Ultimate Guide: How to Get from Bangkok to Chiang Mai

Traveling from Thailand Bangkok to Chiang Mai is a journey filled with excitement and anticipation. Why is Chiang Mai so special? The beautiful Chiang Mai is home to various natural features , Buddhist hilltop temples, gorgeous rainforests, and exciting elephant camps. Furthermore, the cuisine is excellent, and the area has a booming market for regional Thai handicrafts .

Planning a trip to this majestic city after visiting Bangkok? Even though the cities are 680 kilometers (422 miles) apart, traveling between them isn’t as challenging as you might expect . Keep reading to find out how to get from Bangkok to Chiangmai!

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Quick Jumplinks

Where Is Chiang Mai Located?
3 Ways To Travel From Chiang Mai To Bangkok
Bangkok To Chiangmai Bus

Bangkok To Chiang Mai Train
Bangkok To Chiang Mai Flights
Frequently Asked Questions

Where Is Chiang Mai Located?

Chiang Mai is the largest city in northern Thailand . It’s located on River Ping , a significant tributary of the Chao Phraya River. The stunning city is an important regional center for transportation, education, culture, and religion. Founded in 1296, it served as the capital of the Lanna Kingdom until 1558.

Find Places To Stay In Bangkok | Places To Stay In Chiang Mai

How to Get From Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

Traveling from Bangkok to Chiangmai is an exciting and anticipated journey. Whether you’re drawn to Chiang Mai’s ancient temples, vibrant markets, or lush landscapes, getting there is an adventure. Here, we’ll explore the various transportation options available, helping you choose the best way to reach this enchanting city.

Bangkok To Chiangmai Bus


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