11 Incredible Things To Do In Botswana, Africa

When it comes to exploring the most rural and rugged parts of Africa, you’ll find there are plenty of things to do in Botswana that offer unreal adventures.

Whether you’re looking to embark on a safari experience, get to know the local communities, relax in a national park or meander down one of the countries famous rivers, you’ll find Botswana offers a multitude of attractions.

Botswana is a land of pristine wilderness, and most people come here for game drives and wildlife experiences.

Watching elephants in Botswana

The country is made up of wetlands, grasslands, and of course, the massive Kalahari Desert.

Besides the sheer natural beauty of Botswana, the country is also one of the most financially and politically stable countries on the continent which makes it the perfect destination in Africa to visit.

We may have caught the sunrise in the Namibia Desert and relaxed on the white sand beaches of Mozambique, but traveling Botswana was unforgettable.

If you’re not sure what to do in Botswana, then keep reading for the most unmissable attractions!

Table Of Contents

Things To Do In Botswana 1. A Mokoro Ride in the Okavango Delta 2. Take a River Cruise Around the Chobe National Park 3. Take an ATV Across the Great Makgadikgadi Salt Pans 4. Game Drive in the Central Kalahari 5. See Rhinos at the Khama Rhino Sanctuary 6. Meet The San People 7. Watch The Zebra Migration at Nxai Pan National Park 8. Take a Hot-Air Balloon Safari 9. Visit Victoria Falls 10. Game Drive in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park 11. See Rock Paintings at Tsodilo Hills Best Time To Visit Botswana Final Thoughts More Africa Travel Tips Pin To Save On Pinterest

Things To Do In Botswana

Here are our favorite experiences and things to do in Botswana.

1. A Mokoro Ride in the Okavango Delta

Taking a ride in a mokoro is the perfect way to experience the Okavango Delta.

The mokoro is a traditional dugout wooden canoe. They are used in shallow waters where the poler can steer the mokoro, making it the perfect way to cross shallow waterways of the Okavango Delta.

The Delta is one of the top wildlife spectacles in the world. In fact, you have probably seen it on BBC’s Planet Earth or on the cover of National Geographic. The delta is a mixture of sand, marsh, and water filled with African wildlife.

A mokoro ride through the delta is an incredible way to get up close and personal with one of Arica’s top destinations. Safari-goers float through tranquil channels in the heart of Botswana. Just watch out for the hippos!

A trip to the Okavango Delta doesn’t come cheap. To get the most bang for buck try self-driving into Moremi Game Reserve and camping. Mokoro trips can easily be arranged at these campsites or in Maun at Old Bridge Backpackers.

2. Take a River Cruise Around the Chobe National Park

Seeing elephants in Chobe National Park was one of our favorite experiences in Botswana.

The base for the Chobe National Park, Kasane connects Botswana , Namibia , Zimbabwe, and Zambia together making Chobe National Park one of the most accessible in all of Africa.

Besides the ease of getting there, Chobe National Park has one of the largest concentrations of game in all of Africa.

The park is home to all of the Big Five (elephant, lion, buffalo, rhino, and leopard). It is even estimated that there are over 120,000 elephants in the park.

So with just a few hours in the park, you are almost guaranteed to see an elephant on a Botswana safari.

The best part about visiting Botswana’s first park is that you can take either a traditional land safari or sunset cruises. We decided to try out both and saw just about everything you could hope for while in Botswana.

From the Chobe River, we were able to get up close with crocodiles, buffalo, beautiful birdlife, and baby elephants bathing.

While on land we could view things like baby impala, vultures, and lionesses with their cubs.

Don’t miss a chance to see animals grazing in the Savuti Marsh.

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Overland safaris and river cruises into the Chobe National Park can all be arranged once in Kasane, or you can book tours online via Viator here.

3. Take an ATV Across the Great Makgadikgadi Salt Pans

Vultures – another interesting animal to see in Botswana

The Botswana salt flats are one of the largest salt flats in the world. The landscapes here are some of the most unique in all of Botswana.

The Makgadikgadi Pans National Parks are in close distance to the town of Nata. From there you can drive to the Gweta entrance to enter the park.

The park is best explored by 4×4, but another popular option is to take quad bikes and drive off into the never-ending sunsets in the pans.

If you’re feeling adventurous then be sure to set up an overnight stay within the park. Here you will be able to spend the night watching the shooting stars on a bedroll next to a blazing fire, or “bush TV” as the Africans like to call it.

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We found great value at Nata Lodge. They not only have luxury lodges, but organized trips into the pans for a reasonable price. Check out rates, reviews and availability here .

Alternatively, you can check out tours of The Makgadikgadi Pans here!

4. Game Drive in the Central Kalahari

Botswana offers many great experiences and things to do.

There is so much beauty in the Kalahari between the sand acacias, apple leafs, sand dunes, and grasslands.

By some measurements, the Kalahari Desert holds the largest volume of sand in the world when compared to other deserts.

The Kalahari encompasses and humbles visitors who are at will to nature at its harshest. A 53,000 SQ km reserve in the desert can do that to you. The Central Kalahari Game Reserve is actually the second largest wildlife reserve.

The Central Kalahari Game Reserve is actually the second largest wildlife reserve in the world. Just because you are in one of the worlds most inhospitable environments doesn’t mean you won’t see any animals.

The wildlife here have adapted to the harsh climate and viewing is at its best in the Kalahari. Wildebeest, zebra, cheetah, brown hyena, wild dogs, sitatunga antelope, red hartebeest, lions, and more roam free across their giant home in Botswana.

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Top tip: For self-drivers, the park requires a 4×4 vehicle. When going into remote places like the Kalahari it’s also important to pack enough water, food, and fuel to get you through your journey. It’s not for the faint of heart.

5. See Rhinos at the Khama Rhino Sanctuary

Unfortunately poaching has drastically decreased the rhino population.

You can find both black and white rhinos at the Khama Rhino Sanctuary outside of Seroe.

KRS is a community-based project run by the local Botswana community and benefit the local people and wildlife through sustainable tourism. If you have never seen a rhinoceros before then this place is the best for viewing the magnificent animals.

After eight months traveling in Africa  and over a dozen game drives, I have to say that viewing a rhinoceros is quite lucky. Unfortunately, due to the high demand for ivory in China and other countries, the lives of rhinos have been greatly affected.

It’s estimated that there are  less than 23,000 rhinos left in the world, and on average 16 rhinos are poached every 16 hours – that’s one per hour. If poaching continues, we could lose them all.

It’s a sad situation and that’s why I love the work that Khama is doing. Even if you get rhino-ed out (which you won’t), there are over 30 other species of animals in the sanctuary as well as abundant African bird life.

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Insider Tip:  When putting your Africa packing list together, bring your swimsuit. The Khama Rhino Sanctuary has a restaurant and a pool to cool off from the hot African sun.

6. Meet The San People

The San people, also known as the San Bushmen, have a rich history deeply intertwined with Botswana.

They are known as the earliest hunter-gatherers in southern Africa, and their cultural significance is profound.

For those who want to learn more about Africa’s communities and tribes, visiting the San communities is a rare opportunity to learn about their ancient traditions, hear stories from their pasts, and learn about their unique hunting and gathering practices as well as their distinct languages and art forms.

The San’s harmonious relationship with nature and their deep understanding of the land is nothing short of inspiring.

Their resilience in preserving their heritage despite significant challenges adds a layer of admiration and respect.

7. Watch The Zebra Migration at Nxai Pan National Park

If you time your visit for December to March, you can catch the awe-inspiring annual migration of zebra at Nxai Pan National Park.

As thousands of herds of zebras embark on their journey across the moon-like landscapes of Makgadikgadi Salt Pans and Nxai Pan, you’ll witness what is known as one of the largest migrations in southern Africa.

Nxai Pan National Park is also a special place. It has a unique landscape made up of a combination of salt pans, grasslands, baines’ baobabs, and acacia woodlands, which offers a natural backdrop of unspoiled wilderness to view this migration from.

Nxai Pan National Park is also famous for its flamingos and pelicans which migrate here at the same time (November to April).

8. Take a Hot-Air Balloon Safari

Soaring above the magnificent landscapes in a hot air balloon is one of the most magical things to do in Botswana.

You can float above The Okavango Delta and Chobe Region, looking down over a breathtaking aerial view of the lush delta, meandering waterways, and diverse wildlife below.

These sunrise safaris are truly unforgettable and a sure bucket list moment in Africa. As you look across the vast wilderness, with a 360-degree panoramic view, you’ll see the animals waking up. You may even spot some lionesses on their morning hunt!

9. Visit Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls actually sits on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, but it’s close to the borders of Botswana and is possible to view on a day trip from Kasane.

From the nearby town of Kasane, you can visit the Natural Wonder of the World, known locally as Mosi-oa-Tunya, “The Smoke That Thunders,” and witness the sheer power of nature.

The thundering roar and misty spray of the falls, along with the surrounding rainforest, is one experience in Africa not to miss.

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Check out this day trip to Victoria Falls from Kasane here!

10. Game Drive in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

Another great park for a game drive is Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, which is known for its rugged beauty and diverse wildlife including gemsbok, springbok, eland, and blue wildebeest.

The striking contrast of the red dunes against the expansive scrubland paints a scene that can only be described as postcard-perfect.

11. See Rock Paintings at Tsodilo Hills

Another cultural attraction in Botswana not to miss is a chance to see the ancient rock paintings at Tsodilo Hills, which showcases the profound connection between human history and spirituality.

These enigmatic artworks, believed to be thousands of years old, adorn the caves and rock shelters of the hills, offering an extraordinary glimpse into the cultural heritage of the region.

The intricate designs depict scenes of hunting, dancing, and symbolic motifs, reflecting the spiritual beliefs and daily lives of the San people who once inhabited the area.

Best Time To Visit Botswana

Botswana is a country that is best visited during the dry winter months from May to October.

This is when there’s lots of animal viewing opportunities, as the wildlife congregates around water sources, making it easier to spot them against the backdrop of the dry terrain.

The weather is usually warm and sunny in the day, but pleasantly cool in the night.

The rainy season runs from November until March, which isn’t the best time to visit as flooding is common.

Final Thoughts

While the capital city of Botswana, Gaborone, doesn’t offer much in the way of attractions, needless to say there is still plenty on offer in this diverse country!

We hope this guide helped you plan your trip to Botswana and gave you some inspiration for things to do and places to see.

You can learn more about overlanding the continent of Africa on The World Pursuit’s  Hashtag Africa page .

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