10 of the Best Scuba Diving Spots in the Philippines

Out of Town Blog
10 of the Best Scuba Diving Spots in the Philippines
Experience Thrilling Dives in the Philippines: Top Diving Spots
The Philippines offers some of the world’s best scuba diving spots, making it a must-visit destination for diving enthusiasts. Among these top sites is the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park , a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its rich marine biodiversity and beautiful coral formations. Divers can expect to encounter a wide variety of marine life, including fish, corals, and even sharks.
Best Diving Spots in the Philippines
For those looking to explore more, Apo Reef Natural Park is another excellent location. This site boasts the second-largest contiguous coral reef system in the world, making it perfect for both novice and experienced divers. Malapascua in Cebu is famous for its thresher shark sightings, making it a unique diving experience.
Other notable spots include Coron in Palawan, known for its shipwreck dives, and Anilao in Batangas, acclaimed for its macro photography opportunities. Each of these sites offers its own distinct underwater adventures, ensuring that divers of all levels find something to enjoy when diving in the Philippines.
Understanding Scuba Diving in the Philippines
Scuba Diving in the Philippines
Scuba diving in the Philippines offers an incredible adventure in one of the world’s most biodiverse environments. Located in the Pacific Ocean and part of the Coral Triangle, the Philippines is home to thousands of marine species.
Diverse Diving Spots
The country boasts numerous diving spots. Tubbataha Reefs and Apo Reef are two of the most renowned. Both are UNESCO World Heritage Sites known for their rich marine biodiversity.
Marine Life and Biodiversity
Divers can encounter a vast range of marine life including whale sharks, thresher sharks, and colorful coral reefs. Schools of fish, sea turtles, and various species of rays also populate these waters.
Environmental Conditions
The warm tropical waters and clear visibility make the Philippines an ideal location for both beginners and experienced divers. The Coral Triangle adds to this unique underwater environment, offering some of the best coral formations in the world.
Types of Dives
Different regions offer unique diving experiences:

Wreck Diving : Explore World War II shipwrecks in Coron, Palawan .
Macro Diving : Discover rare critters in Anilao, Batangas .
Shark Diving : Observe thresher sharks in Malapascua, Cebu .

Popular Dive Locations
Here’s a quick list of must-visit dive spots:

Tubbataha Reefs
Apo Reef

Each site provides unique underwater experiences, from coral gardens and underwater caves to historical wrecks.
Iconic Dive Locations
Philippines offers some of the world’s best scuba diving spots, known for their rich biodiversity, stunning coral reefs, and unique underwater experiences. This section highlights iconic dive locations, exploring key features and attractions.
Tubbataha Reefs photo by Jerome Kim
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Sulu Sea. Known for vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life, it attracts divers from around the globe. Featuring vertical walls, caves, and extensive lagoons, it offers a variety of underwater landscapes.
Popular dive sites include Amos Rock , Shark Airport , and Washing Machine . Liveaboard trips are the best way to explore this remote park, ensuring ample time at celebrated spots. The marine park is renowned for sightings of reef sharks, manta rays, and various species of turtles.
Frogfish in Malapascua photo via Pixabay
Malapascua Island
Malapascua Island in Cebu is famous for sightings of the elusive thresher sharks at Monad Shoal. These sharks are a major draw for divers eager for unique encounters. Monad Shoal is also home to devil rays, manta rays, and occasional hammerhead sharks.
Other notable dive sites include Gato Island , known for its tunnels and cave systems, and Lighthouse Reef , which offers excellent night diving opportunities. Malapascua is also a great spot for finding frogfish, nudibranchs, and other macro marine life.
CORON DIVING, DISCOVERY FLEET Dive into the Philippines
Coron Bay
Coron Bay in Palawan is synonymous with World War II shipwrecks. It’s one of the best wreck diving destinations globally, featuring ghostly remains of Japanese warships. Wrecks like Okikawa Maru and Irako Maru provide a fascinating glimpse into history.
The bay offers varied dives suitable for all levels, from shallow wrecks perfect for beginners to deep technical dives. Besides wrecks, the area has beautiful coral gardens and excellent visibility, making it a paradise for underwater photographers.
Apo Reef Natural Park
Apo Reef Natural Park
Apo Reef Natural Park is located off the coast of Occidental Mindoro and is the second-largest contiguous coral reef system in the world. This marine sanctuary is rich in biodiversity, featuring walls, caves, and large lagoons.
Diving here, one can witness schools of jacks, barracudas, and groupers. Encounters with reef sharks and rays are common. The Apo 29 site is particularly popular for its depth and diverse marine life. The park is accessible via liveaboard trips, ensuring comprehensive exploration of its underwater splendors.
Diving in Anilao by Pascal van de Vendel via Unsplash
Anilao, Batangas
Anilao in Batangas is celebrated for its vibrant marine biodiversity, particularly renowned among macro photographers. The area offers numerous dive sites with rich muck diving opportunities, allowing divers to see nudibranchs, frogfish, and pygmy seahorses.
Popular spots include Secret Bay , Mainit Point , and Sombrero Island . Anilao’s proximity to Manila makes it a convenient weekend getaway for local and visiting divers. The area’s clear waters and diverse marine life make it an excellent spot for underwater photography and exploration.
Dive Puerto Galera
Puerto Galera
Puerto Galera in Mindoro is known for its diverse marine life and extensive coral gardens. It’s a favorite among muck diving enthusiasts, with sites like Sabang Wrecks and Manila Channel offering exquisite underwater experiences.
The area includes over 40 dive sites, featuring vibrant reefs, drift dives, and deep dives. Canyons and Verde Island are particularly notable for their strong currents and breathtaking coral formations. Puerto Galera is a prime spot for both novice and experienced divers.
A sea turtle swims close to the surface of the shore near Apo Island
Apo Island
Apo Island in Negros Oriental is famous for its thriving coral reefs and abundant marine life. It is one of the best spots in the Philippines to see sea turtles in their natural habitat. The island’s marine sanctuary is home to a variety of fish species, reef sharks, and beautiful coral gardens.
Key dive sites include Chapel’s Point and Rock Point East , offering clear waters and vibrant ecosystems. Apo Island’s underwater landscape is ideal for both snorkeling and diving, making it a popular destination for marine life enthusiasts.
Diver in Moalboal by Jerome Kim
Moalboal, Cebu
Diving in Moalboal, Cebu , is a must for enthusiasts due to its renowned Sardine Run, where millions of sardines create mesmerizing underwater spectacles, and the vibrant marine life around Pescador Island, which features stunning coral formations and diverse species.
The area offers a variety of accessible dive sites, including the Marine Sanctuary and Tongo, catering to different skill levels and showcasing a plethora of marine creatures like frogfish and scorpionfish. Additionally, the beautiful reefs and wall dives along Panagsama and White Beach further enhance the diving experience, making Moalboal a top destination for underwater exploration.
Orange skunk clownfish in Dauin Negros Oriental photo via DepositPhotos.com
Dauin, Negros Oriental
Diving in Dauin, Negros Oriental, is highly recommended due to its world-class muck diving, where divers can encounter unique and rare critters like frogfish, seahorses, and nudibranchs. The area also boasts impressive coral reefs and marine biodiversity, particularly around Apo Island, which is renowned for its stunning corals and abundant marine life, including turtles and over 400 species of corals.
The variety of diving experiences available, from shore dives to boat dives, ensures that divers of all levels can enjoy the underwater beauty of Dauin.
Nembrotha cristata at Balicasag Black Forest by Q Phia via Flickr cc
Balicasag Island, Bohol
Diving in Balicasag Island , Bohol, is a premier experience due to its extraordinary marine biodiversity and well-preserved coral reefs. The island offers several top-notch dive sites, including Black Forest and Cathedral, where divers can encounter a variety of marine life such as turtles, barracudas, and vibrant coral gardens.
The steep walls and clear waters provide excellent visibility, making it ideal for both macro and wide-angle photography. Additionally, the island’s status as a marine sanctuary ensures a rich and thriving underwater ecosystem, making every dive a memorable adventure.
Diving at Manta Bowl photo via Ticao Island Resort FB page

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