11 Historical Sites in Jordan You Have To Visit (And All The History You Need to Know)

Jordan is a country filled with amazing history and antiquity sites, but where to start? We’ve created a primer for the 11 historical sites in Jordan you have to visit to understand the country’s rich and diverse past through exploring its historic places. As a country, Jordan is less than 80 years old. However, this territory has been pivotal in history for thousands of years. It saw the death of Moses and the baptism of Jesus and connected Europe to Asia. Sometimes, this connection created immeasurable wealth. Other times it saw battles that shaped the history of the world for thousands of years.
Join us as we explore the historical sites in Jordan from a tourist viewpoint, focusing on Jordanian history and its people.

Map of Jordan Historical Sites
Jordan has one of the most unusual and complex borders in the world. The western edge follows the Jordan River. Beyond that, it was created as a political construct from the Sykes-Picot agreement, where European powers divided up the Ottoman Empire after World War 1. The population density and historical sites are clustered along the western border, but it’s the country’s interaction with the desert that makes it unique.
We’re opening our article with an interactive map of Jordan historical sites. We created it with native Google pins loaded with enhanced metadata like reviews and pictures, so take a little time to click around and get a virtual lay of the land. If it doesn’t load, click the refresh button. We think it’s worth it 
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