing a place of worship and promoting a message of peace.
Symbolism and Named After
Masjid Dimaukom’s pink color is a deliberate choice, symbolizing peace and love, and serves as a vivid representation of the hope for harmony within Maguindanao and the greater Philippines. Often referenced as the Pink Mosque , its unique hue is both a literal and figurative beacon that reflects Islam’s peaceful essence. The mosque’s very name, Dimaukom, alludes to its patron, solidifying Mayor Samsudin Dimaukom’s legacy within the structure’s history and purpose.
Architectural Features
Design and Structure
The Masjid Dimaukom features traditional Muslim architectural elements such as a qubba (dome) and minarets, skillfully combined with modern structure and materials. The mosque’s design ensures an ambience conducive to worship while reflecting the cultural identity of the Muslim community in Datu Saudi Ampatuan.
Color Significance
The mosque’s signature pink hue is not merely aesthetic but carries profound meaning. It is intended to represent peace and love , setting a welcoming tone and fostering a sense of unity among the worshippers. This choice of color is a deliberate move by the benefactor to symbolize a commitment to peace in Maguindanao.
Cultural Importance
Islam in Maguindanao
In Maguindanao, Islam is not just a religion but a way of life that has deeply influenced the social and cultural fabric of the community. The Pink Mosque, touching the soil of Datu Saudi Ampatuan, serves as a tangible emblem of the faith’s prominence in the region. It is more than a place of worship; it stands as a beacon of peace and brotherhood, promoting unity among Muslims and projecting a positive image of Mindanao to the rest of the world.
Synthesis of Faith and Culture
The distinct pink hue of Masjid Dimaukom is not merely a design choice but a deliberate symbol. It reflects the cultural identity of the people, where faith and culture converge. The color pink here is a visual statement, representing the community’s aspirations for peace and love. This cultural icon marries traditional Islamic architecture with local sensibilities, underlining how Mindanao ‘s culture shapes, and is shaped by, its religious spirit. The mosque, therefore, plays a pivotal role in the cultural landscape, as a place that transcends religious practice and becomes a testament to the harmonious blend of beliefs and cultural expression.
Social and Community Impact
Masjid Dimaukom has become a pivotal fixture in the sociocultural landscape of Datu Saudi Ampatuan, serving not only as a place of worship but also as a catalyst for community cohesion and inter-faith dialogue.
Center of Brotherhood
Masjid Dimaukom , also referred to as the Pink Mosque , stands as a bold symbol of brotherhood and unity among the residents of Maguindanao. It operates as more than just a spiritual hub; it fosters a strong sense of community where people come together, transcending their individual differences. This initiative was driven by the mosque’s construction, which was under the commission of then-Mayor Samsudin Dimaukom, aiming to provide a space of congregation for the people of Maguindanao.
Inter-Faith Peace Efforts
Through its distinct colour, Masjid Dimaukom embodies a physical representation of love and peace . It actively engages in inter-faith peace efforts by welcoming individuals from different religious backgrounds to explore its premises and learn about Islam’s teachings of respect and peace . The mosque’s pink hue is not simply an aesthetic choice but a deliberate one, representing a commitment to inter-faith brotherhood and laying a foundation for peaceful inter-religious coexistence.
Tourism and Accessibility
Masjid Dimaukom has garnered attention for its vibrant hue and has become an increasingly popular tourist destination in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao. This section will guide potential visitors on how to reach the mosque, as well as inform them of the attractions nearby.
How to Visit
Visitors to the Pink Mosque should be aware that public transportation is readily available but may involve several transfers. Those starting from Cotabato City can first take a Husky Bus or a jeep to the town of Datu Odin Sinsuat. From Datu Odin Sinsuat, travelers can hire a tricycle or arrange a private vehicle to make the final leg of the journey to the mosque in Datu Saudi Ampatuan. The trip is typically uncomplicated but consulting with local travel guides is recommended for the most current route and fare information.
Nearby Attractions
While visiting the Pink Mosque, tourists may consider exploring other notable sites in the Maguindanao province. A few of these attractions include:

Grand Mosque of Cotabato : Also known as the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Masjid, this is one of the largest mosques in the Philippines and is located roughly 45 minutes away.
Blue Lagoon (Timako Hill) : This natural swimming spot offers respite in a lush environment and is a short journey from the Pink Mosque.
Takumi Butai Memorial Shrine : A historical landmark dedicated to the memory of fallen World War II soldiers located in Datu Odin Sinsuat.

Please note, while there is no standard entrance fee to view the mosque, contributions for its upkeep are welcomed. Suitable accommodations can be found in Cotabato City for those wishing to stay overnight, with options ranging from budget hostels to more comfortable hotels.
Religious Practices
Masjid Dimaukom serves as a spiritual hub for the Muslim community in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao. This mosque is not only a center for daily prayers but also plays a critical role during the holy month of Ramadan.
Worship Activities
At the Pink Mosque, worship activities are integral to the daily lives of Muslims. Five times a day, worshippers gather to perform Salah , the Islamic ritual prayer. Each prayer is announced by a call to prayer , resonating from the mosque’s minarets. The Friday Jumu’ah prayer is especially significant, as it brings together the Muslim community in a larger congregational worship, reinforcing a sense of fellowship and unity.
Ramadan Observances
During Ramadan , the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar marked by the sighting of the crescent moon , Muslims at Masjid Dimaukom engage in heightened religious observance. They fast from dawn until sunset, abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs. It is a time for self-reflection , spiritual growth , and increased devotion and worship. The mosque becomes a focal point for Iftar , the meal that breaks the fast at sunset, and for the nightly Taraweeh prayers, where long portions of the Quran are recited. These practices are all performed with the intent to draw closer to Allah and to express gratitude for His blessings.
Frequently Asked Questions
In this section, find answers to common queries about Masjid Dimaukom, also known as the Pink Mosque, from its rich history to visitor information.
What is the history behind Masjid Dimaukom?
Masjid Dimaukom was initiated by Mayor Samsudin Dimaukom to transform the image of Maguindanao. It represents a path towards peace and love, using its unique color as a symbol of these ideals.
How does the Pink Mosque reflect the culture of Maguindanao?
In Maguindanao culture, the color pink is a symbol of peace. Masjid Dimaukom, with its distinctive pink hue, reflects a commitment to peace and unity within the community.
Where exactly is Masjid Dimaukom located in Datu Saudi Ampatuan?
Masjid Dimaukom is situated in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao. The mosque was built on land donated by the Dimaukom family.
What are the architectural features of the Pink Mosque?
The Pink Mosque’s architecture is characterized by its striking pink facade and traditional Islamic design elements. It stands as a modern symbol of Maguindanao’s progressive spirit .
What is the cultural significance of the Pink Mosque in Philippines society?
In the context of the Philippines, a predominantly Catholic country, the Pink Mosque serves as a landmark of Islamic faith and cultural diversity, promoting love and progress in the BARMM region.
Can you provide details on visiting hours and rules for tourists at Masjid Dimaukom?
Tourists are encouraged to visit Masjid Dimaukom, respecting the Islamic traditions by dressing modestly and adhering to the visiting hours established by the local management for non-prayer times.
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Masjid Dimaukom: The Pink Mosque in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao
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