2 Days in Casablanca Itinerary: Ultimate Guide

Are you looking for a two days in Casablanca itinerary? Then you are in the right spot.  
Casablanca is a beautiful city in Morocco, and it has a lot to offer. But how can you fit all these amazing spots in just a short trip?  
Luckily for you, I have just visited Casablanca and I know all the ins and outs of the city.   For that reason, I have created this ultimate itinerary showing you how to spend two lovely days in Casablanca.   Let’s get to it!
2 Days in Casablanca Itinerary: Overview

Day 1:

Hassan II Mosque
Rick’s Café


Old Medina


Eglise de Sacre Coeur
Villa des Arts



Day 2:

Eglise Norte Dame des Lourdes
Palais Royal
Quartier Habous


Parc de La Ligue Arabe
Morocco Mall

Day 1:  
Hassan II Mosque
We’ll start our two days in Casablanca itinerary with the biggest highlight of the city, the Hassan II Mosque.  
The Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca is one of the largest mosques in the world, and it is quite impressive.   It has a capacity to accommodate over 25,000 worshippers.  
Its minaret stands tall at 210 meters, making it the tallest in the world. One of my favorite things about it, is that the mosque is beautifully perched on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean.
It’s open to non-Muslim visitors for guided tours, and I definitely recommend going in. The wood carvings and colorful mosaics inside are truly stunning.
Plan at least two hours for a full tour of the Mosque and the attached museum, since there is a lot to see.
Rick’s Café
Rick’s Café in Casablanca is a super cool restaurant inspired by the classic 1942 movie “Casablanca.”  
It is a renovated old mansion and all decorated in nostalgic charm, with funky decor and piano music. It is one of the must-see spots in Morocco.
The café serves a mix of Moroccan and international dishes. You can either eat lunch there if you can snatch a seat (it can get pretty busy) or wait and eat at our next stop.
Old Medina
Our next stop on this itinerary is the Old Medina. The Old Medina of Casablanca is located in the city center, just a short distance from the Hassan II Mosque and close to the port.
It is a smaller, more traditional area where you can get a feel for the old city. It’s full of narrow, winding streets to get lost in.
Of course, it also has the famous narrow shops selling everything from spices to textiles. Not only is this place super Instagram-worthy, but you can also grab some delicious lunch there.  
Eglise du Sacré-Cœur
The Eglise du Sacré-Cœur, or Church of the Sacred Heart, in Casablanca is a stunning example of Gothic Revival architecture. Interestingly, you can also see some Moroccan style blended into it.  
It was originally built as a Catholic church in the 1930s. Today, it is no longer used for religious services and now serves as a cultural center.  
One of my favorite parts of this church are the impressive stained glass windows. You can simply visit the church or check the even calendar for exhibitions or concerts.  
Villa des Arts
The Villa des Arts is another cultural hotspot that needs to be on everyone’s two days in Casablanca itinerary.
The Villa des Arts is an art museum housed in a beautiful Art Deco building from the 1930s. It’s dedicated to contemporary art, and you can see works by Moroccan and international artists there.  
The museum is run by the Foundation ONA and one of its highlights is the tranquil garden setting in the back.
It is a small, peaceful escape from the city’s busy streets and chaos on the markets.  
Corniche is one of my favorite neighborhoods in Casablanca because it is right by the beach.  
It has a long promenade perfect for strolls, along with beaches, pools, and lots of cool other entertainment options.  
For dinner, try La Sqala Restaurant. It is located in an old fortress with a charming garden setting.  
You can sample delicious Moroccan cuisine in great and relaxed atmosphere. It is one of the places you shouldn’t miss when spending two days in Casablanca.
Day 2:
Eglise Notre Dame de Lourdes
The Eglise de Notre Dame de Lourdes is another Catholic church that is worth visiting in Casablanca.  
It is mostly known for its striking modern architecture, it does not look too much like a church from the outside. It has a huge concrete facade and an impressive stained glass window that covers much of the building.  
Inside, the colorful glass casts beautiful light patterns, which is absolutely worth seeing. Don’t forget to visit the small grotto outside, it has special religious meaning.  
Palais Royal
The Palais Royal in Casablanca is usually not open to the public, but it’s an impressive sight from the outside. And since it is right across the street from our next stop, it is still great to walk by.
The Palais is located in the Habous Quarter, and is surrounded by high walls and guarded gates.  
It is the king’s official residence in the city whenever he resides here. Other members of the Royal family stay here as well.  
It is also a great example of Moroccan architecture, so make sure to stop by during your two days in Casablanca.  
Habous Quarter
The Habous Quarter, also known as the New Medina, is a charming area in Casablanca. It is a great place to spend a couple of hours.
The area was built by the French in the 1930s. They tried to blend Moroccan traditional architecture with modern needs. The result was an orderly version of a traditional medina – it is nothing like the maze you encounter in Marrakech’s medina.  
You can still find lots of fabulous shops selling handmade stuff, leather goods, and traditional Moroccan pastries. A highlight for me was the olive market, where we could sample all kinds of different olives.
Sabrina’s tip: Don’t miss trying some local treats at Patisserie Bennis. It is famous for its delicious Moroccan sweets.
There are also a lot of beautiful mosques and squares in the area, so you can really take your time here, grab lunch and shoot lots of pictures.  
Parque de la Ligue Arabe
After these culturally intense stops, it is time to switch gears and relax a little. And the Parc de la Ligue Arabe is the perfect spot for it.
It is one of the largest and oldest public parks in Casablanca. It’s a beautiful green oasis right in the middle of the city.
The park is perfect for long walks, jogging, or just relaxing on a bench and watching the cute birds.  
If you grabbed some sweets in the Habous Quarter, this is the perfect spot to indulge in them.  
Morocco Mall
The Morocco Mall in Casablanca is one of the largest shopping centers in Africa. After spending all day outside in the Moroccan heat, you’ll likely enjoy this small escape into air conditioning.
The mall offers lots of shops, ranging from high-end international brands to local boutiques. This is the perfect spot to grab a souvenir.  
Besides shopping, the mall also has a massive aquarium, an IMAX cinema, and some restaurants for your last dinner on your two days in Casablanca.  
How Many Days Do You Need in Casablanca?
If you are only interested in seeing the city, you two days is perfect for Casablanca.  
If you hurry along, you can even see most of the highlights in one day in Casablanca . That of course is ideal for cruise ship guests.  
One of the perks of Casablanca is, that it is super central in the country and you can do lots of day trips of even weekend trips to other cool places in Morocco.  
Many people combine a visit to Casablanca with Marrakech, or even include Casablanca in a full week of Morocco itinerary.  
I suggest to spend at least three days there, and include a visit to the capital city of Rabat as well. It is easy to reach from Casablanca and beautiful.  
Conclusion: Two Days in Casablanca Itinerary
This sums up our two days in Casablanca itinerary. Of course, we included a visit to the stunning Hassan II Mosque. In my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful spots in Morocco.  
But we also explore the traditional Old Medina, as well as the New Medina in the Quartier Habous.  
Naturally, the two famous catholic churches also made it into this itinerary, since they provide a fantastic contrast to the Moroccan mosques.  
I hope you enjoy your time in Casablanca as much as I did.  
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The post 2 Days in Casablanca Itinerary: Ultimate Guide appeared first on Mommy Travels .

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