15 Best Things to do in Batroun Lebanon (and Nearby!)

If you haven’t heard of Batroun in Lebanon, well I cannot wait to tell you about it! I personally had no idea about it. Now here I am writing an extensive list of the best things to do in Batroun!

Full disclosure, I went to Lebanon on a whim, with no plans except to hopefully relax after one of my big group trips in Egypt. So I spent more days in Batroun than typical travelers who just go for a day trip or two!

If you’re short on time or trying to see all of Lebanon, I’d recommend a day tour. But if you want a fabulous beach town vacay, stay longer! Or join our upcoming 2023 group trip to “Underrated Mediterranean Beach Towns”!

Another disclaimer: there are affiliate links in here so I can actually earn some moolah from posting my FREE tips 
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