101 Best Travel Jobs To Make Money in 2023

The best travel jobs that can earn you money while you’re on the road. This is the most extensive list of travel jobs that you’ll find anywhere online.

When it comes to travel, there tend to be many motivating factors, but only one major hurdle… money.

You want to travel the world full-time, explore the unknown, meet new people, experience new cultures and taste new cuisines , but all of these things cost money and those costs can add up quickly.

Dariece and I started travelling back in 2008 and ever since we left our home country of Canada, we scoured the planet for the best travel jobs.

Free 101 Travel Jobs Ebook:  We also have a version of 101 Travel Jobs in an ebook. Download it for free now. We’ll also send you emails to teach you how to earn money on the road so you can travel forever.

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We wanted to find jobs that could pay us money   while we were traveling  so that we never had to return home to work a regular 9-5 again.

In our job hunt, we personally worked dozens of different jobs including bartending, volunteering, teaching English, and pet-sitting, and eventually, we landed on the ultimate travel job… running a travel blog .

But in our quest, we interviewed dozens of travelers who have worked all sorts of travel jobs all over the world.

This blog that you’re reading is dedicated to finding ways to earn money online so that you can travel/live abroad for as long as you want.

We eat, sleep, and breathe travel and our entire life since 2008 has been committed to finding ways to sustain our travel addiction and share it with the people who read this blog!

In this post, I’m not keeping any secrets.

I’m going to share with you all of the best travel jobs and passive income ideas that you can find on the road, but I’m not just going to list them.

I’m going to tell you where to find each job, what the jobs entail, what requirements there are, and perhaps most importantly, what each travel job pays.

I want to make it easy for you to leave your 9-5 job and (if you don’t enjoy it) never return. We are living proof that your amazing vacation, gap year or world trip  never has to end. 

We’ve been at it for over 10 years and today we get flown around the world on all-expense-paid trips while earning six figures a year . Sounds too good to be true? It’s not, read on to see what travel jobs you can earn good money from while on the road.

Jump to any section using the Table Of Contents.

What Makes a Good Travel Job?

To me, the best travel jobs are those that offer you freedom and flexibility.

While there are plenty of great travel jobs that still require you to work 9-5 (like teaching English, working at a hostel , working at a restaurant etc.), the ones you’ll want to look for are travel jobs that allow you to choose your own hours.

That’s why I’ve decided to break down this list of the best travel jobs into different categories. You can jump to any one of these categories below if you’re interested in a specific type of work.

How Much Do The Best Travel Jobs Pay?

In our own personal experience and the experience of the many people who we’ve interviewed for this article, we’ve found that the best travel job (travel blogging) can pay $10,000+ per month.

We personally earn that much from this blog, but know many other travel bloggers earning far more.

Most travel jobs won’t pay this much. Cruise ship workers , experienced English teachers and social media stars probably earn the next best salaries.

Your main goal with a travel job shouldn’t necessarily be about how much it pays though. You should make sure that the line of work you choose makes you happy, is fulfilling and is something you’re passionate about.

Let’s get started!

101 Travel Jobs To Earn Money On The Road

This list has 101 different travel jobs that can earn you money while on the road. I strongly recommend that you read and consider each one.

Many of our readers decide to try numerous jobs at a time. Many of these jobs don’t require very many hours per week, so you can do a few at the same time and maximize your profits.

Online Travel Jobs

These are all jobs that can be done from your computer as long as you have an internet connection while on the road.

In our opinion, the absolute best way to earn money is from your laptop because it gives you the freedom of location independence. There’s simply nothing better than remote work !

1. Travel Blogging

Potential Income: $20,000+ / month
Hours: Optional (10-15 hours / week is enough)
How To Get The Job: Purchase a blog domain & hosting for $50 and start writing

I really can’t help but sing praise about this amazing blogging job.

When we started this website a few years ago, we didn’t know the first thing about blogging. We had heard that it was possible to earn some money from it and we knew we loved travelling, writing, and photography, so we gave it a shot.

We weren’t professional photographers in any way, we had no prior writing experience and we didn’t know the first thing about blogging and yet, in just a few years we grew this blog to be a money-making, travel-supporting machine and we couldn’t be happier!

Get Our Blogging Course ( $199 FREE)

Start a blog today and get our WordPress Blogging Course for free ($199 Value). This course will teach you exactly how to start, design and grow a website or blog in just 4 easy-to-follow video modules. I can help you build your blog, even if you’re not tech-savvy.


This lifestyle is so amazing that we’re always telling the readers of our blog and the followers on our social media accounts about it. We love it.

Companies contact us for paid press trips , we earn a good income while only working on our laptops 10 – 15 hours per week and we get to travel and live abroad full-time (at the time of writing this post, we’re living in a pool villa on the water in the Caribbean).

There’s a lot to travel blogging though.

Learning how to start a travel blog is easy. These days, you don’t even have to think of a domain name right away (ie: www.yourdomainname.com).

But building a blog to the point that can earn money takes time. That’s why we’re offering a Free Beginners Blogger Course for anyone who starts a blog through this step-by-step guide .

If you’re interested, click the links, follow the steps to create your own blog and we’ll teach you how to set up WordPress and grow your blog quickly (many of our students have earned free travel and an income in as little as 6 months).

To be a successful blogger, there are actually many travel jobs that branch off of the main title of “being a travel blogger”. In order to really earn money, you need to diversify your income portfolio.

Once you have your blog set up and you’ve established an audience (sometimes as quickly as a few months), you can start using these methods to earn money from your blog:

Sponsored Content: Most blogs start this way. A company basically contacts you via email (or you reach out to them) and asks you to write a review about their product or brand. They pay for this review and the link to their site (between $200 – $750 USD / article). This is known as a sponsored post or sponsored content. Learn how to ethically create sponsored content following Google guidelines in our post, here . 

Affiliate Sales: Instead of getting paid for the link, a better way to arrange payment is via commission. Affiliate marketing is when you link to a product or service from your blog and when one of your readers makes a purchase through your link, the company tracks it and sends you a percentage of the sale.

Banner Ads & Direct Advertising: Basically running ads that are placed around your blog, when someone views an ad, or when they then click / purchase, you get paid. Currently, there is a company called Mediavine that provides the highest paying in-content ads . You’ll see them once in a while on this blog. Even though we hardly show any ads, we’re still able to earn $2,000 – $3,000 / month just by having these ads on our site.

Brand Ambassadorship: A brand asks you to continuously use their product/service and write about it, and they pay you a monthly salary.

Press Trips: This is literally getting paid to travel . A tourism board or tour company invites you to their country to write about your experiences. They do this because your blog has large numbers and they want to introduce your readers to their tour or destination. Press trips and FAM trips typically include flights, all transport, food, travel, and entertainment for the duration of the trip and you can charge for your services on top of this (upwards of $10,000/ two-week trip). Tourism boards even invite bloggers on trips who haven’t grown a huge audience. They often choose based on the quality of content and target audience, rather than numbers.

The reason I’ve gone so into depth about travel blogging is that we think it’s the ultimate travel job. It’s clear that because you came to this post, you love travel! Well, travel blogging encompasses everything travel, offers you free travel, you can get paid to travel and you can share your travels with the world.

Once you learn the skills, they are also transferable to other travel jobs.

You’ll find that many of the jobs on this list can branch off from your main travel blogging career, which is another reason why we think that travel blogging is the best travel job of all.

2. Online Tutor

Potential Income: $10 – $50 / hour
Hours: 5 – 40+ hours / week. 
How To Get The Job: If you’re already a teacher, ask parents at your school or check websites like Italki.com , TutorMe.com and Cambly.com

If you have any particular expertise on a subject, you can make money teaching others with platforms like TutorMe. They offer over 40 subjects mostly revolving around study and test preparations, so there’s bound to be something you’re able to teach.

It’s great if you’re a college student, teacher, or even a professor. With Italki and Cambly, the tutoring you’ll be doing is language-related.

⇒ Learn more about becoming a tutor in our post: Online Tutoring Jobs – How To Easily Find Work Tutoring Online

3. Teach Online

Potential Income: $10 – $30 / hour
Hours: Optional – Work as much or as little as you want
How To Get The Job: There are plenty of great places to find jobs teaching English online

It’s really not that hard to find a job as an online teacher. If you’re a native English speaker, you’ll earn more money, but there are jobs for teachers of all languages. These jobs pay up to $30 / hour and you can teach multiple classes per week.

Teaching online will give you the flexibility to make money while you’re travelling and can also be a nice income supplement to other on-the-road jobs. Most companies require you to have a university degree, but some do not.

Check out our Teach English Online post to read more about how to find work, how much you can make and what to expect from a job teaching English online. If you have your online TEFL certification , it’ll give you a better chance of being hired.

Also, have a look at our other online teaching posts:

Magic Ears Review: Earn $26/Hour Teaching English Online

How To Become a VIPKID Teacher and Earn $22 / hour

Teach English With QKids – A Step By Step Guide

Make Money Teaching Online With EF Education First  

4. Proofreader

Potential Income: $45 / hour
Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
How To Get The Job: Learn More Here (Guaranteed Work)

Proofreading is the ultimate travel job and it’s not difficult to learn how to become a proofreader . We’ve put one of our team members through the Knowadays Proofreading Course and we did a full review .

The best part about this proofreading course is that if you pass the final test and get certified (it only takes a few days) you will have guaranteed work through their marketplace. And proofreading pays well at upwards of $45 per hour, making this one of the best travel jobs in 2023.

Learn More About Proofreading:

10 Best Proofreading Software Applications

10 Best Proofreading Jobs

10 Best Proofreading Courses

5. Digital Marketer

Potential Income: $1,500 – $100,000+ / month
Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
How To Get The Job: Use websites below to find work

Growth Hub is an online community dedicated to educating marketers and provides a number of resources for success. But it’s their job board that’s the real winner. Here’s where you’ll find the best opportunities for digital marketers, paid search consultants, search engine optimization and more.

Just choose “remote” in the Locations category, and you can browse what’s available. Depending on the company posting the job they often specify expected salaries, which is a good thing.

6. Translation & Editorial

Potential Income: $20 / hour max
Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
How To Get The Job: Use websites below to find work

Are you bilingual or at least able to correct mistakes in your native language? Check local newspapers around the world and you’ll almost always find job postings for translation and editing. Although most jobs are looking for native English speakers, there are plenty of places that will hire you as long as you have a good grasp on written English and English grammar.

Try Upwork , Gengo , Freelancer.com or Lingosaur  to find job listings.

These jobs aren’t just for English speakers though, there are multilingual newspapers & magazines in almost every country.

7. Transcribing

Potential Income: $20 / hour max
Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
How To Get The Job: Use website below to find work

If you’re a super-fast typer, you can make money as a transcriber. The toughest part about this job is that your grammar needs to be on point, but if you’re good, you’ll have plenty of work available.

There are plenty of sites online to get jobs transcribing, like FocusFWD.com . To apply you just need to download and complete a transcription test, and if you meet their quality guidelines, you can start accepting projects.

Companies like Focus Forward pay per audio minute, ranging from $0.40 to $0.65 as a rough average, but realistically you’re only going to be able to type out 15 to 20 minutes of audio in an hour.

8. Customer Service Rep

Potential Income: $20 / hour max
Hours: 20 – 40 hours / week. 
How To Get The Job: Check Alorica for listings

If you have some people skills and don’t mind spending time on the phone, you may consider becoming a customer service rep. With this job, you can work from home, but you will likely have set hours.

Apply for a call center job with Alorica, and you’ll get to work from home, taking customer service style calls from a wide range of clients.

Depending on the client, you may also need to respond to live chat or reply to emails. They’ll also pay you during the training period which is a nice touch, but the only downside is you have to be in the United States.

9. Web Developer

Potential Income: $100+ / hour
Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
How To Get The Job: Use websites below to find work

For this job, you’ll have to have a lot of experience as a developer, but it can be a lucrative travel job.

StackOverflow is the largest online community for developers. This is a place for learning, one where you can advance your skills and also find your next opportunity.

Just head to their jobs page and click the filters. Under perks, you want to check the box marked “offers remote.” At the time of writing, there were 69 jobs available for remote developers, across a range of different programming languages.

Even if you’re not a web developer, you can master Thrive Architect and be able to build professional looking websites pretty quickly. You may then find some local businesses that need simple websites built and you can help them to create them.  See also: 1 0 Ways To Make Money Coding (with no experience)

Other websites for finding work as a developer:





10. Sell T-Shirts

Potential Income: $15 profit / t-shirt on average (high-end earners upwards of $20,000 / month)
Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
How To Get The Job: Create t-shirts using websites like VistaPrint , Shopify & Teespring

This may sound funny, but we actually know of some people who have made decent money creating cool travel shirts and selling them.

You can create your own designs at lots of different shops around the world, then sell them on the streets, at your hostel or online. There’s one guy who was interviewed on TheHustle.co who earned $100,000 in just 5 months from selling t-shirts on teespring.com!

11. Web Designer

Potential Income: $50+ / hour
Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
How To Get The Job: Post up on websites listed below

There are plenty of companies out there who will hire web designers for a good income. If you have web design experience, you can check out sites like 99designs.com, coroflot.com , crowdsite.com and dribbble.com to find work.

12. Drop Shipping

Potential Income: Up to $100,000+ / year
Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
How To Get The Job: Find a manufacturer, create a website / online store and start selling

Basically drop shipping is a very low-risk way to start up a business selling products online. Traditionally if you wanted to do this, you would have to create a product, market it, store it in a warehouse and ship it out yourself, while having to deal with refunds, returns, etc.

Finding a manufacturer will be one of the hardest things to do. Simply typing “drop shippers” into Google won’t give you very good results because only big drop shipping manufacturers that do business with big drop shippers will have the money to invest in SEO (search engine optimization), which allows their website to be seen first in Google.

It’s vital that you find a good dropshipping manufacturer if you want to earn a reliable income as a drop shipper. A website called www.abetterlemonadestand.com has put together this great list of dropshipping suppliers that can help you get started.

13. Play The Stock Market (Day Trading)

Potential Income: $40,000 / 3 days! (Around $3,500 / month on average for relatively skilled day trader)
Hours: 20 – 40+ hours / week. 
How To Get The Job: Start playing the stock market. To earn money, you need to have skill.

If you’re a gambling person, this might work for you. There are people who are earning enough to travel purely from stocks. One successful travelling day trader named Kunal said this about his best income earning:

“I ended up making $40,000 in three days, which was my best three-day run ever. I didn’t really see it as a big week as this was years in the making. Every year I learn and work my butt off to get better each day. I have a lot of process goals on how to improve each single day. That week was just the culmination of years of work and building my skills. Then when I saw the right moment to really hit it I was truly ready to take those profits.”

14. Affiliate Marketer

Potential Income: $500 – $100,000 / month
Hours: 0 hours per week (it takes a long time to set up an affiliate campaign that’s profitable, but once it runs it can be completely passive income)
How To Get The Job: Start a blog or utilize your social followers to recommend & sell products. Use links below to find multiple affiliate opportunities

You don’t actually have to be a travel blog in order to earn a bit of money as an affiliate marketer.

If you use and love a product or service, why not recommend it to your social media friends, email list and WhatsApp contacts? If they end up making a purchase through your affiliate tracking links, you can earn a commission.

The best part about affiliate marketing is that once you have something in place, you can earn money while you’re sleeping. This blog currently earns around $5,000 per month from affiliate marketing, meaning we earn that $5,000 without having to do anything!

Check out these affiliate networks for great products and brands to recommend:




15. Go on Fiverr

Potential Income: $5-$50 / gig
Hours: 10 – 40+ hours / week
How To Get The Job: Sign-up for Fiverr and sell your services

Get paid anywhere from $5 – $40 selling your services on Fiverr. You can pretty much get hired to do anything, from translation and dictation to design and photo editing, you’ll find a job on Fiverr.com .

16. Accounting

Potential Income: $20+ / hour
Hours: 30 – 40+ hours / week
How To Get The Job: If you’re an accountant, contact companies via email or ask your current employer to allow you to work from home

We met a guy in Mexico who was making good money helping companies organize their finances in spreadsheets. Depending on the company, you may not need to have a degree, but just a good understanding of spreadsheets and mathematics. There are numerous online accounting jobs available. Click here for our full article . 

17. Editor

Potential Income: $7-$40 / hour
Hours: 10 – 40+ hours / week
How To Get The Job: Contact bloggers and websites to pitch your services. Email them with corrections and tell them you’re able to edit quickly.

There are millions of blogs online and many of them need an editor. We have editors on Goats On The Road that go over our content before it’s published to make sure everything is okay. Editing jobs can pay anywhere from $7 – $40 / hour and they can typically be done from anywhere in the world.

18. Selling Ebooks

Potential Income: Upwards of Six-Figures / year
Hours: Optional
How To Get The Job: Write and Design an Ebook & Sell it on Amazon or on your blog

This job is particularly good if you already have a blog because you’ll have already honed your writing skills and you’ll have an audience to sell to. There are a few ebook authors out there earning six-figures or more from ebook sales, but generally they have a lot of ebooks.

I know one person who makes a decent income and produces an ebook every couple of weeks! He basically writes posts and instead of publishing them on his blog, he sells them in PDF format on Amazon.

When I sell my ebooks, I write 10,000+ words in Google Docs, then I head to Canva.com (a free online design tool) and design the book to look professional using their templates. I then sell the books (or give them away for free) on this blog and on Amazon.

19. Selling e-Courses

Potential Income: $100,000 / month+
Hours: Optional (Many hours to produce the course, then basically none to keep selling it)
How To Get The Job: Record videos and create downloadable PDFs and sell on your own blog or sites like Teachable.com

This is definitely one of the most lucrative travel jobs on this list and it’s another one that goes great with having your own travel blog.

You don’t necessarily have to own your own blog to earn money selling courses though. You can create and sell your training on websites like Teachable.com and Skillshare.com and they will display it to their marketplace.

That way, you’re essentially using their audience to sell. But if you own your own blog, you’ll likely sell far more copies of your course because people will already know and trust you by reading your blog.

We have one course for sale currently for $99, but we also offer it for free to people when they start a new blog . We have also created an affordable Advanced SEO Course . Many similar courses online go for as much as $1200!

Just think, if you can create an epic resource that walks people through a step-by-step process to achieve a goal, they’ll be happy to pay for that.

If you charge $300 / course, then you only have to sell 2 courses per month and you’ll be able to live in the worlds cheapest countries  full-time.

20. Blog Management

Potential Income: $3,000+ / month
Hours: 30 – 50 hours / week
How To Get The Job: If you have blogging experience, post in blogger Facebook Groups and Communities

For this job, you will need to have a considerable amount of experience with blogging, social media and all things that go along with the industry.

If you already have a blog and have experience, you can earn a pretty good living from this. We know because we pay our blog managers between $1,500 – $3,000 per month depending on their work duties and we know of other websites that pay much more.

21. Copywriter

Potential Income: $30 – $500 / article
Hours: Optional (20+ hours / week to earn a good living)
How To Get The Job: Check our list of websites that pay digital nomads for writing gigs

A copywriter is when you write content for someone else’s blog or website and it’s one of the best travel jobs out there. There are literally thousands of websites looking for people with experience in thousands of different fields to write posts for their blogs.

You don’t have to only write about travel either. There are parenting, mechanic, tech, fishing, outdoors, sports and many other types of blogs who are looking to pay writers to write for them.

We have personally written for dozens of blogs as freelancers and have been paid between $75 – $500 per post.

At one time, we were able to earn over $3,000 per month from freelance writing alone.

Having a blog can help you get freelance jobs because you’ll already have an online portfolio that you can use to pitch new websites.

The best way to earn a full-time income as a copywriter is to try to become a columnist on a website. You may get paid a bit less per article, but if you can land a job that guarantees you 5 articles per week at $100 each, you’ll be earning $500 / month from that one client.

See Also: How To Make Money & Travel The World as a Copywriter

22. Freelance Writer

Potential Income: $300 – $1500 / article
Hours: Optional (10-15 hours / week is enough)
How To Get The Job: Contact airline magazines, local magazines & newspapers

I’ve separated freelance writing from copywriting because it’s actually quite different. I like to call a freelance writer a person who writes in print, while a copywriter is someone who writes online. To become a freelance writer, you may have to have a bit more experience, but the pay is higher.

It’s generally harder to land print writing jobs. Try to contact your own local newspapers and magazines to pitch them. For travel, airline magazines and guidebooks tend to pay their writers the best.

See Also: How To Make Money as a Freelance Writer

23. Selling Photos

Potential Income: $300+ / month
Hours: Optional Depends on your library
How To Get The Job: Post your photos for sale on your blog, or on sites like Shopify , iStock & ShutterStock

This is a difficult job to earn money. If you have a blog, once you have it online, you may just find that a lot of companies will start contacting you and asking you to buy your photos. T

hese opportunities rarely come, but they can be lucrative with some photos selling for $500+. There are also lots of websites where you can post your photos and hope to find buyers.

If you don’t have a blog, you can post your photos up on sites like  Shopify , iStock & ShutterStock and if they’re good, you may be able to sell some.

24. Selling Videos

Potential Income: $300+ / month
Hours: Optional Depends on your library
How To Get The Job: Post your photos for sale on your blog, or on sites like Unscreen, Amazon, iTunes & SmugMug

This one is a lot more lucrative than selling photos and if you have a YouTube channel, you may find that you get offers frequently. We’ve sold a few clips and we generally charge $100 / second! That makes a pretty good chunk of change when you’re selling 8 second+ long clips!

25. Social Media Management

Potential Income: $500 – $5,000 / month
Hours: Optional Depends on requirements of your clients (20 – 40 hours / week)
How To Get The Job: Contact related companies via email and pitch them your services. Post in Facebook groups

Once you become a pro at social media, you can help other brands and companies grow and maintain their social media accounts.

We have some clients who pay upwards of $1500 / month for this service. We pay our social media managers around $500 – $1000 / month to manage our accounts.

To find a job, you can cold call or cold email potential clients, search on websites like FlexJobs and Upwork , or if you’d like to manage social media for a travel blogger, you may want to create a posting in a Facebook group or community that has many travel bloggers.

SEE ALSO: How To Make Money As A Freelance Social Media Manager

26. Become a VA

Potential Income: $5 – $60 / hour
Hours: 20+ hours / week
How To Get The Job: Check Online Job Boards, Post your skills in blogging communities on Facebook or email your favourite bloggers

Many bloggers (including us Goats) need virtual assistants. These jobs can pay well depending on who you’re working for, and what you’ll be required to do. Virtual assistant jobs are a good way to earn a side income and hone your skills. 

If you have experience with computers, design, accounting, and are organized and professional, this might be the job for you. 

To learn more, check out our full post: How To Find Virtual Assistant Jobs – Work Online, From Anywhere

27. Pinterest Designer

Potential Income: $5 – $10 / hour
Hours: Depends on Clients (20+ hours / week)
How To Get The Job: Post your examples in blogging communities on Facebook or email your favourite bloggers with design examples

Look at the bottom of this post and you’ll see a Pinterest pin that was created on Canva.com . It’s a pretty easy service to use.

Learn how to create cool Pinterest images on Canva and you can get hired by bloggers and brands to design Pinterest images for them. They may only pay $3 or less per image, but once you have a template you can bang them out pretty quick.

28. Give Online Feedback

Potential Income: $3 – $10 / test
Hours: Optional. 1 test takes 15 minutes so work 6 hours per day and earn $72+
How To Get The Job: Check out UserTesting and other sites

Platforms like UserTesting are great because they allow anyone to sign up and start supplying feedback on websites. It’s free to join, and you can start making money as soon as your application is accepted.

The way it works is that clients pay UserTesting for feedback, who then source the feedback needed from their testers (what you’ll be doing).

Most tests take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete, and you’ll get paid anywhere from $3 to $10 per test. You will need a good quality headset with a good mic for your audio files to be accepted.

29. Online Fitness Instructor

Potential Income: Varies widely depending on Patreon, Ads & Students ($0 – $1000+ / month)
Hours: 30+ hours / week including shooting video, editing & marketing
How To Get The Job: Create a YouTube Channel, open a Patreon account, create killer fitness videos, market for growth

There are many great YouTube channels and videos online that include fitness classes. You could start running your own fitness classes online by recording videos of your classes and posting them on YouTube.

You can also do this by posting them on premium video hosting sites like Wistia, and making the students pay to access the content.

You can also earn money as an online fitness instructor by setting up a Patreon account and asking your students to pay you a monthly fee to publish a set amount of videos each month.

30. Online Yoga Instructor

Potential Income: $0 – $1000+ per month
Hours: 30+ hours / week for shooting video, editing, marketing & growth
How To Get The Job: Create a YouTube channel, open a Patreon account, create awesome yoga videos & market your channel for growth

Just like there are for fitness classes, there are many great YouTube channels and videos online that include yoga classes.

You could start running your own yoga classes online by recording videos of your classes and posting them on YouTube. You can also do this by posting them on premium video hosting sites like Wistia, and making the students pay to access the content.

Lastly, you can also earn money as an online yoga instructor by setting up a Patreon account and asking your students to pay you a monthly fee to publish a set amount of videos each month.

31. Design and Sell an App

Potential Income: $66,000 / year according to  Payscale’s survey
Hours: Many hours to create, fewer once app is ready and on the market.
How To Get The Job: Learn how to create

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